Reviews for Temp Job
Mellen42 chapter 20 . 12/10/2019
Wow! Excellent, facinating story
s.mansoni chapter 20 . 1/9/2019
Fantastic story. Loved it!
Guest chapter 14 . 1/25/2016
Charile could live anywhere in the world. He could at a lower end college or private businesses. Hell he could work from home of wanted.
enkeli-kitsu chapter 20 . 10/7/2013
Yay! I finished. Go Colby, hero! Thank goodness he figured out the laptop could be traced before the mercs got there.

Gosh, poor Charlie, what extremely bad luck that landslide happened right then. Did he set it off by the vibration of his ruuning feet maybe? He must have extra super night vision to be able to run through a forest in at night. You can;t even see the ground let alone a couple feet ahead of you!

I especailly like Ian in feral mode. Mud, knife, bare chest and feet, save the day!

I really really enjoyed reading your fanfic. A real plot line for one thing! Action, suspense, humor plus whumping. What more could I ask for? :D Please write more Numb3rs stuff!
enkeli-kitsu chapter 6 . 10/7/2013
*gasp* Don! Don! It's the same limo as took Charlie! Don't you REMEMBER those letters? Bravo bravo Larry? Ohhh I think Charlie is up to his neck in it and doesn't even know it. You know what Charlie? Putting an unbreakable encryption on your work is only gonna make them suspicious and mad! Why would ya do that?

"We're the FBI for Christ's sake" Love it Don. So please remember that number plate and go save Charlie because I have a feeling AutoDyne is NOT gonna be happy about their consultants suddeny clamming up on them.

I love how you write Ian and Don together. They just bounce off each other perfectly! They should be a team :D

I am totally hooked and I wish I could read the whole thing in one go but I'm forced to stop and go to class :( So looking forward to finishing it!
Guest chapter 20 . 2/25/2013
great story!the plot was good and the writing, awesome!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
amazing chapter! hooked now :)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
I enjoy good writing in fanfiction and I appreciate your comments under your author information. I also agree about "less than good" writing. If I don't like the writing, I don't have to read it and I don't have to criticize the author (who may be very young). There are hundreds of other stories out there that are well written. And, AMEN, to completed stories before posting starts.
ZuWang chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
I'm going to keep reading, but I just wanted to let you know I'm impressed from the beginning. Character, plot, and even the rhythm are good. It's always nice to read a real story here-especially when the author (or beta?) watches the little things, like grammar and spelling!
insanechildfanfic chapter 20 . 11/3/2012
I just loved this. Such a wonderful action packed mystery; where both Eppes brothers use their instincts to figure out half the case and have to stay ahead. And Ian at the end, brillant
angel313 chapter 20 . 10/7/2012
That was awesome. Please write more Numb3rs stories. It's good. Thank u
Guest chapter 20 . 8/16/2012
That was good
Kunal chapter 20 . 1/16/2012
Really enjoyed this story and looking forward to reading more of your fics. Looking at your list of completed stories, there is a distinct bias towards detective/crime solving shows; have you watched the British TV show Sherlock, the latest one by the BBC? A friend sent me out season 1 and it's amazing! Definitely worthwhile if you're looking for a new show.
June chapter 20 . 11/6/2011
I really enjoyed this story; it's extremely well plotted with competent and dangerous villains and then on top of that we get bonus Ian Edgerton! The part where Ian, Don and Colby are on Charlie's trail and then find him were, for me, particularly enjoyable because I do have a thing for my heros being competent, and between the three of them - especially Ian and Colby - they were pretty spectacularly competent. Ian preternaturally so, just as in canon.

I also liked the way that Colby and Ian could do what was necessary to extract Charlie, which Don knew was necessary and - presumably - would have done himself had it been possible and had there been no other way to save Charlie, but could not here bring himself to do. Lovely characterisation! :)

I enjoyed the pacing of the story very much too; I was just beginning to relax, thinking the Fedcakes had it all handled, when Colby made his realisation about the GPS. Eeeeeep! The part where Don/Ian, LAPD et al are racing to the scene of the gunbattle had me literally on the edge of my seat as I read, not least because of the chopper's devastating commentary. And then Colby! I think I might have stopped breathing when they discovered the disastrous scene. Certainly what Colby - and David - did, risking themselves to protect their charge, was so very in character and I'm so relieved that you brought them through with no lasting harm, except perhaps that occasioned by Don's cooking...

Lovely, lovely stuff. I enjoy all the Numb3rs cast of characters but particularly Ian and Colby, so to find such a well-written and satisfying story that gave both of those a strong role has made my day. Thank you so much.
Music Marauder chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
I quite enjoyed reading this...and I always love when Ian is around. Thanks for posting. :)
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