Reviews for Axis Power Hetalia National Affairs
ihateslash604 chapter 40 . 7/9/2017
I don't know much about Hetalia, but I stumbled across this chapter. I love it, it's very touching and heartwrenching. I may want to read the rest of this fic once I finally get some free time. I can tell a lot of research goes into this, too. I see this is taking place during Khmer Rouge Tribunal, and I like the mention of Comrade Duch; I think I saw his name when I was researching for the project I was doing now, but didn't remember it, so I had to look him up. Was pretty impressed.
Though, there's a bit of an error; when the Khmer Rouge took over, they tried to pretend that the Angkor Empire never existed. They tried to erase Khmer culture as much as they did western culture, so Kampuchea would have more of a "my father is dead, there is only I!" complex than a "I'm finishing what dad started!" complex. Also, they were already in the prison camp... and Vietnam looked inside the compound? What? So were they in the compound or outside it? A bit of a continuity error there. And since the UN is running the Tribunal, shouldn't the other Nations be there as well? Also, I was waiting for Cambodia to slapstick smack France at the end, I was pretty disappointed; seriously, that last line was just a giant, flashing cue for a big thwack across the face, it's like if someone said "Why did the chicken cross the road?" in DBZ abridged and not get blown up for it.
I know you don't update anymore, but I hope you see this.
Fomalhaut16 chapter 18 . 6/14/2017
The Falklands are Argentine for three reasons:
Argentine historian Mario O'Donnell explains that when independence in the country developed during the May Revolution in 1810, the Malvinas were occupied by Spain, and at the time of transition, the islands became automatically part of the independent sovereignty from Argentina.

In 1820 the government of Buenos Aires sent a frigate to take possession and to reaffirm their rights. During the beginning of this sovereignty, the Falkland Islands depended politically on the Government of Buenos Aires and were used as a place of detention for dangerous criminals.

On January 2, 1833, the British warship Clio entered the bay and its commander Onslow informed the Argentine leader that he was going to take possession of the islands in the name of the King of England. Jose Maria Pinedo, in command of the Corvette Sarandí, tries to prevent this act of aggression, but is outnumbered and chose to embark his men.

After the War of the Falklands, the British responded with an expeditionary force that landed six weeks later and after hard fighting forced the Argentine surrender on June 14, 1982.

The Falklands are 464 kilometers from the Argentine coast, slightly more than from the capital to Mar del Plata, while they are 12,730 kilometers from Great Britain.

So Argentine expert Agustín Colombo Sierra says that "there is really no argument from England regarding their historical or geographical rights in Argentina."

"There is no way to claim British sovereignty in a territory that lies 14 thousand kilometers from the metropolis, that is a purely colonial act"

Argentina began a few years ago a succession of policies to pressure England to sit down to negotiate the future of the islands.

The International Community has stated clearly and firmly how to reach a solution to the sovereignty dispute. The Argentine claim is endorsed by the United Nations.
In addition, after the United Nations extended the continental shelf of Argentina, the Islands remained within it.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/10/2015
Oh I love that bit XD EU accesion is chaotic and interesting
Ivyhunter10 chapter 39 . 10/13/2013
Interesting... very interesting.
BlackjackMonster chapter 31 . 7/19/2013
Awesome me chapter 23 . 1/6/2013
LIAism chapter 52 . 3/19/2012
I can't wait for the next chapter, can I request?

Battle of Surabaya, the reason : battle Surabaya is battle between allied force against Indonesia (with help of some Japanese so maybe contain some Axis) the reason of the battle was Dutch government tell allied force that Japan spread fasicm to Indonesia and it was one of biggest battle in Indonesia revolution.

The torn of Dutch flag (my favorite), the reason : I love it, and it was the reason some people tought that our flags was from the torn of Dutch flag (the fact was its inspired by majapahit kingdom :p)

Korean war, the reason : because it's the sibling wars thats still continue (and I heard from the news that I read the north Korean government already tired with the problem of south Korean)

Military base issue in East Asia Summit (between china, Indonesia, Australia, and US), the reason : when I know about the issue to me it's weird, because the reason US military in Northern Australia it's just for balancing their powers and in Asia (they'll still want become Superpower but I support Chinese cause china government nice to Africa (they invest lot money in Africa)) and Indonesia-China become strong when they hold bilateral meeting (between prime minister) this month (but when ideas some article, I was surprise because 'China and Indonesia will boots military ties' and it's not last year article and lot other article) and in 22th march our president will goes to China to hold a bilateral meeting with Chinese leader (to me it's like that my country with china will counterattack Australia especially northern one were military base will built in there's) and (the last one) it's weird because America already have military base in Philippine.
solitarycloud chapter 52 . 1/23/2012
LOL XD Cool! I never knew that about the year of the dragon~ (Guess I was born four years to early but I have no complaints. Rats are awesome too, right? XD) The only thing I don't get though is why China's the one testing this. I mean, doesn't he already have more than enough people he can handle? As for the omake, LOL XD but personally I think France wouldn't have any qualms explaining how babies are made. He'd probably do it in such graphic manner that the little nations would be scarred for life ;;
Timpeni chapter 48 . 8/20/2011
GO ASEAN! Looool. I feel so proud of my Singapore Kiasuism. :D
hello chapter 16 . 7/24/2011
aw this chapter so cute, and i love the way you sometime add song lyrics in here. Anyway with love, bye
solitarycloud chapter 47 . 6/23/2011
I know I should be commenting on your story but... LOL! I just love your omakes~! XDDD
Kyuzo Aoi chapter 46 . 6/20/2011
Wow, I love Singapore's accent, lah!

And I understand the complexities of the swastika symbol. I guess Israel would rather flee anything that has the swastika in it like a plague.

I wonder if you make a chapter about Manchuria/Manchukuo. I have made a story about her writing letters [as a response to an infamous craze down in the fandom]. Maybe you could make a story about the Manchurian Incident.

If you want to use Manchuria, it's fine. Anyway, I'll describe her. She's a woman that looks like 18 or so, wears a teal qipao with red accents, and has short brown hair [originally black, but dyed it due to Russian influence, da!] cut in a bob, and her most prominent feature is a diagonal scar running through her face. She had a golden orchid as an hair ornament, but sometimes, use a hairclip that has the canton part of the Manchukuo flag. She had a grumping tsundere personality taken to Rie Kugimiya-style extremes. [I guess if Manchuria gets added to Hetalia for still another season, I vote for Rie Kugimiya to voice her in the anime!] She resents to being called as Japan's slave by others and wants to assert her rights. Unlike Tibet, she does not actively wanted independence, although incidents like that and her relative poverty as to the rest of the Chinese provinces makes her think of that. China uses Manchuria as his secretary or emissary to Japan because she speaks good Japanese, and sometimes, she works as an IT consultant.

Any suggestions to my idea?
SecretlyHidden chapter 45 . 6/14/2011
Sorry, it would't let me log in on my phone!

I really love your series. I couldn't sleep cause I had to finish it all. (: I really hope you continue it because it's very well written. I was kinda hoping you would do something involving Mexico, but since you had writers block it's totall up to you. (:
Assamite chapter 45 . 6/1/2011
Do the Indo-Pakistani split next... along with Bangladeshi independence. I read earlier that you mentioned the "India siblings", so I guess this refers to them.

A Sub-Saharan Africa chapter would be nice, too. Biafra and S. Africa's various component states come to mind.
solitarycloud chapter 44 . 2/14/2011
MR. PUFFIN TALKS O_o? but yeah i agree though, being a cute can be very persuasive...
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