Reviews for Cat's Shadow
yukicrewger2 chapter 13 . 7/31/2019
Is Caliburn anything like the Looney Tunes singing sword?
a7152966 chapter 12 . 4/6/2019
OMG, that book is Real! and it reads like a self help book like for those recently diagnosed with chronic disease. and now my head is going wild with conspiracy theories of are werewolves real, and if they are, how close are various literature. hopefully not twilight.
carneyjarred chapter 7 . 9/6/2018
To anyone who reads this I think I found out the reason the legend of Zelda skyward sword character fi is annoying it's because she is a new idea of robotic like character not to mention she was created by hylia she was meant to assist the hero it's her objective not to mention she is the predecessor for the machines in breath of the wild and she developes emotions at the end of the game due to this you got to wonder if it's possible for Zelda to create someone/thing similar to fi with more emotion since Zelda is hylias reincarnation.
Lover of Emotions chapter 13 . 8/18/2017
that is good. update soon please.
hnh058513 chapter 11 . 7/12/2017
So it's the Golden Sword of Assured victory.
hnh058513 chapter 10 . 7/12/2017
Okay is it the sword fragrach(which was wielded by Chulain), or is it the sword of the light- Claíomh Solais. those are the only swords that come to mind
isis424 chapter 13 . 6/2/2017
deathgeonous chapter 2 . 3/16/2017
You know, while this fic is fun and all, it truly shows us just how much you've improved your writing skills in the past seven years. I mean, yeah, this is a good and fun fic, and I did have fun rereading it, but your current stuff is much more well written in the technical sense of the term. Well, lot's of practice will do that for you. Anyways, thanks for writing not only this, but all your fics, and goodbye for now.
Mernom chapter 13 . 11/23/2016
When you first introduced the Naruto cross as a stealth one, I was under the impression that it was post academy... Unless time shenanigans are involved. Also, A four man team?
Mernom chapter 11 . 11/23/2016
Recruiting Snape for a pranking group... This, I believe I never seen before.
Mernom chapter 10 . 11/23/2016
This is the 2nd time I have noticed that you used Joey's dub name.
Mernom chapter 9 . 11/23/2016
Wait... A death eater wannabe had the Slifer card? And the one that Marik's drone had is a fake? That's an interesting development... Dumbledore is playing a dangerous game, inviting all of those people... How did he get to Marik, anyway? Did he set an auto targeting spell for every magical signature in Japan without a school? About Kate, it's good to read it now... Would be better to read it last chapter though.
Mernom chapter 8 . 11/23/2016
Once Kaiba admitted the existence of magic, he wasted no time before starting to turn it into profit. Good old corporation manager! While Sakura is somewhat Mary Sue-y, she is rather fun to read. Especially when she starts trolling. While on that subject, if she can't wake up before 10, how does she get up for school? She does go there, right? Otherwise, the scene when her animagus state was revealed makes no sense since she has no reason to be there. Also, if Harry has Kate's apartment, does that means that she moves out? New one, or back home?
Mernom chapter 7 . 11/23/2016
... And spirit form came out of nowhere. Overall, the story is too similar to canon, despite the massive changes that should've ensued.
Mernom chapter 6 . 11/23/2016
Not enough feedback from their actions. I'd expect more people to react to the boys casting advanced spelled, or talking to dead people. Also, too bad Mokuba didn't get Harry into ygo. This IS a Crossover, after all. Would be amusing if all of Hogwartz ended up being hooked...
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