Reviews for Enough
Bones2014 chapter 1 . 6/1
Just found this. It's not often I've found a story that takes Booths feelings into account after what occurred in the 100th. And this is powerful. I could so see this happening. Her actions here remind me of when she was going out with Hacker. I wish there had been more, now that she's discovering the feelings that Booths had all along, the feelings that he owned up to but she could not. Amazing & powerful. Love your gift for writing.
mendenbar chapter 2 . 4/17/2011
I have been singularly impressed with the power and emotion you manage to stuff into a simple one-shot. Should you choose to develop it further, I am certain that it will be to the same high standard you have started here. This is such an honest fic. It is actually more like Booth and Bones than the real show has been lately, although they seem to be getting back to themselves (now if the writers would only let Brennan return more to the person she was before the 100th. The current incarnation is even more socially awkward and inept than the original Brennan from Season 1.)

Thank you for some fine entertainment.

Siess chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
Okay, so... I'm getting caught up on Special Delivery because I read it before I had an account so I couldn't put it on my alerts and then I forgot about it for some reason and I remembered it and now I'm getting caught up.

Though, this isn't about that because, well, I'm reviewing this story haha (: This was absolutely amazing. Phenomenal. Breath-taking. I almost cried... more than once lol (: This was crazy awesome and it would be really cool if you did keep going with it :D

I think it would be really interesting to see Brennan totally hate the new FBI person haha. And I only say that because I can't think of Brennan actually liking him/her. Because then I think of Sully and my stomach clenches. Haha

I also think it would be interesting seeing Booth in a different department. Being all awesome at what he does and everyone is in awe or something (wishful thinking lol), but they also know something's wrong and he's trying to act normalish but not succeeding.

I love your writing. It's very, very moving and I think you would do an excellent job with this story. I think you would (and already do) portray everyone perfectly and would be great at writing everything that would need to go into this story.

Okay, enough with this amazingly long review haha. This is great and I hope you update again.

P.S. I totally love Special Delivery and you will get a review when I finish catching up. Haha [: I have no idea if you finished it or not so I'll see when I get to the last chapter you have posted so far. I'm on chapter 24 right now so it might take a little tiny while (:

Alright, now I'm officially done. This is the longest review I've ever written and I intend on keeping it that way haha (: This was exhausting. :D

If you just want to take one thing away from this monster of a review, I would suggest you take this: UPDATE!
Lisbon94 chapter 2 . 11/5/2010
Amazing! Simply amazing and youdeserve the response you got! I would personally LOVE another chapter...I don't mind how long I'll have to wait but you can't leave me hanging! :P ahhaa can't waitfor another chapter of you decide to do one :) again...AMAZING!
D-ower chapter 2 . 9/5/2010
please please please please finish this. just like add a chapter, just one more, when they get back together. maybe at the end. don't leave it like this. :'( :'( ...please...

*on knees, crying and begging*
MakeLoveNotSense chapter 1 . 8/31/2010

Yeah, OK, now you need to fix it. Because there is *no freaking way* you can leave it like this. Just no. And, you know, I wouldn't mind too much if it turned into a long multi-chapter story. :P

Seriously, though, this is great. At the end, I was *so sure* you were about to fix it all, and then wham! Also, this is one of the most IC Booth-rants I've ever read. Well done you :)

Did I mention I'd like you to make it better? Please?
xxdarkomegaxx chapter 2 . 8/11/2010
thanks a lot for making me cry. jk. great story. i love it. :D
Guest chapter 2 . 6/23/2010 made me cry like no one did in past 10 years...just keep this going...and let it be happy end...
boothaddict77 chapter 2 . 5/20/2010

great work on both the ,PLEASE continue.
Waterbender111 chapter 1 . 5/17/2010
You made me cry. I just... that was amazing, you are a great writer but NEVER write for the show! If that happens in the show... I feel heartbroken and im not even Booth! Great job and im not sure if your continuing but if you are please hurry! :''''(
utgotye chapter 1 . 5/12/2010
Very powerful and absolutely begs for more. it doesn't even matter if the ending is "good" or "bad" provided there is one. I sincerely hope, along with dozens of others that you take the time to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion. Personally, I'm of the mind that you make it angst end.
blahsssss chapter 2 . 5/1/2010
Oh, please do continue this! It's just BEGGING for more! Does Bones find Booth? Where did Booth run off to? Do either of them move on? The questions and possibilities are endless!

Not to mention the fact that we all love a bit of angst every now and then. :P
bookwormlady chapter 2 . 4/20/2010
Woah! You brought tears to my eyes with this!

Please don't end this here - at some point, please finish this!
wercomingup chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
I am also still reeling from the last episode. Please continue this story, especially if there will be a happy ending. I am so freaking down in the dumps...
Nyah chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
I've had very little interest in 100th episode stories. I've been stewing on it myself and all. But I'm very glad you read my story which prompted me to check out yours. Very nice work here. The image of Brennan trying to make peace with his apartment is rather iconic. Also: "I can't live like this for you." This was important.

I really appreciate the consistency in Brennan's character. There's a certain degree of impossibility to them and not a lot of writers want to face that or manage to stick to it so faithfully.
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