Reviews for Full Circle
Guest chapter 3 . 7/30/2018
crimeshowsfan chapter 15 . 4/6/2017
awesome story
TrustInFaith chapter 15 . 1/10/2015
Guest chapter 15 . 9/23/2014
Please Write a squle to This story about next genration BAU kids or when Jack, henry and Beth åre teen and Beth dates Jack ore henry
RealMe07 chapter 15 . 6/16/2013
I LOVED this! :D the end other the picnic was amazing and I loved it so much! Best for last! :) is there a sequel?
shad75 chapter 15 . 11/30/2011
Hi, I used to review your stories as Yen35 but something happened to that account in the sense, I stopped getting alerts from all the fics I subscribed to and authors couldn't reply to my PMs which was annoying so I created a new account.

Read chapters 13-15 today. Such an awesome story, I was kinda sorry when it ended! In chapter 13, I loved the chat Hotch had with Morgan on the plane and the chat JJ had with Emily. And I was actually proud of myself that I remembered the episode where JJ said to Emily that she will be good with kids - 'children of the dark'. It was very funny when Emily went away with her parents and Morgan turned around to find the other 4 members of the team critically staring at him and heard what he had to say.

My favorite of course has to be chapter 15, starting with Derek waking up and wondering if Em had left and the reunion with the whole team in the park. And Rossi bringing his dog. Oh, I was so pleased that I remember the scene where he had the dog - the opening scene in 'About face'. For the month that I've been nuts about the show, I seem to have picked up a few points about it! No wonder since I spend all my spare time either watching interviews, episodes or reading fics. I loved the reference to the kids as the next generation of the BAU with Reid as their leader.

Thanks for writing and sharing with us.
yen35 chapter 12 . 11/29/2011
Read chapters 8-12 and thought I'll review all together without writing a separate one for all. I hope I have told you before that reading one of your fics is just as enjoyable watching an episode of the show. Your writing style is superb and your descriptions of the characters is just spot on. It was very funny when in chapter 9 or 10, Garcia described to Morgan how Emily found the lost dog and the owner was so happy that he invited Emily for a party and she took Beth and went and they had a great time. I have 6 dogs (only one which is truly mine and named after my favorite ever character in a tv show - Dax after Jadzia Dax in Star Trek DS0. Anyway, why we have so many is cos my mom has a home for abandoned animals and the spill overs kinda end up at my house.). Its very interesting that there are PIs looking for lost dogs tho. Once, one of ours ran away and we put flyers and offered rewards and it was found. In chapter 10, it was very funny when JJ said that kids who turn 18 mistakenly think that they are adults. So true. In university, there were some people in my corridor who acted really immaturely!

The cliffhangers for 9 and 11 were just so good that I couldn't stop reading even tho its now well past my bedtime!

I just love how you balance all the team interactions and the excellent case with all the nice Emily-Derek moments. Such a nice talk that Emily and Derek had in that room when they were trapped together - Em saying that if Derek didn't have a bump in his head, that she'll give him one! And the parenting statistics - 99% love, 1% luck - a really nice one.

I found myself sympathising with this person -Teresa- and you explained her scenario really well to empathize with the reader.

Dave's reference to Melrose Place had me LOL! I recall watching a few eps of this when I was in high school. It was on local tv. Other great moments were Emily saying that she had a hard head and the team agreeing, JJ interrupting Emily and Derek while they were having a moment in Em's room and Beth trying to play with Garcia's earrings!

Its very interesting to note that you wrote this story in 2010, long before 'Lauren' aired cos it has some parallels to 'Lauren'. Like Emily leaving the team without telling anyone 3 years ago cos she wanted to protect Derek, just like in 'Valhalla' she left cos she wanted to protect the whole team. And also, Reid being awkward around her when they reunited just like in 'Painless' (I think thats what it was called), although in that, he was more upset with JJ than with Emily.
yen35 chapter 8 . 11/28/2011
A really nice and interesting chapter. This Travis had me LOL on what he had to say. He's going to get a degree in Girls, partying and drinking! Ha ha ha. Like some of my students. And him saying he's taking a year to 'chill'. My students love to use this word. 'Miss can't we chill for a bit' etc. Eh no, I have a specification to cover!

Morgan getting upset when he heard about all these affairs is understandable. Gosh, that part is like Grey's anatomy. I don't know if you watch that show but in that hospital, everyone has basically had an affair with everyone else (with a few exceptions!). I really like that show and the characters but I am not obsessed with it like I am with CM, Castle and NCIS in the sense I have never rewatched or read fics.

Beth calling Reid 'Weed' is hilarious and him trying to correct her and say what a weed is and JJ smacking him on the head was also so funny. I love the team work at the end - Hotch saying what everyone should do and suggesting Derek go back to DC and Derek fighting him on that. Derek meeting Em's folks was also nice.

