Reviews for Reading the Sword Thief
Ashleigh chapter 10 . 9/30/2019
Hi, I know that it’s 2019 and all, BIT THIS IS THE ONLY THING THATS KEEPING ME ALIVE. Since Amian sunk... And I couldn’t find the continuation.
all the code 3 chapter 8 . 6/26/2019

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all the code chapter 12 . 6/26/2019
was driving her nuts! The sooner they finished the books the sooner she could go shopping./ppstrong"It makes sense Hideyoshi would be a Tomas," Amy said. "The strength. The gross way he's holding that head."/strong/ppHamilton pretended to glare at her. Dan snickered./ppstrongp"Evolution is odd. It does not favor the Tomas." Alistair's grim expression loosened a bit, edging into a semi smile. "Of course, I am showing my bias as an Ekat. Anyway, I strongly believe our search should begin with Hideyoshi. The man had a lot of secrets. Some say the secrets undid him."/p/strong/ppstrong"Secrets is our middle name, dude," Dan said./strong/pp"Really now?" purred Natalie. "I thought your middle name was emFool/em."/ppDan glared at her. "What would emyou/em know about middle names, Natalie emI'm-in-love-with-my-reflection/em Kabra?"/ppVikram cleared his throat, and the reading commenced./ppstrongpAlistair leveled his gaze at Dan and then Amy. The color was returning to his face now. "I was going to keep this information to myself. After what happened in Salzburg, I wasn't sure I could trust you two. In fact, today I was tempted to conduct this entire search for the Hideyoshi link without your knowledge."/p/strong/ppstrong"Well, that makes two of us," Dan blurted out./strong/pp"What am I, chopped liver?" Amy said, glaring at Dan./ppDan shrugged. "I wasn't thinking about you."/ppAmy rolled her eyes. "Of course not," she said sarcastically./ppstrong"Three," Amy corrected. With a quick, tentative look toward Dan, she added, "We didn't think we could trust/strongemstrongyou/strong/emstrong, Uncle Alistair."/strong/ppstrongAlistair nodded. "I have devoted myself to earning your confidence again. Trust is a fragile thing-difficult to build, easy to break. It cannot be bargained for. Only if it is freely given can it be accepted in return." He looked from Amy to Dan. "To break the chain of mistrust, someone has to go first. I am happy to make the move. You deserve no less."/strong/pp"And still you disappeared after we helped you," Dan mumbled./pp"That incident in Korea was necessary," Alistair lied. He couldn't tell him the truth, not in front of everyone./pp"Yeah, emriiiight/em." Dan obviously didn't believe him./ppstrongSolemnly, he turned back to his screen. "Hideyoshi was a bit of a paranoid who liked to hoard things," Alistair continued, scrolling down the screen into the biographical text. "For example, the Great Sword Hunt of 1588, when he forced all the farmers and peasants to give over their swords. He claimed he wanted to melt them down for a large statue of Buddha. But that was a lie."/strong/pp"If he made everyone give him their swords," Hamilton asked, "then why is it called a sword hunt? Shouldn't it be...The Great Sword Gift or something?"/ppJonah gave an exaggerated sigh of frustration. "'Cause they named it that. Don't you know anything?"/pp"But why?" Hamilton pressed, glaring at Jonah./pp"" Jonah scrambled to make up a convincing tale. "When he got the swords he said 'This is for the Clue Hunt!' "/ppNatalie sniffed. "No doubt why you're losing the hunt," she told the rap star. "You don't know emanything."/em/pp"Yo, man," Jonah looked slightly embarrassed. "I was, uh, joking! Yep, that's the word!"/ppEveryone looked at him skeptically. "Uh huh…." Dan mumbled./ppstrongp"And the truth was . . .?" Amy said./ppAlistair shrugged. "One of the great mysteries. He also took measures to prevent farmers and peasants from rising to the warrior class. He seemed to be afraid of this."/p/strong/ppstrong"But /strongemstronghe/strong/emstrong rose from the poor," Amy said./strong/ppstrong"You must think like a warrior, sister-san," Dan said. "He was afraid /strongemstrongbecause/strong/emstrong he rose from the poor. He thought somebody else might, too – and whip his ninja butt."/strong/ppstrongAlistair nodded. "Perhaps he suspected more Tomas offspring-or worse, Ekaterina-lived in the provinces. The Ekat and Tomas branches were at war even then. Was he trying to hide swords from the Ekats to prevent them from rising against him? We don't know. If only we knew /strongemstrongwhere/strong/emstrong he hid the swords. The /strongemstrongwhere /strong/emstrongmight lead to the /strongemstrongwhy/strong/emstrong." With a shrug, Alistair turned to face them. "Okay, I've told you all I know."/strong/ppemWhy do you still trust them, Alistair? /emIan thought. emAnd why do they still trust you, if even the bare minimum?