Reviews for In Pathos
Guest chapter 7 . 8/25/2015
I hope you can one day continue with this story! please consider updating soon!
deaththecripple chapter 7 . 7/15/2012
I'd love to see where you plan on taking this, and what kyoko's trauma is... I look forward to any continuation you may do in the future, because you've got me interested now.
Miaka mouse chapter 7 . 5/30/2012
It's been a year. I've really missed this fic. I actually really loved the first chapter since it's what piqued my interest. I want to know what happens next! Please update
lol. Anon joke chapter 7 . 5/13/2012
Hey. This story is actually pretty good so far. Shame there's only seven chapters.
R chapter 7 . 10/13/2011
Are you going to continue? I'm really hooked into this story. I usually don't read AUs but this is amazing!
Iris Anthe chapter 7 . 8/31/2011
Okay, here's my honest evaluation so far. I am now hooked on this story. You've piqued my curiosity and created an interesting scenario that remains largely mysterious. That said, the initial chapters are just a little on the vague and disjointed side at times and even when building a world where the system by which everything operates is a mystery, you still have to throw the reader a few more lines to grab onto and survive the toss about until things become clearer. But, you've managed it, just barely, because I for one am hooked and waiting for some plot details to kick in. I'd really like to see where this is going, and I'd really like to get a sense of just what exactly Kyouko's job entails. I think you have many ways to explore here that you've set up, and I'd be happy to find out some details about any one of them. All in all, I like it and want to read more. I just get a little tired when faced with too much glazed over details that will in theory come to light later. I don't wish to come across as too negative, because I really do like this piece. I hope you will continue it soon.
A Midsummer Night's Dreams chapter 7 . 6/5/2011
only thing I can't seem to fathom is why In Pathos and Beyond the Past(which I haven't read, yet) that are both in the Crime genre have the same exact date. what the hell happened in that day that managed to spawn 2 AU crime skip beat fics?*confused* What? Great minds think alike?

Hmmmm...Tsuruga's the same as always despite the change in career(Lawyer, eh?hmm...).Takarada's eccentric as always despite the change in Maria-chan is not here though.

On a random note, 7!How I love that number.
toughestcookie chapter 7 . 5/18/2011
VG... so its gonna be Reino et al right? Looking forward to next chapter.

Cant wait for Kyoko's background story, I hope you update soon! )
Rutoh-Chan chapter 7 . 5/9/2011
Interesting chapter. VG, huh... Yeah. Since it's been so long since the last update, I was a little lost at the beginning of the chapter, but things pieced together. So, what will happen next?
oneleggedstraycat chapter 7 . 5/9/2011
YEAH! You updated. I am sooo happy. Good chapter. Seems like things are going to get intense. I love the concept of this story. Logical. Well written. Suggestive. Has a way of slowly drawing the reader in. Very romantic in a quiet sort of way. Kyoko is different from the manga, but still a fascinating character. Somewhat dark, critical, and mysterious, but at the same time seems to have a caring heart and is a little naive. Can't wait to see where you take the characters.
Angela chapter 7 . 5/9/2011
Weeeeewww!, please update as soon as you can!o: I can't wait for another chapter!), I really like the concept of this piece also, Extremely dramatic and mysterious:). Can't wait, update as soon as possible or when able to _
starberrysshinee chapter 6 . 12/21/2010
It's so cryptic! TTTT

It's good though ] I'm just really confused since its only the beginning of the story.

Good luck with the rest of the chapters~
The one chapter 6 . 11/19/2010
I'm reading this! And waiting for an update... soon please?
Ningen Demonai chapter 6 . 10/16/2010
As a person who loves the heck outta AUs, I'm surprised that I didn't see this before. Anyway, this is really interesting to read. It's fun to see how this different environment and occupation has changed people but still kept them the same characters we love today. I can't wait to see how this will go!
oneleggedstraycat chapter 6 . 10/6/2010
Awesome story. Getting better and better as it goes on. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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