Reviews for Kamikaze Schneizel
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
He probably didn't care and just wanted to troll lelouch
yqclockwork chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
Yes. Just. Yes. Seriously Schneizel, that's embarrassing. Lelouche, you too. Why did the writers let this happen? Of all things, did NOBODY on the team bothered to check how to play chess?
Anathma chapter 1 . 5/19/2015
Yea, I noticed that too! But only after watching Code Geass for the second time. Moving the king to capture another king is illegal - it can't be done. When one reads the rules of the king's movement one notices that the king can never face another king - that's the reason why at the end of a game having only two kings on the board is one of the many ways that a chess game can end in a draw.

Lelouch should totally have said something about that no matter how shocked he was because it would have caused the others who were watching to see how utterly ridiculous that was of Schneizel - and Lelouch would have smirked behind that mask of his for dear life. After all, that too, would have been a test of character, and therefore, ripped Schneizel of his future suspicions of Zero being Lelouch, although, they wouldn't have lasted very long and Schneizel would have found out about his identity (damn the god damn Suzaku and all who led to that revelation) - BUT - it would have bought Lelouch some time.

(Then again, the reason why Lelouch was shocked about the move might have been that he too didn't know the rules, for so the creators didn't know or simply didn't care, and that, if anything, is the one and only flaw in the unyielding awesome universe that is Code Geass. Because, come ooooon - both are supposed to be geniuses -.-)
Shinigami Merchant chapter 1 . 11/6/2014
short but very entertaining, that episode always bugged me
RandomNumbers523156 chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
Funny, hehe, people in CG should read that book
Hyruleepona chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Oh goodie. I just started watching the series again (R2 is so hard to find in good quality) and I saw that part and I was just like...T.T Schneizel, I adore you but you can't do that. X)

I lol'd at imagining the dorky dance. My friend loves to imitate dorky Lelouch. X)
GOD chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
OnexLostxSoul chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
Good God, I thought the exact same thing. From that episode on, I dismissed Schneizel altogether. Frickin' cheater. If I was Lelouch, I would've whipped out that rule book and made an ass out of him.
One percent chapter 1 . 6/6/2010
That was insane, that episode kept bugging me as well xD

Schneizel should definitely have bought a book like the one Lelouche had LOL

And besides, if I were Lelouche, I would have used my pawn to take the king, it was conveniently situated after all too xD shame, SHAME!
Ralthe chapter 1 . 5/17/2010
Simply awesome. I looked for Schneizel fics expecting something hilarious like this. You'd think some animator would've caught that lol. Either a production error or Schneizel had a crazy batman bambit up his sleeve.
rimchan chapter 1 . 4/21/2010
uh. .in the same epirode .lelou too makes the same mistake when he at 1st checks schneizel wid hs king. mayb they wantd 2 dmnstrate none of dm is playin by d rules
lavlavi chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
ROFLMAO! Nice fic. I was thinking the same thing when I saw Schneizel do that. I'm glad Lulu called him out on that in your fic.
Her Little Doll chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Lmao. Oh wow, you're right 0.0; Maybe Britannia is so righteously awesome that their prince may change the rules whenever he wishes? That seemed to be a reoccurring theme through out the story. Whenever they were trapped in an impossible situation, the righteously awesome Britannia or infamously bad-ass Black Knights would miraculously produce a new Knightmare frame and slaughter everyone. Then the writers would proceed to waste everyone's time with pages/minutes of characters being shocked that this specific, totally-unbelievably-awesome Knightmare could do (.:insert random totally-unbelievably-awesome ability:.) and was therefore slaughtering them. ; Anyway, hilarious fic :D
Lady Nogitsune chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Ah, this made me smile . xD

Yep, Schneizel used an illegal move to test what kind of person Zero was - that is, would he take a victory handed to him on a silver plate like the Emperor would have, or would he let pride get in the way. Schneizel isn't really one to care about the rules and Lelouch was probably too busy being offended to say anything, but it is indeed strange that no one -else- objected. Maybe in the CG universe, that particular rule doesn't apply... or perhaps the creators of the show just didn't care.

I liked the scene for what it revealed about the characters, but it definitely asks for crack. Liked this!
MithLuin chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Yeah, it's always puzzled me, too. It's a pretty basic rule that you can't move the king into check, but I had to think that the people who wrote that scene just didn't know what they were doing. Also, Lelouch's signature strategy of letting the king lead is a very bad one in chess.

The only way I can interpret it is that Schneizel is toying with Lelouch, deliberately taunting him with a checkmate scenario. After all, the reason *why* you can't move the king into check is that in the next move, your opponent would take the king and the game would be over. So, it's not so much that putting the king into check is illegal, so much as if you break that rule, you automatically lose the game.