Reviews for Reset
Shylo In Wonderland chapter 6 . 10/13/2014
Pleaaaaseee update! This is so good, and I don't see a lot of awesome fanfics with these two! And the fact you added KennyxButters together made it even better! Please cotinue!
Pinecallado chapter 6 . 9/16/2012
It's been over two years and you still haven't updated this wonderful fanfic yet...

PLEASE update soon!
LUKBY chapter 6 . 10/1/2011
Please update your fic is great
PammieChan chapter 6 . 2/28/2011
I really love this, I really really do! 3
Blusterfuss chapter 6 . 12/8/2010
Oh please please pleaseee update. I absolutely love the plot of this story, and characterization is spot on. I want to see how everything unfolds! Plus drunk, angsty, skinny cartman is possibly my most favorite thing ever. Please continue this 3
RJCreighton chapter 6 . 12/7/2010
be motivated! i wanna see kyle jumped for happy times by Cartman... or the other way around... cooooommmmmmeeee ooooonnnnn!
Rumanya chapter 6 . 10/29/2010
Love this ...:) xo
KatQ66 chapter 6 . 10/16/2010
Awesome story! I love the new Kenny, and can't wait to find out about all the secrets the town now seems to have. Especially when it comes to Cartman!

Update soon!
xEmerald Isle chapter 6 . 10/12/2010
Yay, an update! :D

I really loved this chapter. It was so awesome, as usual. ;D

My favorite part was also when Kyle was drunk and Cartman was looking after him. Sooo adorable! ;D

I feel so sorry for poor Butters :( How could anyone hurt him? He's just so sweet and innocent. :(

I'm really dying to read the next chapter so please update soon! :D :D
Abby chapter 5 . 9/13/2010
this is a really good story and i love how there are so many funny parts in it like when butters and kenny were messin around in the movie theator lobby. and when kyle spilled milk out his nose! XD but there once Cartman said gross i would have thought that kyle would make some kind of a remark towards the kidney transplant. but this is really well written. i hope you update it really soon because i'm eager to find out some of the secrets that Cartman and kenny are keeping from kyle
xEmerald Isle chapter 5 . 8/3/2010
I loved this chapter. It was awesome :D

I love how Tweek was in this. He's so awesome :D

Haha, I love how Butters and Kenny were messing around after the film and Kenny ran into the table. That was so funny! XDDD

I wonder what Kyle's going to do to make everything ok again. I can't wait to find out.

My favorite part in this chapter was when Kyle and Cartman were standing in the line and Cartman was standing away from him and Kyle pulled him closer. :D :D

I really can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon please! :D
Too lazy to login chapter 5 . 8/2/2010
I also like the whole bunny moment but my favorite scene is when cartman is not showing somewhat emotion while telling Kyle if he gets it or not. He seems to be calm and trying to help him in a way that Kyle wouldn't notice... Hehe I don't I am just a big kyman fangirl
Essex Cole chapter 5 . 8/2/2010
I wonder...did cartman's mom die or something? I feel like that would explain a lot, but what, I don't know.

my favourite part was the Tweek cameo! I love him so much. hope there'll be more of that~

and DAMMIT I wanna know what Kyle did. I had assumed most of it was the homosexuality but if Mrs B doesn't know...hrmmn.

and I feel it pickin up too, btw. love it!
Fenrirsboy chapter 4 . 7/23/2010
It kinda seems like you were implying that Stan is cheating on Kyle...hmmm...that would certainly add drama to the whole thing. I'm also kinda unclear about Kyle's mom. Is she mad at him because he left? Because he's not a lawyer? Because he is gay? Or is it all three? Does she even know that he is gay? Kyle asked Sarah not to mention Stan, but not that he's gay...

Anyway, I'm interested in this story, and am looking forward to reading more
xEmerald Isle chapter 4 . 7/21/2010
Awesome chapter. It was great! :D

I loved the part where the boys were at Stark's Pond smoking weed. It was kinda nice that Cartman wasn't actually yelling at Kyle or anything, even though he still doesn't forgive him yet.

Omg, I love Butters in this! He's so funny! And adorable! :D :D

And I LOVED when Kyle spewed milk out of his nose! That was absolutely hilarious! XDDD

I can't wait for the next chapter. I really hope Cartman forgives Kyle soon.

Please update soon :D
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