/em/ppIan knew that Alistair knew that while trusting Amy and Dan would get him clues, it also made room for backstabbing. And yet…out of all the Cahills, Amy and Dan trusted Alistair the most, which said a lot about the reliability of the other Cahills./ppIan sighed inwardly. Once upon a time, Amy had trusted him. Now...?/ppHe pushed the matter out of his mind and concentrated on the story./ppstrongpDan glanced at his sister. The ball was in their court now./p/strong/ppemstrongHe's shown us his own secrets,/strong/emstrong her eyes were saying. /strongemstrongWe owe him./strong/em/ppemstrongHe was looking at his webmail,/strong/emstrong Dan thought in return./strongemstrong He didn't show us THAT./strong/em/ppemstrongThat's different, /strong/emstrongshe argued./strongemstrong We need him./strong/em/ppemstrongpBesides his cash and his knowledge of Japanese, what good is he?/p/strong/em/ppemstrongBesides your nicely shaped left earlobe, what good are you?/strong/em/pp"Funny, I never noticed that," Hamilton muttered, scrutinizing Dan carefully. The room was quiet for a moment as everyone examined Dan's earlobes./ppNatalie, however, averted her eyes. A light blush spread across her cheeks./ppAfter a few moments of examination, everyone turned to Vikram expectantly. The Kabra patriarch, however, was looking at his wife./ppemSo, they can somehow manage to communicate silently,/emhe thought. He could clearly see in Isabel's eyes that she was taking mental notes. In the hunt, even the smallest bit of information was gold./ppHe cleared his throat again and started to speak./ppstrongDan glowered at her./strongemstrong You're the oldest, YOU mention it./strong/em/ppstrongAmy turned to Alistair. "We think . . . we found some of the swords," she said. "In Venice ."/strong/ppstrong"Hideyoshi's swords – in /strongemstrongItaly/strong/emstrong?" Alistair looked flabbergasted./strong/ppstrongpWith a sigh, Dan mumbled, "They were in the house of some Italian dude, Fidelio Racco."/p/strong/ppstrong"Racco. . ." Alistair said. "A Janus. Yet the clue points to a Tomas stronghold. Curious. Here in Japan , there are rumored to be secret Hideyoshi hiding places, but they are allegedly guarded by the descendants of Hideyoshi-many of them /strongemstrongyakuza/strong/emstrong."/strong/ppstrongDan smiled./strongemstrong Now/strong/emstrong he was talking. "Whoa – awesome!" Dan exclaimed. "I battled them at Level Four in. . .um, /strongemstrongNinja Gaiden/strong/emstrong, I think? Those guys are mad gangsta! They'll cut off your arms and feed them to you for lunch."/strong/ppstrong"Can't wait to meet them," Amy said./strong/pp"You want to meet them?" Jonah exclaimed, looking at Amy weirdly./pp"Sarcasm, mentally challenged rap star, sarcasm," Nellie rolled her eyes./ppstrongp"We tried to bring the swords here," Dan barreled on. "They're in my luggage. One of them had some markings. We figured the markings were important – maybe they give information about the next clue."/ppAlistair's eyes widened. "Is there any way we can retrieve these swords?"/pp"Well, maybe we don't have to." Dan nodded to his screen. "The same markings are on this tattoo."/p/strong/ppstrongDan had never seen Alistair move so fast. He leaned over Dan's shoulders and squinted at the image. "Are you/strongemstrongsure/strong/emstrong this was printed on the sword?"/strong/ppstrongp"Yup," Dan said. "Well, not exactly. There were some other characters too. They're missing here."/ppAmy shook her head. "How can you be sure? You don't know a word of Japanese."/p/strong/ppstrong"Uh, yeah," Dan said. "And I don't read a note of music. But let's see, who was the one who /strongemstrongmemorized a whole Mozart song and found our last clue/strong/emstrong? Wait, wait, let me try to remember. Oh. I know – me!"/strong/pp"You memorized the emwhole song?"/emIan said incredelously. "Is that how you got the swords?"/ppDan smirked. "Yeah. While you and Natalie played the wrong song. Remember how emunconscious/emyou were?"/ppIsabel turned her basilisk gaze on her children. "They rendered you unconscious?"/ppIan and Natalie gulped nervously. "We hacked Daniel's laptop, and we printed out the Mozart song, but the Cahills had a different version…so the trap on the piano…" Ian's voice trailed off./ppVikram placed a restraining hand on Isabel's shoulder. "Careful, my belle," he murmured, so only she could hear. "Not in front of them."/ppAnd so he began to read again, as if nothing had happened./ppstrong"Dan, are you/strongemstrong sure/strong/emstrong there were characters missing?" Alistair said. "Because the message, as is, is fairly innocuous-an incantation to luck, honor, triumph and such."/strong/ppstrong"Definitely. At the beginning of each line, there was some weird-looking letter. Like from another language. You know, Sanscript maybe."