Reviews for A Problem of Pediatric Proportions
Returning symph chapter 28 . 5/27
I loved reading this during uni, and would love to see it continued,
I have to say it is the best TOS fanfic I have read and it’s a shame not to see it finished,

U are also such an amazing writer
Relina16 chapter 28 . 5/10/2019
please come back to this story I love it.
yuutojaden chapter 28 . 4/12/2019
please continue
Guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
I’m not sure if this is a hopeless message, but please update this. This fic contains a large part of my heart and I still think about it and it’s been almost 6 years.
Melodyrose621 chapter 28 . 8/1/2016
Interesting story so far. I quite curious to see how this story turns out, I hope you update more chapters.
Kiomori chapter 1 . 6/15/2016
So I'm not sure if you still visit FFN or even see these reviews anymore, but I was thinking about this story again and wanted to share my thoughts with you.

First of all, this is one of my favorite Tales stories I've read to this date and it is entirely deserved in my opinion. The story is unique, the characters feel alive, and it didn't forget the humor sprinkled in. It's a blast to read and I'm glad people are still finding it in favorites lists and the ToS story list today. Even unfinished, it's a wonderful story.

This was actually one of the stories that I read as it updated during college. This, along with a few others, had such regular schedules that they actually found their way into my regular week. I'd open up my laptop on a specific day each week as I ate in the dining hall and enjoyed these updates. They were a welcome getaway and lightened the week each time. Thanks for that!

I hope you are well after all this time. It seems like you vanished suddenly and I still think back to you and the story fairly often. It's been years now but I still hope one day I'll see new life in the story again. Hopefully you are alright and just away from FFN and not anything worse, but even if so I wanted to say thank you for your writing and for sharing it with all of us.
Fireblane chapter 1 . 1/22/2016
Hi I really love ur story and is wondering if u r going to continue or if it has been abandoned?
Lily Violet Oak chapter 6 . 12/12/2015
Okay, just rereading this, and I remembered that I had wanted to say, when I read this, I always picture the House of Guidance nun as Sister Bikini from the third Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney game! I have no idea why, but I can't help it! I always wondered if you had played that game.

Well, I just want to say again, thanks for this great story!
Lily Violet Oak chapter 27 . 12/12/2015
Hey, it's me again! I just started reading this AMAZING story again, started thinking of my favorite parts, and I am planning to read it to my mom since I got her into Tales of Symphonia recently. Her favorite character now is Regal, while mine is, and has always been, Kratos. I have said before that this is my favorite Tales of Symphonia story EVER, and that remains true even now!

I would be SO, SO happy if you ever decide to continue this story! Are you planning to ever write more, or is this story dead? I just really hope to read more sometime! Thank you so much for giving us all such a wonderful story! You ROCK!
Kiomori chapter 28 . 11/10/2015
I just finished retreading this story again. I still love it and the writing and story is great.

It's been a couple years since you updated last. I hope everything is okay on your end, since it seemed pretty unexpected. Hopefully it's just disinterest or writer's block and not something worse!

I hope you are alright and if you return to this story one day I will be here to read it!
arisu tsuranu chapter 28 . 11/2/2015
please come back. I reread this story so much and I miss your writing so much.
Lily Violet Oak chapter 28 . 3/7/2015
Hey again! I was just wondering: are you ever planning on continuing this story? As I mentioned before in a review, this was the story that would keep me coming back here over and over to see if there was a new chapter. I'm telling you, this is THE BEST Tales of Symphonia fic I have ever read! I would be so, so ecstatic if you wrote more! Remember, Lloyd still doesn't even know that Kratos is his dad! We NEED more of this story! Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Thanks!
Glimare chapter 27 . 10/14/2014
Please please please continue this one! I need to know what happens next and who that guy in the painting is. i've been rereading this because I love the fluff scenes, adn I don't do that for a lot of fics, especially long ones.
so yeah, please continue. It's jsut too good to stop.
Rune chapter 28 . 10/12/2014
My sides. I almost wish this happened in-game. It certainly would have been more entertain than tat extra boss.

...I don't suppose you have another written chapter lying around do you?
*Glances at date*
Glimare chapter 28 . 9/26/2014
Please please please tell me there's more! This was just awesome and I was thoroughly enjoying it. The Kratos/Lloyd scenes were the best, and Colette with Yuan was awesome! So funny. Please tell me there's more! X3
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