Reviews for Paintings
Anitoon3 chapter 3 . 5/29/2011

Cool! Alphonse got married!

Hahaha, Greed's funny! And Ed got all mad and worried at the thought of Al having sex underage! XD

Hahaha, the line about them haveing sex more than bunnies totally got me laughing so hard to the point I was crying. XD

Heehee, Ed caught the bouquet! Yay! Ed and Greed are gonna get married! XD

thanks so much for making this!

~ Anitoon3
Anitoon3 chapter 2 . 5/29/2011

cool chapter.

Haha, Ed can get so angry at times!

Wait, so all three of them are together? Or is both Ed and Roy just with Greed?

~ Anitoon3
Anitoon3 chapter 1 . 5/29/2011

This is cool! :)

Heehee, he likes art now that he's the canvas! ;)

I liked the part where their sex life was made interesting. :)

This was funny!

Thanks for making this!

~ Anitoon3
Dreadful Virtue chapter 3 . 8/10/2010
oh gosh - I can so imagine their expressions when Greed caught the flowers! xDDD

These ficlets are great! Short but sooo sweet. I nice read in-between. 3
Strawberry Syrup chapter 1 . 5/26/2010
If you don't continue this, I'll kick you ~shot~