Reviews for Perversion: Here, There and Everywhere
Butterfree chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
That would totally happen on Robin and Franky's honeymoon.

~ CupidKirby(TwisterKirby)
Dancing Mask chapter 4 . 6/10/2010
Damn, that was great! In character, and nice touches in moving the OP characters to the real world, such as contortionist Luffy. You know your history, which is a huge plus... I kinda wish this was a full-length story, although that would be a lot of work on your part. Top notch~
SilentSinger948 chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
hilarious start.
NopeJustMe chapter 4 . 6/10/2010
Wow, I love this one, all the tiny little details and connections between the Hunchback of Notre Dame's canon and the characters matching up. Kuma is scary...
callosum chapter 4 . 6/10/2010
This was good but super creepy. *shivers* And so many of my beloved characters died...*weeps* I really want them to get their revenge on Kuma now!
dandy wonderous chapter 4 . 6/10/2010
Aaaah, Hellfire. Is it sad that it's my favorite song with English lyrics from The Hunchback of Notre Dame? O.o (My favorite being Sanctuary; it's in Latin but SO AWESOME, and yeeeaaah, I have the whole soundtrack on my iPod, cuz I is a nerd, XP)

So, this was really sad, but really intense and well written (as usual, ). I enjoyed it, probably more than I should have considering Sanji DIED (TAT). The horrible deaths of Helmeppo and Coby were the saddest part for me.

Heee, I love Law's French-hating British snark. XD

And the return of Luffy's song, yay!

Nice job.

P.S: This may be a bad time, but... how is ASDGTH coming along? *eyebrow wiggle*
penniless1 chapter 4 . 6/10/2010
It's because Zoro is so malleable - give him three swords and you can attach almost any history to him :D All the others have much more detailed lifespans.

By the way, please, please, please, please, please continue. Please?
ReadR chapter 4 . 6/10/2010
The only complaint i got... Why kuma? Not akainu? Well, I can imagine kuma killing people heartlessly, but when he executed coby and helmeppo for disobey orders, it reminded me of akainu. He doesn't seem that type... Other than that, love this fic. Tony's cute!
Aoi24 chapter 4 . 6/10/2010
*bows* Win, you are made of it. XD This fantastic, I have no words but oodles for fangirl squeeing to lavish upon you.

Love it,Love it, love it. Favourite bit is probably where Luffy sings his song.
penniless1 chapter 3 . 6/7/2010
Oh dear heavens, I could glomp you. Is that appropriate fangirl-speak? *defers to Aoihand*

This? This sped up chapter six of Endgame and inspired minor Twilight-bashing in Radiate. This was sweet, sweet crack all the way.

Btw, Zoro Sadi would utterly destroy the London Ton. XD
ReadR chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
It's hilarious and IC, too!
eternitybeckons chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
xD wow this was epic. Brook being a perverted phoraoh was great, and I loverd how calm Robin was while Franky freaked out. -
dandy wonderous chapter 3 . 6/1/2010
Heeeeey! You're back! (Well, you've BEEN back, but I haven't had much times to read the other chapters yet.)

This story was AWESOME! Vampire!Sanji and vampire!Zoro win at life! Er, undeath, anyway... I love how Sanji just took out Jack the Ripper; pwn!

ZoroxSadie? Hmmm... In this context, I see it. XD

But was Sanji with KALIFA! NO! She doesn't deserve his awesome! TAT

And this was WAY better than Twilight. XD
Aoi24 chapter 3 . 6/1/2010
I always knew you were a woman of exquisite taste. XD

Great stuff altogether! You're absolutely right. Who doesn't like a violent and brutal vampire romance. Sadi-chan and Zoro could take that town. (and truss it up in leather)

Great stuff and love the references to other characters. I particularly adore the idea of Mihawk as the boss as everyone knows he's really a nine thousand year old Spanish Vampire pimp. XD
amyismynamey chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
I think I just died from laughter! Fear the all mighty bone of the pharaoh! YOHOHOHOH~!
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