Reviews for Echoes
kattykattrocks chapter 3 . 2/1/2014
Update pretty please
Kira The Fox Kit chapter 3 . 6/27/2011
I was wondering if you were going to continue with this story. I don't mean to be rude or pushy or anything but you hadn't updated for a couple months. But you probably have writers block or something so I'm sorry for asking.
CapriciousXXIISerenader chapter 3 . 3/9/2011
I'm not sure why this story is so addicting. Maybe it's because you normally don't read about this stuff. Anyway, I absolutely love reading every line (and no spelling mistakes! I FREAK OUT when there is spelling or grammar mistakes!) so please please please...please with a moogle on top update?
Queen of the Carnies chapter 3 . 1/20/2011
Wow I love this story! Plz update soon:)
YAYanime chapter 3 . 12/12/2010
nice and please continue
Xiane chapter 3 . 12/10/2010

I really like this story, it has an interesting plot line that I actually haven't read before. The characters have good personalities, they fit well together. The description is good, and the transition from place to place is good, because I know as a writer myself, I struggle with that. This is a beautiful story, and I would really like to see more chapters.
Peppita-chan chapter 2 . 12/6/2010
Just started reading this and I must say, I am really enjoying it! I can't wait for more! update whenever you can please D
crownedclown3293 chapter 3 . 11/30/2010

Axel and Roxas tongue wrestled ;3
Jester Of Laughs chapter 3 . 11/30/2010
All the crazy people make the beauty of the world :)

(No offense to anyone of course, I'm a schizophrenic)

And I love it. I love every line and sentence, and Dr. Saix? I think he'd need more help then everyone in there; and I laughed at some parts too, like 'chronic bitch disorder' which I can totally understand when it comes to Larxene, but I'm wondering if more of them are going to show up like Luxord and Vexen (I know what he'd be XD) and I think Zexy is still snexy even with a voice like that~

and Demyx.

mmmmmm, Demyx.
allison kingsley chapter 3 . 11/30/2010
omg axel is sooo adorable in this story...ew i sound like a prep. anywayyyy please keep writing
tenspeed457 chapter 3 . 11/30/2010
DEMYX YAY! omg, like the bottlecap andrew almost died to get... "schitz." gotta love british brands. pfft. bitch doctor, you can't make him put his bottle cap collection down! nah, just kidding. although I like Larxene's response... that was my response with mary. well, a little mor blatant than that.

"alex, turn around and look at the nice lady..."

"... can't make me." this is why I have problems.

alksdjfa;lkdjsf;ljkljdflkjslkdj cuteness (I review as I go along, couldn't you tell? I just got to the good luck kiss)!

yeah, well, Dr. Saix doesn't have to approve. screw that. :D

whatever, your lemon was fine. if it was rough, it's because that's how it's SUPPOSED to be ;D

omg I love you. I'm going to take a shower, and then I'll be at school, so I'll come find you, and tell you IN PERSON just how fucking awesome you and your chapters (although few and far between, I'll admit) are.

so be ready... I have bottle caps to show you ;)
crownedclown3293 chapter 2 . 11/28/2010
I really, really like this!
chocomiiillk13 chapter 2 . 8/23/2010
i like this story, its different. I mean who doesnt love a story about people in a crazy house. XD. But really do like the story. Keep up to good work .] can't wait for the next chapter.
tenspeed457 chapter 2 . 8/22/2010
omg thanks for posting FINALLY!

I really like how you write Axel, because you can tell that he's just having fun, and everything is a big game to him, even serious stuff.

I am in... high spirits, if you couldn't tell. but my room looks awful, but there's more space now. you would be proud of me. I just have to finish picking up tomorrow... you know. I'm rambling.

you are AWESOME!

gomenasai-for-everything chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
this is really good, i can't wait to read more of it
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