Reviews for Not From Here
deepobsession chapter 1 . 10/11/2018
I keep coming back to re-read this one (on AO3). I’m just going to put it out there (in 2018 - 5 years since it was last updated) I’d still like to see it completed! Thank you nonetheless 3
Heather Y chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
So hoping to read more of this story it's my favorite Sookie/Eric story I have read! I am addicted and I need my fix soon. Please, Please, Please update soon! I am reading this on your other site and am caught up and now I am desperate to read more.
Avalonemyst chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
So where's the story?
Tophers Mamma chapter 97 . 6/2/2012
I have been lost in your story. I absolutely love it. I have yet to be disappointed by any of your stories. You seem to write rather well and you have a great imagination. I hope you decide to continue with this story.
bethelove chapter 85 . 5/31/2012
Finally got to reaad this chapter and it was good, hope to catch to other soon - but keep the great work with this story, please..
luvnikki7 chapter 51 . 5/20/2012
tooo cute! very funny. loved it. Soo sad about sexually frustrated Eric though. Sookie is MEAN!
DarkAngel620 chapter 97 . 3/4/2012
Ahhhh! *insert fangirl squeel here* Yes! Go Eric! Teach those pathetic little shit heads whose really the boss! ...I kept thinking he was actually gonna step up to defend her,like he did, but also say something like "Touch her and I'll slaughter every last one of you." I mean, sure it might not turn out well, but could you imagine the look on their faces at him talking? :D Not to mention having Eric back to his usual badass cocky powerful self back for a bit would be totally awesome! lol
mybonded chapter 97 . 3/4/2012
Love this chapter. I can't wait to read about Eric and the hungry vamps...
VixensLair chapter 97 . 3/4/2012
Please feed my vampire crack addiction and update soon.
LostInBonTemps chapter 97 . 3/3/2012
I just finished reading all 97 chapters. This is an amazing sort! There is so much going and Sookie and Eric's dynamic is so unique! I am really intrigued to find out the truth about this curse on the world and what was going on in that warehouse the rebels attacked.

Please update soon! Thanks!
ilovemysteries chapter 97 . 3/1/2012
what a come back chapter, nice to see u again ;p I enjoyed this chapter, we got some closure on del-lion's love, only to find more mystery in the form of a look-a-like child with lilac eyes. then we get a vengeful jen-ella, and eric protecting danielle te slave girl, from jen-ella's pet vamps... I can't wait to see how this plays out... hope you get to post another update soon ;p
VixensLair chapter 51 . 2/29/2012
More kissing and lemons, please. Great story.
VixensLair chapter 35 . 2/29/2012
"I would just like to for warn everybody that from this point onwards the content of this story will be more mature." It's about darn time! lol
VixensLair chapter 25 . 2/29/2012
I would say "don't be a cock tease," but since I am a girl... "stop being a crotch tease!"
VixensLair chapter 21 . 2/29/2012
I now love that this reminds me of when Cordelia was sucked into the portal on Angel. Now dammit, go get Eric!
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