Reviews for Light and Shadows: Resurrection
NodokaLover chapter 8 . 2/18/2018
I wonder if plesiomon will get reborn as puttimon, the baby form of gomamon
Apollomon x Stingmon chapter 8 . 7/17/2014
OMG! Poor Ken! I agree that yolei that guy is so going to die for hurting Ken. Hope they find him soon.
Ley chapter 2 . 1/21/2013
Nice fic I hope you can finish soon

Guest chapter 8 . 12/30/2012
this is a brilliant chapter and story so please write more!
Takeru93 chapter 8 . 3/14/2011
Hey, when you're going to add new chapter? I'm waiting to solve problems with Ken and his brother... I'm going crazy with this waiting, for me this story is the best that I've ever read!
the alpha phoenix chapter 8 . 12/30/2010
I love it so far. OMG poor Ken :O and Tai should forgive TK. Please update soon :)
Lachelle92 chapter 8 . 10/11/2010
:'( JOE!
angryducky chapter 8 . 9/25/2010
Woooohooo! Matt's back! YES. Been waiting for that.

Very curious as to who the Digidestined of Peace will be... Potentially someone they already know? I'm especially curious about what their Digimon will be, and I have a hunch it won't be something as obvious as an Angel Digimon. But I'm confused; If they're about peace, will they really be able to fight Umaso and Tiberimon? Something tells me they'll have some issues like tissues with that.

Very good chapter! Can't wait for the next one :D
Lachelle92 chapter 7 . 9/11/2010
Love this chapter. The argument between Kari/Tai was my favorite.

I liked the lights/shadow explanation too.

Keep it up!
AnatomyFreak chapter 7 . 9/11/2010
please keep writing! i really want to see what happens to joe! :(
angryducky chapter 7 . 9/11/2010
HOLY CRAP! *fanboy moment* HE'S BACK!

This was a very good chapter. So, Ian and AdrIAN(O: gasp) had the same dream?

So, I have only one actually critical comment: When you're gonna put a '-PERSON- said' or anything like that after someone talking, you end their sentence with a comma. For example:

'"Hey," Jimmy said.'

Even if that's the end of what they're saying.

Other than that, though I greatly enjoyed this :D Thanks for updating, even if it took FOREVERZ! But then again I'm doing the same thing, so I can't really complain.

Update soon!
Lord Pata chapter 7 . 9/10/2010
Pretty interesting chapter, and I see Patamon has an habit of visit the operation table really often. If that keeps happening he will get the frequent customer membership o.o
AnatomyFreak chapter 6 . 7/23/2010
please update soon! i really want to know what happened to joe!
angryducky chapter 6 . 6/25/2010

Lol, no, I don't mean that. Well, okay, I mean the first sentence. No real hard feelings against you, however. I killed Tai in Friendly Betrayal, so I have no room to talk xD

So, there are maaaaaany more grammatical errors than other chapters, and it's totally understandable; That was a pretty exciting chapter. I'm trying to write this REVIEW really fast, and I definitely do that with major chapters(yay editing! xD). I dunno if you do, but it would make sense.

I wanna point out now; Though all the characters were, Davis in particular was MAJORLY IC. You did a fantastic job with him, I could literally see him tackling Umaso. Though, even if it's unnecessary, in my head, he was screaming, "THANK. GOD. I. PLAY. SOCCER!" ._. He was running really fast, it just seemed so fitting. But that would have taken it out of the scene, so to speak, so I guess it's good that he wasn't screaming something humorous right then.

However, no one seemed THAT distressed by GOMAMON DYING OMFG! x_x Definitely about Joe and Kari, however. I guess they figured Gomamon would just get reborn at the Primary Village? And when Tiberimon destroys the P.V, won't the eggs just come back? o-O Just because stuff's broken doesn't make the village cease to exist.

On another note, what does Tiberimon look like? Just a basic gist of how you see him/her? I pictured him as something like a Tauren from the Warcraft games until I read about the blades and back-flame-things. ._. Also, what's his name derived from? Sorry, I just always get curious about the villains... I'd have asked you about the Skull-Angemon/Angewomon, but those seemed pretty strait forward, and I'm not as curious about DarkJestermon, as that name is pretty easy for me to figure out, and I have a pretty badass image of him that I'd not like to change xD Wow, this review is getting pretty long.

So... Yeah. That about sums it up. Good chapter, and please, PLEASE update soon x_X
Lachelle92 chapter 6 . 6/25/2010

Oh goodness! I can't believe this! You gotta update like in a couple days or something...I have to know what happens!
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