Reviews for Hey, Soul Sister
Guest chapter 1 . 3/18/2013
I lovee your SK stories, specially when they involve Anna and the Munzer children! PLEASE keep writing about them!
D.whispers chapter 1 . 11/23/2012
Awwwww,I like it it's so yoh too play something that sweet and it's soo Anna to ignore him while doing it *shakes head*
lescribble chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
You're brilliant. Even the timing for the lyrics and the descriptive portion was edited to fit. :D I've actually never considered the song Soul Sister for Yoh to Anna. In my mind it has always been "I'm Yours," it's just so laid back like that.

Anyway, this was great. It would have been nice though if you added the group's reaction at the end. Still, Redseb and Seyram are ALWAYS adorable. :) This was great. :)
emichii chapter 1 . 5/5/2010
it is a very "yoh" song for him to sing to anna! :D i really liked it! good job!
ShatteredLyre chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Redseb grabbed Yoh by the headphones. "Play something!" he bellowed.

Oh my LORD, I laughed so hard when I read this part. probably because it is exactly what Redseb would do :) My goodness, you've written so many SK fanfics! I must go and read them all :D I must say, I've missed you updating in the fandom

mychakk chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
This was wonderful :D I turned on the song and I can definitelly seeing Yoh singing it. And you know what I liek the most? His satisfaction at the end. It tells so much about Yoh an Anna's relationhip. He was singing becuase his friends asked him to, but he was singing for her. She knew this, and what's more, he knew that she knew! :D I just love that little sentence. And then their little looks exchange and, gosh I love your way of capturing Yohna :D

And I really like the idea of Yoh playing a guitar since he was eight, a music fan like him definitelly would do such a thing :D It's strange so little people made hima musican...
HPCS2 chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
Awesome D

Mainly cuz I read it while listening to the song, and may I say it fit perfectly to my reading!
Nightglider chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
This is THE bestest (I know its not a word so shutup) STORY I'VE EVER READ! Thus why the first story I'm reading again immediately. BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN! Loved Yoh and Anna's and everybody's characterization. I could so imagine them! AND IT WAS SO CUTE! *SUPER HIGH SQUEAL!*
FruitySmell chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
I checked the song in Youtube.. And now I'm singing it at the top of my lungs, hence driving my brothers insane.. *evil grins*

Anyway, this was a fun read! Light and sweet, really. :D
djyxa chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
LOL! I had to re-read the sentence every now and then, 'coz I'm focused singing the song in my head! XD

hoho~ Anna lost. :))