Reviews for Anathema
HorizonsOne chapter 2 . 12/28/2018
I think this is probably one of my favorite stories you’ve written in this series thus far (although I’ve enjoyed them all). Great job and well done!
Master Li chapter 12 . 8/7/2012
I love your Mighty Max stories! I loved this show when I was a kid and there are very few stories written about it. You are definently the top writer for this series and you write such epic adventures that cross over with other 90's cartoon shows that I also love. You keep everyone so in character and then build upon those characters and put them in situtations more serious then the shows they were in did. I love this mature focus and I hope you keep writting more Mighty Max stories and let him cross over into more shows! I don't know why this story doesn't have a million reviews! It certainly deserves that many and more. I eagerly await your next story!
Cylon One chapter 12 . 7/3/2012
That was one awesome adventure.

I look forward to any other adventures of Max and his friends crossing over with whatever else.
shadowwolf75 chapter 10 . 6/28/2012
Oh snap, mind control is never fun . . .
Cylon One chapter 10 . 6/18/2012
I am very much enjoying this.

Just as awesome so far as the other adventure with the Mummies.
finem chapter 9 . 6/17/2012
Dear Virgil,

Advanced warning of difficult situations helps people prepare for them. One small heads-up, and we might have been able to score a few small oxygen tanks for the trip.

Is it odd that I rather enjoy that Virgil is making himself out to be a bit if a tool?
finem chapter 10 . 6/17/2012
You are cruel. Cruel indeed. So excited for this awesome triple update, only to be left wanting once more. It's a fun ride though, and I can't wait to see how the crew will get out of this pickle. I suspect things are going to get worse before they get better.
Citizenjess chapter 5 . 5/11/2012
Your stories always have a classical, slightly old-fashioned feel to them; they're reminiscent of giant young adult fantasy, albeit with a penchant towards gratuitous character introspection that is flooring considering the fact that, you know, a lot of the fandoms are '90s cartoons with maybe 20 off-the-cuff fanfics written for them, tops. I don't have the canon knowledge for Real Ghostbusters that you do, save for a handful of episodes that I recall seeing way back when; annoyingly, your MM crossovers always push me to rectify that. Characterization-wise, I enjoy this post-apocalypse Max that you write who is nonetheless, well, Max; young and still very much a typical 12-year-old American kid and maker some real stinkers of jokes, but as the story progresses, it's clear that he's been changed by his destiny. Virgil as the storyteller is always the way to my heart - and what a story! - and I always really enjoy your take on Norman. Overall, I am pleased that this 'fic still being updated means I'll have a reason to stalk your ff-dot-net profile for at least part of the summer. :D
Max Knight chapter 3 . 4/21/2012
Aweome, you updated. Two chapters even. Hmmm in Pandora's Pithos pithos? Some evil eh...wonder if he'll meet Percy...or hope personofied. Love Mighty Max and I still do. Keep it up. Everyone is in character, n Egon's scene got me fooled until yhe end. it was very nostalgic to hear Norman saying he eats...xxxx monsters for breakfast.
Susan M. M chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
Very nice, and I certainly wouldn't complain if you wrote a second chapter. (I also wouldn't complain if Mighty Max came out on DVD.) Everyone was in character, from Max relaxing once he heard Norman's voice to Virgil refusing to stand on a desk because that meant admitting he was too short to see what was going on. I'm almost afraid to ask what Egon's previous experience with were-chickens is; some things man is just not meant to know. I liked the silent signal to stand down. It makes sense that Norman would have worked something like that out with "his boy."

Virgil: not human, not exactly mortal, surprisingly low PKE level.

Norman: higher PKE level, but largely human (or should that be large human?)

Max: definitely human, with a PKE reading almost off the charts.
Movie-Brat chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
Grammar's nice, everyone's in character. Your story's overall well done. Is there more?
shadowwolf75 chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
This fic is made of win, even if it's just started. Any fic that gets Egon and Virgil in the same room is automatically awesome.
Max Knight chapter 1 . 5/16/2010
Poor Max probably wouldn't be paid enough for all of this but hey.

Well I was really glad that you made a crossover for this. I was wondering whether will it be with the Extreme GB team, but thinking on the era of the two shows, I guess this makes plenty of sense. Hope to see what the major evil is.
Peacewish chapter 1 . 5/16/2010
I really loved your series of sentence prompts when you posted them a little while ago, so I was eager to read something full-length from you. I did dearly love Mighty Max back in my junior high days, and if I'd known there was such a thing as fanfic, you can bet I'd have been writing it. This was cute, and I look forward to reading more from you.
EriksKitty chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
*Snicker*-"How come I don't get paid for this?"

I could just imagine Virgil's response to that one.

This is a cute idea. I hope your other muses let you play with it again soon.

~ Kitty, -.-

LLAP, \\/_