Reviews for What I'm waiting for
GREKOMAN DEMIGOD chapter 18 . 8/11/2017
Seriously this thing is not complete? Well on and on just keep updating fast . And I am a serious fan of pm, so seeing as it fanfic turned out to b the best among the millions read by me, just tell me on it next fanfic. Don't get me wrong this fanfic was referred to e by a fend. So I didn't like visit the fanfic centre. My mail address is so there. And seriously speakin' u r a bit depressing writer but awesome and really wonderful writer.
Guest chapter 18 . 1/5/2017
percybeth chapter 18 . 6/23/2016
please write another one I am dying to know
Guest chapter 2 . 2/28/2016
Well who killed Percy I need to know who he is and what happened to him.
What chapter 3 . 4/18/2015
"And then ran to my ran"?
Elemental Creation chapter 6 . 5/11/2014
poor kid..
Elemental Creation chapter 5 . 5/11/2014
Guest chapter 18 . 4/5/2014
Please, please, PRETTY PLEASE (gets down on knees) UPDATE! It is 2014! It has been 3 years! UPDATE! This is such a good story!
StyleSnark chapter 2 . 2/28/2014
Percy has BLACK hair, NOT BROWN!
Guest chapter 18 . 12/3/2013
Scribble Hawk chapter 18 . 11/17/2013
Hey! Just wanted to tell you that the idea of your story is really nice. And the fact that Grover named his son Percy is really sweet. And can Ali be anymore Adorable!? The way she calls Nico 'Nito' and Kati 'Tati'... So CUTE! Love ya lady!
asdfghjkjuhytredsd chapter 18 . 11/7/2013
Me: Yes, a very good question.
Grover: Downingtown?
Katie: Michigan?
Ali: Mobie?
Me: Mobie? Ooh, movie. Er... Maybe... I'll go check, good idea Ali!]

Please, please, PLEAAASSEE keep writing!
asdfghjkjuhytredsd chapter 9 . 11/7/2013
Me: Oh, that's terrible!
Annabeth: I know, right?
Percy: Hi guys!
Me: Wait, where'd you come from?
asdfghjkjuhytredsd chapter 8 . 11/7/2013
Whoa. Bad Daniel! BAD! **pulls out tiny spray bottle and starts spraying him like you do with dogs**
asdfghjkjuhytredsd chapter 4 . 11/7/2013
Me: Oooh, poor Annie.
Annabeth: Don't call me Annie!
Me: Right, sorry Beth!
Annabeth: Don't call me Beth either!
Me: Okay, Annie!
Annabeth: Grrr...
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