Reviews for Note
LunaChas chapter 1 . 12/4/2015
tvaddictedgrandma chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
... Wow.

Super short, yet brilliant nonetheless. I truly think this was just perfect. An awesome job.
moonfaerie326 chapter 1 . 5/29/2010
This is perfect for many different reasons. Many much reasons in fact.

Firstly, Gibbs is completely immune to Caffeine, I refuse to believe he drinks decaf, so yeah hence the immunity to all caffeine's illeffects.

Secondly, Abby. Oh Abby. She is just amazingly endearing and you can't do much but to fall under her captivating spell of Abbyness. She would definitely leave something like that, always looking out for the Bossman. :]

Thirdly and definitely not lastly, Tony increasing Spring Fever is such a classic that I couldn't help but to chuckle.

This may have been short, but it was awesome. Seriously, you drew out this entire scene for me in less than a second.

Yeah, your writing captivates me. And I am going to slowly be reviewing everything you posted that I have missed. I have a lot of ground to cover, but your work is too amazing for me to pass up. Like ever.
KaleidoscopeEyes13 chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
Very cute, short,and sweet. If there was a negative K, this would be it!
honeydust9251 chapter 1 . 5/17/2010
you might want to look at the last sentence again. doesn't make much sense.
Ab55556 chapter 1 . 5/16/2010
Hahahaa, very Gibbs! I loved it :)

Oh and Abby, I adore her, just the thought of her doing that for him makes me grin like crazy! :D

Realised that I don't know, when's your birthday?
The Lone Wolf of the Navy chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
Not bad, could have been longer though.
zatl chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
short, sweet and to the point. :)

i liked it.

an otter would be a good pet...
OutCold chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
This drabble is complete cute awesome Gibbsness, and Abbyness, and NCISness... oh and Izzyness. Very muchly Izzyness.

I think I'm going to split this review up by little paragraphs. Cause there are certain things I liked in each.

First little paragraph: Mention of NCIS team sleeping - lol, and the whole blaming Tony for increasing Spring Fever... classic.

Second: I can picture this scene so perfectly in my head, with the dark bullpen, and Gibbs alone walking through and seeing the bag and everything. Then reading the note and smirking. In that Gibbs way.

Third and Fourth: In two cause in the third he smiles and drinks coffee. Which is cute, but I can't think of a comment other than cute. :P As for fourth, his line - "Leave it to Abby" is pure perfection, though I'm loving the irony of giving him a note to get more sleep AND caffeine. Abby's a little... weird. :P

*hugs* Thank you so much! I love it! You know I adore Gibbs. D

Love you!