/strong/ppstrong"It's Sanskr/strongemstrongit, /strong/emstrongtattoo-brain," Amy said, sitting at her laptop. "Guess you don't remember /strongemstrongeverything/strong/emstrong perfectly."/strong/ppstrongShe turned to her uncle, who was furiously tapping away on his keyboard. "What do you now about these/strongemstrongyakuza/strong/emstrong people, Uncle Alistair?"/strong/ppstrongpShe thought she could feel him shudder. "They are very nasty and very deadly," he said softly. "Trust me, we do not want to cross their paths."/pp"You know some of them personally?" Dan said./p/strong/ppstrong"They know me and despise me," Alistair said. "I am an Ekat. The Tomas and Ekats have been bitter enemies for centuries. The /strongemstrongyakuza/strong/emstrong have long been suspected to possess a map to a secret underground crypt. And if I am to understand this recent message, we may have found a copy."/strong/pp"If y-you ask me," Amy said quietly, "I think b-branch rivalries are stupid. If the Ekaterina and Tomas allied, then t-they would be strong. B-brains and b-brute strength."/pp"Well, no one asked you," Natalie snapped. As stupid as the Holts were, she didn't want the Ekaterina and Tomas allying. It would be dangerous, and the Lucians needed taking over the world to be as easy as possible./pp"I suppose that could work," Alistair mused. "But I'm afraid it'll take a lot of convincing to do."/ppHamilton shook his head. "Dad would never do it. I wish he would, though."/ppDan glanced at Amy. She was following her Madrigal blood, subtly trying to get the branches to ally together, trying to stop their petty rivalries./ppstrongpHe hit the PRINT button. From the library's printer, a map slowly made its way into the paper tray, an ancient image showing a complicated ribbon of tunnels./pp"Cool!" Dan exclaimed./p/strong/ppstrong"You /strongemstrongknew/strong/emstrong about this all along?" Amy asked./strong/ppstrongpAlistair shook his head. Once again, his face became pale and drawn. "I have long been searching for certain . . . stolen Ekat documents not related to this. One of my colleagues has managed to find a hidden cache. I received a message from him on webmail while we were in Salzburg , with several attachments-including this map."/ppHe showed them the printout, which had the heading OF UNKNOWN SIGNIFICANCE./p/strong/ppstrong"Wait – Ekat documents? /strongemstrongColleagues/strong/emstrong? What else are you keeping from us? How can you – "/strong/ppstrongAmy's words stopped in her throat. The cursor on Dan's monitor was moving from the middle of the screen up to the left corner./strong/pp"Here come the Holts!" Hamilton grinned. Then his smile dropped. At times, he was ashamed of what his family would do for the clues./pp"You mean emDolts,"/emNatalie mumbled under her breath. Dan glared at her./pp"Hamilton and Reagan are far smarter than you will ever be!"/pp"I highly doubt that, Daniel," she purred./ppstrongp"Dan?" Amy said. "Stop that, okay?"/pp"Stop what?" Dan replied./p/strong/ppstrong"We know libraries bore you, but can't you take /strongemstronganything/strong/emstrong seriously?" Amy replied. "You're playing a trick, right? You have something in your pocket and it's sending a signal to the computer. Otherwise,/strongemstrong why would the cursor be moving/strong/emstrong?"/strong/ppstrongNow the cursor was on the BACK button, clicking rapidly through every page Dan had visited-tattoos, information on Hideyoshi and the Sword Hunt, the Facebook pages of three sixth-grade girls –/strong/ppEveryone's eyes turned to Dan./pp"Dan," Amy narrowed her eyes. "Why were you on Facebook pages of three sixth grade girls when emyou were supposed to be finding things out about the Hunt?"/em/pp"Um…" Dan stuttered. "Uh…."/pp"Perhaps Daniel has a secret crush," Ian offered./ppNatalie clenched her fists./pp"It's emDan,/emand no, I don't like anyone." The faint blush on Dan's face, however, proved otherwise./ppVikram's voice cut in, sounding amused but also stern./pp"May we return to the book? We have more important things to think about than a stupid boy's pathetic love life."/pp"Hey!" Dan glared at the Lucian leader. But secretly, he was grateful that the questioning had stopped./ppGod only knew what they would have done if they ever found out who he liked.../ppstrongp"Hey!" Dan shouted./pp"It's a keylogger," Alistair said, swiftly picking up the laptop. "Someone has hacked into the computer remotely and is spying on everything you've looked at today."/ppWith a solid yank, he pulled the electric plug from the back, and the screen went dead. A steady beeping noise began, and an LCD panel by the light switch flashed red Japanese characters that looked suspiciously like some form of EMERGENCY./pp"How did they do it?" Amy asked./ppDan took the laptop, examining the PC card. "It's an 802.11g wireless," he said. "So they have to be pretty close. I don't know, maybe like thirty yards-or fifty if they have a booster or something."