Reviews for A Macedonian Tale
Daisy chapter 39 . 4/20
What I want to say is that I fell in love with your words and I've been immersed in stories since I read it. Thank you for bringing such a wonderful work!
Righttolove chapter 237 . 3/7
Thank You, for this story. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have read it. It’s in my favorites list.
But, a fictional story about Achilles & Seleucus and there love would be alsome too.
Write more, I very miss your work!
righttolove chapter 233 . 3/5
Your story here is one of my very favorite. But, pleeeease! Couldn’t you write a fictional story for Achilles. He could reign for a few years he and Seleucus. They could rule as Alex & Hephaistion did. Trying to unite the Persians and the Greeks as Alex wanted. That would be a story.
righttolove chapter 233 . 9/2/2019
2019. I have re-read ur story. It's by far one of my favorites.
Zeus chapter 23 . 8/27/2019
Son, I'm proud of you.
righttolove chapter 137 . 8/20/2019
I bet the Persians that tin the garden got an eye full. That was great passion. Loving this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2017
Hey, I forgot to mention that besides some mistakes I really liked your story
Guest chapter 237 . 5/3/2017
Just a question: can it be that english isn't your mothertongue?
Misvalquiria chapter 41 . 4/30/2017
Ohhhh genial leerla en español
OlympiasArgead chapter 237 . 4/9/2017
Wow I can't believe it has been so long already, almost 7 years. It seems like yesterday when I used to stay up all night binge reading your story and anxiously waiting to come home from school to check for updates. I think I followed this fic for almost a year until it was finished. I've read it about once a year since then. It's still one of the most dedicated and well researched fics I've read. Just wanted to let you know how I still love your work and to thank you for gifting us with it.
Misvalquia chapter 237 . 3/18/2017
He tenido la suerte de leerlo de un tiró ha llevado dos semanas maravillosas pegada a la pantalla del móvil cada rato libre que tení historia me ha enganchado desde el primer capí encanta como has mezclado historia con ficción con un humor excelente (he reído muchos ratos).Y las citas históricas me han hecho aprender muchas cosas (estás realmente bien documentada).Me apena leer el último capítulo por q ya se acaba (aunque seguro q volveré a leerla jaja).He cogido muy hoy cariño a los personajes y me cuesta desprenderme de encanta hefestion hermoso y salvaje y Alejandro impulsivo e escenas M ellas y en conjunto me ha puedo menos q agradecerte tomarte este tremendo mil.(por cierto q soy española).Besos y gracias
marlene chapter 1 . 12/19/2016
Traduce este fic al español.. Es el mejor que he leído de Alexander.
Guest chapter 237 . 12/19/2016
lt is my first time to read an English novel.l must leave a review!l loooooove it!Thank you for writing such a great novel!
niinna chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
Hello! I just started to read your story again, I was reading a book called the song of achilles, and all I could think of was of your story and I had to read it again! I love it sooo much, how I was it was a book so I could have with me all the timee! I hope you are well! Still my favorite author :)
Thomas250 chapter 1 . 10/5/2015
this a wonderful article! Will it be published with a novel? I love it! even if i hope it will be a movie!
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