Reviews for Drabbles: You Picked Me
Sakurenjidreamer chapter 1 . 6/22
Wait! I also need to add! You Picked Me has such wonderful lyrics that fits them well. Oh! Our OTP is not just the fluffy feels pair. They have a beautiful depth to them. :D
Sakurenjidreamer chapter 1 . 6/22
I am not sure if I noticed this the first time I read this yearsss ago, but, oh! Reliant K is on the playlist!
Let me just say, what you have here is like snippets of the quiet but sweet moments we didn't see in the manga. It's like an 'exclusive' edition special. Haha That is how these fit so well to the original. Really, great job!
The Admiration part is just so eyeshield21-canon-hirumamo-shippers (which makes the creators shippers themselves, right? XD) feels!
satomika chapter 1 . 9/17/2014


Takani-sensei's Nurse chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
Kurita may be a little OOC...
Hermi-ko chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
This is MARVELOUSSSSSS! (Yeah, as extraordinary as it is, I am still missing some of your stories to read so here I am) I read them all without music because firstly I am at work (bad me, i know) and secondly Youtube is blocked where I am. But I love them nonetheless! I cannot really say which one I prefered but let's say that the last one got me a big smile and in trouble with my coworkers XD You rock, girl!
Joebob the Fifth chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
I loved the note!
CecileJ chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
This is a very cute drabble. I enjoyed reading it! Thank you for writing such a cute hirumamo story! I'm a die hard hirumamo fan!
DevilishBea chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
so fucking goood! (hehehe I picked up Hiruma's habit, it's been two years since I have it, but I can control it )
genkenry chapter 1 . 9/25/2010
"ya...ha!" so cute..."kekekekek"


more please...
bluewitch143 chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
undine-yaha chapter 1 . 4/23/2010
i love HiruMamo! this really makes me smiling happily

zenbon zakura chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
aw so cute!
Pablo hirunata chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
i love it... More hirumamo please