Reviews for Need You Now
AgentKalGibbs chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
I can feel their longing for each other...
Viktorija chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
I liked it. :)
xNeariax chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
Beautiful story. You really got into their heads here in my opinion. :)
tess.untitled chapter 1 . 5/6/2010
is shocked.

I don't know what to say... it's amazing how much you can say with those words. Fantastic how you have gotten to know Cal and Gillian so well! :) It's a pleasure to read your fics! :))
locisvu82 chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Really incredible! I'm at loss for words... I can fell their feelings and their longing for each other... as I said, incredible work!
I always thought there was something like that between cal e gilian but the way you wrote it... absolutly amazing!
StepFurther chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
wow wow wow!

again wow wow wow!

i've heard this song and both them (the song and your fic) are AMAZING!

really wonderfully written!

i just can say that i LOVED it very much!
AllyBallyBee chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
Breathtakingly beautiful. I've listened to this song many a time and thought how perfect it was for them. Thank-you for putting the words to paper.
SassyCop chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
This is absolutley perfect. Gill's thoughts, Cal's thoughts, and the feelings they both have. You always create such a visual for me when I read your fics.

I love the time/season ep #'s reference. Brilliant!

As I was reading it, I kept feeling like Gillian's feelings were those of us fans and Cal's feelings were representative of the show. I don't know if that makes sense... but it was just what was going through my mind.

One of my favorite fics ever now! This is the perfect representation for the hiatus. I need this show back NOW!
Tomellie chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
This story is fantastic. I can't believe you wrote it so quickly... I love how she desperately wants to pick up the phone and call him... how many times do we women want to do that? I admire her strength. She knows he will come and yet she resists. I love how they are both awake thinking of each other and although it's angsty there is something very comforting about that! Thanks for another wonderful piece :)
csiAngel chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
Aww, a fantastic look at their thoughts and feelings, and their relationship. I love the echo of Gillian's thoughts in Cal's. Beautiful angst :)
PhotonsBeFree chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
I think this might be one of my favorites of yours! :) I loved the tension, and how they both feel it, but experience it a little differently.

These are my favorite lines: "It's now almost two; she knows she should go to bed, should try and rest her head on the pillow and wait for sleep to come, which she knows it will. Eventually." I can just hear Gillian's voice when I read that. Also:"But there is an emptiness in every room that she isn't in, a space on the bed next to him that is always there, even if some other woman is filling it. It had been there during the last couple of years of his marriage as well, and he feels guilty for even admitting it; that with his wife lying next to him, he could still feel as though there was a piece of him missing." Excellent. Just one more favorite: "Sleep may come like a thief to steal his conscious thoughts, but she will still be there, dominant in the images that flash through his sleeping mind or hovering like a shadow just out of reach. But he knows she'll be there." LOVE that.

I also really liked the imagery of the wind chimes, as well as the picture of Gillian tiptoeing into Cal's thoughts and dreams. I really liked how Cal enjoys the pain a little-it's a very human emotion and I think everyone can understand it. I feel very sorry for both of them, but mostly for Gillian. My heart broke for her when you described that need she feels for a family, and how she's using Emily and Cal to fill that void. It's very true to character, but it also reminds me of the things I love about Gillian. I also loved that you had her sitting on the floor with her head against the couch-very fitting.

Over all, this was just an excellent story. Thank you so much for it. :)
otlakerat chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
Wonderful writing. I loved it. Very spot-on. So very realistic. Sad, yet beautiful. You do so well explaining why the "line" is there and hasn't been crossed. The story shows how strong their love for each other really is. Thanks for writing this! I can't wait for more! :) Just a great story on a rainy day!
binhereb4 chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
Beautiful...totally, completely, inspirationally beautiful...
UseYourWords chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
That was beautiful! I loved it!