Reviews for Nineteen
MystiFay chapter 4 . 1/5/2015
So I don't know whether you still log in here but I wanted to thank you for this story. I first read this years ago, at the beginning of my "career" as a fangirl and shipper (yes I pretty much consider it a job). ItsuKyon was my first slash pairing (of many, many others to follow. ehem.) and I loved this fic so much back then. So when I stumbled over it again, I instantly recognized the title and summary and had to read it again, of course. And I still love it. (And I still love this pairing.) So, thank you for writing something I could enjoy so much, twice. c:
Saesha chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
It's been a while since I read this story, but I still love it. And I understand it even better since my English has improve a lot (or at least, that's what I want to think...).
But I enjoyed Nineteen as It was the first time. There should be lots and lots of fics about this pairing *-* It's a great one.
kapslar chapter 2 . 2/4/2014
It was really refreshing to see "answerphone" written in a fic hahah. And your story is so long!

Although you probably don't like it anymore, or even this series anymore, I think reading your work is nice.
Mihaelandnate chapter 4 . 5/4/2013
fjdklfjdasklfjdasofidjasfkljas Please, Please right a continuation/ prequel that involves this verse. Please. Because klgfjlkfjdklsfjkljfdkasfjkl I love this universe so much that I can't even type words to give logical, decent feedback.
anon-kun chapter 4 . 2/21/2013
Ah, that last scene with Mikuru on the phone was adorable...! I'm glad you ended it the way you did. Well done, I think I will shuffle over to your profile page now to see what else you've written...
anon-kun chapter 3 . 2/21/2013
God, this is so painfully realistic; it's heartbreaking and beautiful and all those uncomfortable, implacable feelings that can't quite be described with words. I don't even know what else to say here... this just resonates with me on too many levels, I think- which makes me wonder what you've been through, as well.
I have my fingers crossed for a happy resolution (I have yet to read the last chapter). It might break the stunning realism, which you've managed to capture perfectly, but that's what fiction is for anyway.
Kaizen Kitty chapter 4 . 12/25/2012
No way, this is a brilliant happy ending to this story! I loved every part of it. And what I liked most, is that you had a definite confidence of where your story was going. Apart from that, it spoke of a lot of life experience and general knowledge. The writing style was impeccable too. So overall, I'm more than impressed. Thank you for writing something as true and sweet as this.
bia-douwata-13 chapter 4 . 7/27/2012
I... love you so much right now.
Omfg, I can't.
Thank you for all those wonderful feels and... UGH, THANKS FOR THIS FIC.
bia-douwata-13 chapter 3 . 7/27/2012
Good, now my feels are everywhere, thank you.
Kyon is so confused and then there's Koizumi... My otp T_T
bia-douwata-13 chapter 2 . 7/27/2012
Omg, Asahina was such a sweetie! I always thought that she would be good at those things, even if she was really shy. And, oh feels... So, Koizumi couldn't take his mind of Kyon? I like it :3
bia-douwata-13 chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
OMG, that fic is surely going to give me feels.
I liked of your descriptions and it looks good so far!
OodleNoodle chapter 4 . 6/11/2012
I thoroughly enjoyed this entire story. It was well written and managed to capture my attention for so long that I read three chapters in one sitting and as a result it's now 3AM.

This is a lovely piece of fanfiction! Well done!

And with that, I'm going to go to bed. XD
Saesha chapter 4 . 4/8/2012
Awww~ Lovely fic, ** And I love the end, it was so... **

It took me about two days to finish reading the fic, but it was worth ** I love it so so much.

I've never read about this pairing before, but i saw a picture on the internet and i though there were a lovely couple... And looking for one fic about them i ended up in yours (i don't know why... I don't even know why i search a fic in english instead of in spanish.. I suppose it was because there are more fics in english... xD)

Once again, I LOVE IT 3

TheSoulOfAStrawberry chapter 4 . 3/21/2012
Wow... Amazing. That kind of fiction isn't something I ever think I'll ever forget... Maybe I will turn it into a doujinshi (of course, you get the credit!)... Good work, I guess. They call that kind of literature true art : )
Lazy Gaga chapter 4 . 11/19/2011
This story was amazing! Couldn't help but to read it, and re-read it, and re-read it some more! :D
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