Reviews for stupid
betweentheraindrops chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
Oh my effing God, you never fail to disappoint when it comes to making my heart melt. Puck was super adorable in this. My poor little FQ heart is broken with no scenes in the back 9. Ridiculous.

But gah, everything about this was just perfect. Even the PQ. I like them too. They're not epic like PR and they aren't as sweet FQ, but they're adorable and they make me smile. Can't stand FR, but they have their moments that I think I could ship them.

This was just purely amazing. You're a wonderful writer.
stopthenrewind chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
(I know I must be flooding your inbox with my reviews right now, and I apologize in advance :P)

I love the whole Finn/Quinn/Puck triangle too. Throw in Rachel and it'd be more awesome, haha. I pretty much ship anyone from the four of them, but FQ and PQ are my favorites. (I prefer Rachel with Jesse :P) I adore angsty stories, and I can just imagine Quinn just deciding to settle with Puck for the baby's sake, even though she's secretly pining for Finn. I love this!
Fufuluff chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
Omfbvwgcvskaj. Ohmigish!

This was amazingly written. Shows the two-sides of the triangle perfectly. You captured her wonderfully. I could cry.
The emotion is really well flowing through the entire thing, and your descriptions are perfect for painting pictures. Brava! Brava!