Reviews for Redecorating
CloudsOfRabbits chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
If someone wants to report you for this they should burst into flames. YOU GAVE A WARNING DAMNIT. They can leave.

This was amazing. I loved it sooo much.
Isaac Julian chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
I completely Loved this story!

It was very well written, though i noticed a few errors.

I look foreword to reading more from you.

Thanks again for the lovely story.

looptheloopy chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
That was... Interesting XF I can so imagine them actually doing that! LOL
MidnightSpade chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
(Hi cupcake! 3 T'is Aki~)

WE NEED TO RP MORE LIKE THIS! Re-reading it makes me drool. DROOL I SAY!
Black Alice Butterfly chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
GOD. That was sexy. The horror of the girl dying, that changed to almost a mad sort of gore-filled, dangerous sex...the thrill of the hunt...

Gawd. That...that was sexy. XD; -hates to repeat myself, but dear god, it WAS- I wish this thing had more reviews. I mean really. YOU PEOPLE ON FANFICTION, GET OFF OF YOUR FAT ASSES AND REVIEW THIS THING. D
Zeao chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
Who in their right mind would report you? You've got rights as an artist! And you are one of the few people on this site that can satisfy my sadisticness! You and your writing partner are brilliant and I love you both. You have gained a new biggest fan, my friend XD.

Nice twist with letting Marik be the seme. I myself don't have that kind of generosity. *claps for Bakura's generousness* And good for Marik for sharing his lovely prey.


Shadow Master chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
Hot. This was most definitely gore filled, psychologically dark, and overall sexy as hell. If hell is indeed sexy. ;D

I love the detail and the way you really get sucked into the story line. Marik has the perfect reactions~
Epouvantable chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
While that was certainly gory, violent and a bit disturbing it was also entertaining. It was nice to see psychoshiping where Bakura and Marik aren't mere pranksters. Nice (if horrifying) details made this story absolutely enthralling.
NormalAddict chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Damn. Now that was quite a read. Not something I read much but I really did enjoy it. I think it was because you wrote everything with much details, yet not overly explicit. It's a perfext mix and I can really envision them both doing this and rather enjoying it.

Great story, loved reading it.
A Perfect Devil chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
Well done, my friend! very fucking well done...

I love how killing random bitches is like a marital aid for them, it's so lovely. XD
Tally-kaiko chapter 1 . 5/5/2010
I loved the imagery and the language, and the way you write the characters is brilliant.
misssun1 chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
Hmm. Macabre, demented, and murderous. A delightful combination when paired with the psychotic duo known as Marik and Bakura. Personally I like all aspects of psychoshipping (except the really sappy/ cliche ones), so I hope you write another. If someone does report you, I'll be extremely disappointed, because I liked it. Keep up the good work -.