I see you have added a new chapter of Constant. I don't know what to do with my fanfic settings. I don't get alerts. Maybe I'll create a new account but only after I finish reading all your multi chapter fics cos I simply don't want to read anything else until then. Shall read that in a few mins. Also I want to watch some season 7 interviews I found on you tube today. I am sure you have seen them already but if you haven't I'll be happy to send the link.
yen35 chapter 7 . 11/27/2011
Superb chapter. I want to read all the remaining (or most of the remaining ones) in one go next week, which is doable because there are no new episodes of any of the shows I watch. I wanted to read more today but I couldn't because I only got back from the trip with my dad today and my mom had arranged a lunch with my relatives. They refused to go long after the meal was over.

I don't understand about my fanfic settings cos I rechecked them and it says 'PM enabled'. I still don't get any alerts. What I do love about your story are the really great cases. Unfortunately, this is lacking in most of the Castle stories I read. As much as I ship Kate and Castle, it does get a bit monotonous when I only read fics about their relationship. It is so much more interesting when the relationship drama is combined with a nice and in this case, intriguing case. In this chapter, I also loved Reid giving statistics about divorce rates and Reid's advice to Derek about Emily! My dad often gives me these statistics about divorce rates when I sometimes feel a bit depressed about being single! (He and even my mom are actually okay with me being single unlike most of my relatives and even neighbors and people at work who think I am a bit strange).

As much as I love the characters, I really like the cases too, not the too gruesome ones but the normal ones. Like this morning before we left, my dad and I watched elephants memory, the one before that and In Heat. I loved the one before Elephants Memory which was about the 'angel of death' and where Derek spoke about his properties. Some really nice Derek-Emily moments in that ep. We need some more moments like that in S7. And I loved 'In Heat' cos it was a JJ centered ep.
yen35 chapter 6 . 11/26/2011
OMG this was so good. I know I must sound terribly antisocial but its my birthday today and all my relatives are coming for dinner but all I want to do is finish this story! This chapter is my favorite so far. Love the part where Rossi got Derek to admit that he was Beth's dad and it was funny when he said its not like the team didn't guess what was going on between Emily and Derek. The trial thing sounds so scary but now I know the team is working together so they'll find her.
yen35 chapter 5 . 11/26/2011
This is my first weekend off for the whole of November and I wanted to treat myself by reading one of your 3 multi-chapter fics. When I first started this, I didn't want to continue it cos I was upset Em left the team. Then, I read chapter 1 further and realized why she did so. Cos Derek was about to get married and she was pregnant with his child so she didn't wanna stand in his way. Once I realized this, I was truly hooked on the story and I read upto the end of chapter 5. Just brilliant. Probably the first time I have cried reading a fan fic (I have cried watching the show - can't still watch the last 5 mins of Valhalla without crying) but I did cry when Derek was reading Emily's letter to him with her tears on it.

Lovely moment in chapter 2 where he took Beth to feed the ducks and then on the swing (and its funny how she spelt this word out!). And the next chapter where he says he'll watch over her when she goes to work and she being dubious about it is also very funny. I don't blame her for being dubious at all. I don't mind hanging out with my niece but I don't remember offering to watch her for more than a hour when she was younger simply cos I am scared that I would do something wrong! The scene where Emily saw them sleeping together on the couch was sooo adorable. I also loved the conversation between Derek and Garcia. I am spending this weekend with my dad watching season 3 of Criminal Minds (me for the 2nd time him for the 1st) and he asked me if there's something goin on between Derek and Penelope and I said 'no they are just best friends'. I was LOL when Penelope said that Emily must be getting soft cos Derek doesn't have any bruises after what he said to her just before he left Seattle.

Golly, I didn't want to stop and write a review after the excellent cliffhanger ending of chapter 5. I just wanted to get straight to chapter 6. But I thought after enjoying 1/3rd of the story so much, I should temporarily stop and write the review before continuing. Dad wants to walk now.
Nix1978 chapter 15 . 12/21/2010
This is a great story... You should write for CM! Loved it. Thanks
Nix1978 chapter 15 . 12/21/2010
This is a great story... You should write for CM! Loved it. Thanks
ArodLoverus2001 chapter 15 . 10/19/2010
Awesome story!
1547291 chapter 15 . 7/9/2010
A wonderful ending to one of the outmost amazing stories I've read! The ring he got for her is beautiful and I have to agree with him, Em as a mother would be hilarious! she is amazing to Beth and you managed to capture it to perfection, despite we've never seen Emily Prentiss as a mother. I love their time at the park LOL each one showed up with thei kid, dog or boyfriend lol. And Henry was sweet to Beth, it's nice to see that they're all getting along well. They've always been a family and now they're even closer :) Simply wonderful! I do not know what else to say, thank you so very much for sharing, I enjoyed it thoroughly, every last bit of this story is awesome!
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