Reviews for The World I Know
Random Clone chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
Oh, this was gorgeous. Beautifully penned, my friend. I've read this over several times since finding it, and it is a joy to read each time. The flow was very easy to follow, very natural. And that it features our favorite red-head with a hammer? Even better! Thanks for giving such a wonderful fic!
AuburnCollision chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
okay so i just read through and i'm still trying to think a few things out. um, sorry lol i haven't slept in two days and i'm really tired. this is what i get for missing classes for two days in a row. fuck the equivalent exchange. oh and btw the new chapter of fma was amazing (done with APs though) and i'll write you an e-mail this weekend...elaborating on all the things i need to talk to you about.

back to the point. the thing that hits me the most is your change, stylistically speaking. idk, it's more...professional, so to say? hm...not sure how i'll adapt to that. i kinda like angsty amanda. jk! :) i like your new style. it's a lot more mature...ehehe.

i'll write you a longer review tomorrow because i'm definitely not doing this story justice, or this weekend...

oh and :( happy birthday love, sorry i didn't get a chance to say it any time sooner (gawsh i'm so effin late); your fb is still deactivated wtf!...fml. i've been in...superstresed mode lately.


expect a long review some time tomorrow or this weekend!
waterlit chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
Wow. That's the only thing I can think of now heh. Thisis pretty good, imo (:

The first part was nice, with the figurative language and all that. I liked how you described lavi as feeling sufficiently unreal. It's a chilling idea.

Your use of the colour red is also highly symbolic and I like it!

I'm kind of sleepy, so I'll end here. But I really do like this fic, and if I had more time I'd gush on about it :/