/ppAlistair headed for the window. "Which means either they're in the building or in one of those cars outside."/p/strong/ppstrongOne of those /strongemstronghundreds/strong/emstrong of cars, he could have said-if you considered the cars at the curb, in the nearby parking lot, and bumper-to-bumper on the road./strong/ppemstrongTap-tap-tap-tap!/strong/em/ppstrongpThe rapping on the door made them all jump. "Is everything all right in there?" a tiny, timid voice called in./p/strong/ppstrongIt sounded like Ms. Nakamura, but there was something about her tone. . ./strong/pp"I t-told you not to open the d-door," Amy said to Alistair, exasperated./ppIt seemed to be Amy who was the brains of the duo, or sometimes trio (including Alistair, who was supposed to be an emEkaterina/em). Isabel narrowed her eyes as she placed Amy's death over Dan's. Without Amy, Dan would fall apart, and then her son would be able to get over his infatuation. Also, without the two annoying brats….the Lucians' path to glory would be clear./ppIt was amazing what a single death could do./ppstrongpAlistair went to the door. "She may know how to run a trace."/pp"No!" Amy blurted out./pp"Ms. Nakamura," Alistair said, yanking the doorknob, "your library has been compromised-"/ppThe door flew open-and Alistair was staring into the massive chest of a gray XXXL T-shirt./p/strong/ppstrong"No kidding, Sherwood," said Eisenhower Holt, with a grin so wide it nearly touched the edges of his stiff military brush cut. "Now fall in line, all of you – and /strongemstrongmarch/strong/emstrong!"/strong/pp"Told you so," Amy murmured./pp"How did you emriffraff/em manage to hack into a computer?" Isabel snarled at Hamilton./pp"We're not stupid, you know," Hamilton snapped. He was getting tired with how the branches underestimated the Holts. Even though he and his family were strong, it didn't mean they couldn't be smart as well!/ppNatalie shook her head and was about to say something when Dan cut her off. He grinned at her annoyed look./pp"Who's going to read next?" Dan asked./pp"Amy can read," Ian suggested./pp"But –" Amy was interrupted by the dark blonde boy, who grabbed the book from Vikram./pp"Here you go, little sister!" Dan beamed./pp"I'm older than you!" Amy protested. Dan waved his hand dismissively. "Sister-san, begin reading! A ninja lord like me can't be kept waiting!"/ppAmy sighed at her younger brother's antics, but obediently began to read./pp"Chapter Six," Amy began, with no stuttering. The sooner the books were done, the sooner they could get back to the hunt. The books needed to be finished, pronto!/phr size1 noshadepSomewhere nearby, KLK smirked./pp"If only you knew what's written there," she laughed to herself. "If only you knew what's waiting for you...especially page 123..."/p
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div class'storytext xcontrast_txt nocopy' id'storytext'pstrongA/N: I won't start listing excuses, just that I know that it's been a while since I updated./strong/ppstrongDisclaimer: I do not own 39 Clues in any way./strong/ppstrongList of People to Applaud:/strong/ppstrongRoyalDanielle: Beta. The person who typed up this half chapter (the book parts) because I couldn't get a hold of a copy of the book. So thank her for this update!/strong/ppstrongAmy Cahill09: Random Reviewer/strong/ppstrongJasper winked: The 39th reviewer/strong/ppstrongSo without further ado.../strong/ppstronghr size1 noshade/strong/pp"May we please continue?" Natalie interrupted. She needed to go shopping! The lack of it
L chapter 14 . 11/17/2018
Madrigals are Hufflepuff of course!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/28/2018
Ms. Nakamura. Percy Jackson reference anyone?
ThatFangirlRuby chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
nooooooooooo I love this story!
CarrieAfterDawn35 chapter 1 . 1/28/2017
Your friend's story got deleted. Might want to continue now before angry fans try and kill you.
SaphirraBlack13 chapter 14 . 9/8/2015
pleez keep writing this is awesome. u r 1 if my fave writers ever
thank u
Sephirra black
Guest chapter 17 . 7/19/2015
Huh?No more?
though you wrote greatly
Anonymous chapter 17 . 5/27/2015
I hv tried hard to find the continuation of ur book but I cannot
HI chapter 17 . 4/5/2015
Imagination-Magic's story got deleted!
Ray chapter 15 . 11/28/2014
I really hope you have your writing muse on. This story is amazing. Read it at least 3 times. Please... I love it. Put more Amian and Natan in. Please! At least go to the Nataliya part.
SpeakingThroughDance chapter 17 . 11/16/2014
SpeakingThroughDance chapter 16 . 11/16/2014
Please, I NEED an update!
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