Reviews for Quieter Than Silence
alyssa stuckey chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
I just want to read it over and over again. AWESOME! i love nacy!
Channy and Nacy F and A chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
wow thats somthing it kinda scerd me a little but i like it
JD chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
O wow what a story. It's so dark and descriptive as if you were really getting into the mind of a teen rock star. && the cruel reality of the world and it's dishonesty. Nicely done and than a bit of the smut seem well achieved at the end which made a nice ending to this dark sober fanfic of yours. chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
nooooo way. i never thought lemons could be beautiful. you proved me wrong.
faerietaleredux chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
Somehow I missed this when you first published it. I'm really curious to see what you think of the new season of this show and the 180 its done in various respects. I have mixed feelings-liking some things, and missing others. (Don't get me started on all the California stereotypes though *rolls eyes*). I'm trying to treat it as an entirely new show, so that my expectations and nostalgia won't detract from enjoying it for what it is. Something new.

On to this piece, which was took me for quite a loop. I'm sitting at break at work, where the AC has broken and we're all sitting around melting in the stuffy heat. At first I thought maybe Nick mixed up his medication or something and started taking something with paranoia and depression as a side effect. And then he took on this vibe of "the lost generation" and others I just refer to as "the old poets" (or maybe a modernist poet would be even more accurate, it's been a while since I studied all that)-searching desperately

for meaning in their troubled world and finding only emptiness. The way you wrote him was crazy and fascinating and sad. I was like o_0 with Nick the whole intro.

And then Macy steps in and ists like WOW a breath of fresh air. There she is just being herself-sweet and genuine and with that special spark, that Nick's only now completely registering (the way you illustrated Nick's assumption that she was pretty much lamely obsessed with him and the snarky way she refutes it was FABULOUS). ANd it's exactly what he needs. Like, an instant cure. And you even see crazy-lost-Nick go back to normal. Well, better than notmal. (Btw, the way you write passion is undiscribable; I'm pretty much always left with my mouth agape)

This review is totally random, I want to say more but I have to get back to work. Blah. Hope you're well! :D
hastyhurricane chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
i just read the first line and fell in love. completely incredible. this story had such substance and power and completely shook me. excellent.
silly wounds chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
Wow. That was so beautiful. Your description of Nick's feelings and everything else was breathtaking. Everything image was put in my mind so easily. I've read this numerous times just to try to soak everything in. Amazing, amazing job. I don't think I've read a Nick and Macy story as amazing as this.

My favorite line is "The tearstain still sliced across her face". That was amazing.

That and "They fall asleep with their legs intertwined and the love bites blossoming as the fingernail marks fade". I am insanely jealous of your writing.

The metaphors and similes were stunning.
pariswindspeed chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
I read this two more times after the first just to make sure the insanity I felt didn't last for a short minute. It didn't.

I still have chills and this is still unbelievable. Honestly. It's so rich with wonder and angst. I can't find all the right words to describe it but I can say that it is phenomenal.

Nick and Macy are a win, anyway. And just to see you make their relationship so rough but yet delicate is fascinating!

Nick's feelings are so powerful and his actions were like a painted picture. It is completely brilliant; in fact, it's my favorite piece of writing from you.

It's phenomenal.

ride2night chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
Whoa. Intense and amazing.

Written so well and insightful on the lies surrounding celebrities these days.

Nick and Macy are the most dramatic and wonderful pairing I think:]

Loved it!

