Reviews for The Rain
jilyspottering chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
"... Remus concluded sadly that had circumstances been different, he and Severus Snape could really have got along rather well." Very thought-provoking line. You really wrote this story beautifully, flawlessly, perfectly and wonderfully. Very nice, I love it. I adore the ending - it was excellent.
snarky Beth chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
Great parallel of thoughts between two of my favorite characters. Poor guys, blaming themselves… They really would have made good friends, had things been different. Loved the sad scene with them together at the grave :)
Kath the Dreamer chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
Good story. I almost wish Remus and Severus could have been friends. They really weren't that different.
sophiedoodle chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
Wow, that was touching...What an unusual combination of characters that ended up flowing together beautifully in their mutual sorrow and self-blame. This should have been part of the series.