Reviews for we might be two kids without their jackets
Athyna DaughterofPosiedon chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
I think it's lovely. You captured Amy fairly well.
platypus core chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
I cried. Not completely. It was just sort of an achy, bittersweet but really beautiful something- like the best memory of your life and very, very precious to you. it was a fantastic little story
imperfectandchaotic chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
That would be why I'm way too afraid to write Doctor Who. I could never capture that essence, that you, in my humble opinion,, have done so well. Something, or maybe just everything about it makes my heart hurt. In that good sort of way.


Indie Skies chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
The wonderful thing about Doctor Who, is that you can start watching it from any point and still get a general feel for what its all about.
Your story is beautifully written and does not in any way sound out of place. The relationship you have created between the Doctor and Amy isnt overpowering and in your face. Its soft and gentle and it feels exactly like i would expect it too feel.
Well done x
greentoothbrush chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
wow this is beautiful! the bit with the childeren in the snow actually brought tears to my eyes! will there be more?
insanereality710 chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
Love the comfortable relationship you gave them
Sweetgalsab chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
Doctor Who You HISTORY. In my world.

I have broken my rule of not reading any fanfictions during my exam period as soon as I saw that you had posted a story...better yet, a Doctor Who one.

Your words are magic and create such beautiful images. Honestly, I have been a MASSIVE fan of Doctor Who since I was 10, and I have ever read and pictured something as vivid as this. Just epic. And you're right. Matt Smith & Karen Gillan. Enough said.

You know I'm a fan of your work - no - of your Art and this story just adds to how overwhelmed and how well words can be used to scuplture such images. I love the way you always bring Amy back to thinking about Rory and her life back home. And don't worry about making them out-of-character, because without thinking outside the square we don't never be here.

And the ending...EPIC. :D

Gotcha. HA! ;)

PurpleAngel87 chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
I actually think you captured the characters really well. Amy and the Eleventh Doctor have a strange sort of relationship, different to how he's been with other companions in the past, and I think you got that. I get that sometimes its difficult to portray certain characters, but I honestly don't think they were OOC. (And I loved that you put in the whole 'Pond' thing, because that IS what he calls her. :))

The story; I already love your style of writing and when I saw this in my inbox and saw that you'd written a Doctor Who story, I was intrigued to see how you would do it, and I wasn't disappointed at all. I really liked how you got inside Amy's head and loved her trail of thoughts. And their conversations were very well done; like I said, you kept them perfectly in character.

I absolutely loved that although it was a romance story, it wasn't so obviously done, and the undertones spoke magnitudes. Your writing style, is as usual, brilliant. The description and imagery was absolutely brilliant. And I'm going to say this again; you captured their personalities so so well. Really.

This review is a bit rubbish. But I LOVED this story. Sososo much. And you know, I refuse to write for Doctor Who for the same reasons that you mentioned, but I don't think they apply to you at all, and you should definitely carry on writing for this fandom if inspiration strikes.

This was a fantastic one-shot. Well done!
(adding to my favourites.)
lettingyourheartwin chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
That. Was. Brilliant.

I was immediately drawn in and you swept me away with your oneshot. It was beautiful, and I could picture it in my head perfectly. I actually found myself stopping half way through and closing my eyes to picture it better.
You make magic with words, and it's glorious, beautiful, wonderful, outstanding magic.

This ship is amazing and you captured them 150%
JuliaAurelia chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
I though this was very well-written and romantic w/o being blatantly obvious. I've only seen the first 2 eps so far with Amy and the 11th Doctor, but I think you did a good job of keeping them in character from what I've seen.
Maira the Panda chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
Very, very, very, very good!
Fail with Eloquence chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
I don't think you ruined the essence, I think you captured it completely.