Reviews for Love Story
Taytay123456 chapter 1 . 5/25/2019
Soft and sweet
FanGirlMagic chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
This was beautifully written. The ending was perfect and I "aww"ed at how happy it was. I'm really into the taboo sort of pairings, and this was right on the money.
Would you please tell me which point of view this is in though? It might have said it at the beginning, but if it doesn't, maybe in a DM? I was a bit confused.
ZenyZootSuit chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
There were parts of that where I started tearing up! AMAZING job! Love this pairing...
TokingFox chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
Touching and sexy all in one! What an awesome story! I loved the energy and passion! Very good job!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
My gods that was beautiful! I'm totally crying right now, great work!
WhiteInkAndPaperSkin chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
I just died inside. I'm sitting here, sobbing at the beauty.
pyrolover3 chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
You just converted me to shipping them. I can't believe I didn't read this sooner. It was so amazing and beautiful. I also agree with you with what you said about love. It really shouldn't matter who its between as long as the person is happy.

P.S. I've always wondered something when did you become a fan of incest?
(You always write amazing wincest and twincest stories)
Daughter of Pluto chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
Beautiful. Thank you for writing this. I, personally, am of the belief that love is love no matter what form it comes in or who it comes from. If there is a higher power then love is divine no matter what. Society's rules come from society itself not from some higher power. Men created these ideas so that they could fit love, something that is infinite and pure, into a little box. But love cannot be defined in this way. Love, like life, is made of infinite shades of grey and cannot be defined by laws and societal rules created by men.
animelvr23 chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
This was extremely well written; beautiful!
ja ne!
watch-me-write chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
I am so happy :) I'm so glad they were able to get together again, even with society being stupid and close-minded. This was so raw and so realistic, actually, and I really loved pretty much every aspect of it. Well...except when I read Fred (Fred? Cos you didn't specify which was which, though it doesn't matter too much since they're pretty much the same person anyway XD I just read it from George's perspective :D) Regardless, he realised his feelings just in time and admitted them to his true other and it makes me so happy! _

Really, you're a wonderful writer, the angst and tears were absolutely perfect :)

~Bexmar O
mjlove1 chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
This story was brilliantly written, and im sorry to use the same word everyone else used, but beautiful is what it truly is. an amazing love story combined with every single obstacle in the world preventing it from happening. amazing job.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
Honestly, and deeply, I love this story. If J.k. Rowling had the writting talent you do, I would have died at the end like most people did, You breath such life into this story it nearly moved me to tears twice. I truely felt everything they felt and It moved me. You, moved me. Thank you so much, and though I know it doesn't seeem like much, I am very glad I found this story. You are wonderful.
PetrraPan chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
This was so beautifully written. I felt like it would bring me to tears. You did a fantastic job on this. Wonderful.
Usuallybored chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
This without a doubt is one of most well written well thought and most amazing I've read on here and I've read thousands of stories side I found out about fanfiction. The idea was amazing the way you wrote it was very very very good. I don't usually like when a story is written the way yours is but that doesn't matter because I loved it. I really liked the things hermione said they will definetly help me at one point or another. I am shocked that you have less than twenty reviews Becaus it's so amazingly beautiful and all. And other than that it was published on my birthday which made it all the better :). Clap clap. Amazing awesome spectacular several words that don't even say how amazing this story is because this story deserves better. :)
JadedByRomance chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Whose POV is this written in (Fred or George)? I loved it, I'm just confused, lol.
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