Reviews for Rising Tide
stacey218 chapter 19 . 1/10/2013
I'm so so happy you did a sequel. I can't tell you how happy it makes me. I loved this, the whole Tali mission and Miranda's betrayal. The LOTSB stuff and Shepards reaction to Arrival. It was top notch, 10 out of 10 awesomeness.

I like how you extended Thane's life without suddenly having a space-magic cure. I always wondered why it was that Cerberus could bring femshep BACK FROM THE DEAD, but the idea of curing Thane's illness was never brought up with them or with Mordin, like you did. I mean come on, you can resurrect a corpse but can't cure a slow advancing disease? I don't buy it. But I have to stop, I'm ranting lol.

I was surprised that Thane and Shep broke up though. His letter to her was heart breaking! Pulled on the heart strings a bit lol. I can't wait for thier reunion because we the way they treated Thane in ME3...lets not even go there lol.

Like I said before, you wrote this fic beautifully. I cannot express how much I enjoyed reading it. Your Thane is so real and in charcter and femshep again is like a real person. She's actually struggling which some femsheps don't seem to do, which I've never understood. And thane comforts her. God loved the scene where he was talking about her struggling and speaking in the night and he would hold her till she calmed.

Anyways enough. I'm spamming the review box. Again I loved it. This is a series I will read and re-read over and over again.

It's amazing.
Day of the Wolf chapter 18 . 4/10/2012
It was really amazing! While I understand Shepard's choice at the end, I didn't really like it, I guess I was with her crew on that one. And the way she handled Thane was cruel, but I know why she did it. But it makes the story good and complex. I look forward to the rest of the series.
Alia92 chapter 18 . 3/22/2012
Awww Hun;) Thane and his damn beautiful letters! Oh please do a ME3 story but w/ Thane? Please I was soooo heartbroken when I found out ruined the game for mr alot. Please do one more story w/ Thane the way it should have been done, pleAse. I think you would do an amazing job. Thanks again Hun for writing such beautiful things:)
Akoya8 chapter 18 . 3/5/2012
If you're writing a sequel, I can't wait to read it. But only after I play ME3...and that won't get to happen for a couple more weeks. I've really enjoyed reading this and its prequel! And I'm really hoping for a continuation!
Michele O'S chapter 18 . 3/5/2012
What a great wrap up before the ME3 launch! I am so excited. One day!

Anyway. The message from Thane? *sniffles* killing me here! That was so well done, and very Thane like.

I really enjoy how spot on you are with the existing characters.

Thank you for the great ending to a great fanfic!

Michele O'S chapter 17 . 3/4/2012
I spent two days reading this. I LOVE the Mass Effect franchise, but rarely ever read fanfic on it.

This story... wow, just wow. It had been a roller-coaster of emotions.

First off, Thane has got to be one of my favorite, if not number one in the series. I even used him on facebook for the two day count down for ME3!

Your Shepard. I love her! She is complex and so humanized. I could really get a feel for this character as a person.

The entire story from page one, to page 17 had be glued to it. The romantic scenes were so tasteful and well done. The missions very detailed and exciting. Which says a lot for me, I tend to skim battles.

Is this finished? Or holding off for ME3 now?

Thank you so much for doing this. It was brilliant.

Emantsal chapter 17 . 3/3/2012
Don't know how I managed to miss this gem of a story! Great plot and character interaction. Looking forward to the next update.
Kelly Krios chapter 17 . 3/3/2012
EEEHH You need to continue D:

Your series is ssssssooooo gggoooodddd don't stop now!

More please :P

Shoshana17 chapter 15 . 2/19/2012
I havent played Arrival yet, is it worth it? How will it effect ME3? But I like how you've done this part of your fic so far. Keep up the good work?
lunar47 chapter 14 . 2/7/2012
I am so glad this fic is continuing 3
BaiLia chapter 12 . 12/12/2011
Very much enjoying this story, particularly the character development of each. I like the tensions between Shepard and Liara, and the way you created the character of Jordan, built him up, but then dropped him - it was both nice foreshadowing and an interesting red herring. I understand that this story could be considered to have come to a natural stopping point, but I would very much enjoy reading more if you were to write it. Perhaps when ME3 comes out?

GrimsonAshes chapter 12 . 3/26/2011
Just as amazing as the first! I really hope you plan to continue!
Uritsuko chapter 12 . 3/1/2011
Loved it, all of it. Really well written and just a damn good story, thanks for putting it out here for us all to enjoy :)
Blind Bay chapter 12 . 2/24/2011
I really love the way you write combat/action scenes. Dialogue is great and fits each person. Don't give up on this story!
HellzCrusader chapter 12 . 1/14/2011
omg awesome! i hope there is more to come with this fic because it is epically cool.
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