Reviews for Window in the Skies
Emi chapter 34 . 3/18
So good! Thank you so much! I love your writing and I can't wait to know how this story will end! I started reading it because I felt super attracted to it but more because I thought it was finished! Now you have me wrapped around your finger! Thank you very much again and I hope I can read you again soon! Lots of kisses!
Emi chapter 29 . 3/17
I'm crying so hard. This chapter had so many emotions I'm utterly in love. Thank you so much for this beautiful chapter! It's been so long since something hit me this hard. Thank you again!
Dariuchka chapter 33 . 11/30/2019
Oh this is so fantastic! I am so happy to see an update and keep the story going! I only keep my ff net account for Window in the Skies and still being rewarded for it 3!

It's so crazy, I was a highschooler when I started reading this story and now I am in middle of my PhD and I still love it so much and looking forward to more. Thanks so much for holding onto your promise to continue all these years!

I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment, specially with that knot of "Do you think I would ever be with a slave?" comment that's eating up all curiosity and seeing Neji's change and path back in Konoha! Aaaah! all the excitement!
darkstardragon432 chapter 34 . 9/13/2019
Omfgggg well worth the wait I cant wait for the next chapter !
Frenchyangelwolves chapter 34 . 7/26/2019
It's been a while since I haven't come back to this story but it is always with great pleasure that I re-read this story and find new chapter.
I really don't know where this is going but I really cant'v wait to see how this would end
Thank you for your good work!
Cherry-San chapter 34 . 7/22/2019
I literally check FFN for about two stories nowadays and this is one of them. I SCREAMED when I saw the new chapter. I just want our boys to be soft and happy together.

One thing I love about this entire arc is just how much growth both Shikamaru and Neiji have undergone and it's amazing to see the changes in Neiji through the eyes of his family as a result. This is seriously one of my favorite stories ever. It's so well done and the voices are so distinct. Thank you so much for sharing it with us! 3
sorryformyenglish chapter 34 . 7/11/2019
It's been so long since I've last read you ! maybe one year ? Yet, only two words and I was right back in your story, I have forgotten nothing ! Another proof that what your write is so strong and pure ! I read a lot, all the time, and I remembered everthing of your story even with the time between this two lasts chaps.
Jiraya's death, so sad again.
I want Neji and Shikamaru see each other one more time !
I love what you write
Guest chapter 34 . 7/7/2019
Oh my thank you for the update!
I really love how spot-on your charactererizations are.
I love Shikamaru. I love Neji. I love them even more together! And I love them the most when they are depicted/written in a lovely story like this. Kudos. Will ne with them 'til the end. 3
AnimeSiren chapter 34 . 7/4/2019
Very glad to see a chapter return for this story!
DeidaraLittleMonster chapter 34 . 7/3/2019
For some reason I have never left a review on this fic, and I don't know why because this is seriously one of my favourite stories ever. And I'm so happy you updated!
I hope Shikamaru and Neji get to reunite at some point. They belong together, but I wonder how that would even work out...
I'm kinda sad this fic is nearing the end, but I also can't want to see how it ends! Keep up the great work!
EatEmUp chapter 34 . 7/3/2019
always great to hear from you! I love...and also kinda hate that this story is not at all predictable lol. it always leaves me wanting to read more.

happy writing!
Hunter1000 chapter 34 . 7/3/2019
I love this fanfic so much, I'm so glad you updated!
ness valentine chapter 34 . 7/3/2019
Thank you for posting! I'm so glad you updated this fic (and right in time for Neji's birthday )
niver chapter 33 . 5/25/2019
I have been really enjoying this fic, even though it drove me to the point of tears in worry for poor Neji at times ... he's been through so much and gotten so little tenderness. I can't wait for his and Shikamaru's reunion, the day Neji can be a free man ... looking forward to more!
killerraven5655 chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
OH wow.
I wasn't expecting that.
I've been reading the first chapter of stories that are in my favourites (Read later list, a purge of sorts I only want good storied I will actually read in my faves) and I noticed a HUGE difference in the quality of writing your story is offering so far, compared to some of the contrived pieces I had been looking through this flowed in a way that felt natural.
That's really exciting to me. And the fact that it's a ShikaNeji Story makes me so happy - you don't even know. So yeah, I thought this was really well written and I'm looking forward to the rest of the story :)
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