Reviews for Bravery
allicients chapter 15 . 6/10/2019
I‘m in love with your Zebra thingy, haha.
rmpcmfan chapter 15 . 2/10/2019
Just discovered this story and loved it!
Guest chapter 15 . 9/20/2015
That was absolutely amazing! Best fanfiction I've ever read!
shad75 chapter 6 . 2/13/2012
Brilliant chapter. I loved Morgan's interactions with Kacey and his fist exchange with the unsub. I also loved Emily confiding in Reid about her pregnancy and resuming the search even though she got shot in the thigh.

I am home alone cos my parents have gone up north for the weekend cos my mom had some work up there. For 26 years, people couldn't travel up north cos of the war. My mom is now in charge of a charity which is doing some work up there.

I am getting quite into NCIS LA and H50, two shows I used to watch on a casual basis in the past but was not into. NCIS LA, maybe but not H50. I am certainly not into them the way I am in to NCIS, Castle and CM but they are rubbing off on me. I have no interest in reading fics of H50 but I quite like to try out fics of NCIS LA. I don't know how to find good ones though. I remember that another author recommended yours to me when I asked her. She doesn't write anymore. In fact, she didn't even complete the Derek - Emily story I first read when I asked her for recommendations. It was quite good. I know lot of people who watch NCIS and read those fics. Perhaps I'll ask some of them whether they read NCIS LA fics although none of the fans I know seem to like the spin off as much as the original.

Hope all is well with you.
shad75 chapter 5 . 2/11/2012
Excellent chapter. Both with regards to excitement and emotional moments. Gosh, Emily's parents are so tough on her. I can imagine Derek being worried that Emily is pulling away from him and I did feel bad that Lucas died cos he wasn't a bad father even though he wasn't a great one.

Yesterday, I had a hectic day. Had a practice interview with a student who left for Scotland today for his interview at a Medical college (Aberdeen). Then, I had a doctor's appointment for my throat - long waiting queue, although throat is much better now. And then, I had an appointment with the vet for my dog. Dax is such a drama queen when she goes to the vet. So badly behaved!

What did you think of the new episode? I really liked it. Actually, my favorite since 'there's no place like home'. Last time's ep was great cos of the Emily moments (and that episode was better for those moments) but I liked the plot in this one better than last time and I also liked Reid going undercover.

I am right now watching the SL version of who wants to be a millionaire. I love this show.
Lauhaa chapter 15 . 1/29/2012
This is like the 13th time I've read this its such an amazing story and Kacey she is so cute you should do another story with her in and the new baby Lulu of course :D do one soon PLEASE ;) x
yen35 chapter 4 . 1/4/2012
I really liked this chapter. It was very interesting when Garcia narrowed down the list of suspects and also the anagram and how they figured out there were 2 unsubs. Emily's chat with her ex was also interesting and I am glad they came to some sort of understanding and he explained why he acted like such an a**. Derek keeping his hand on her knee under the table and Hotch secretly being happy for them as a couple was very cute. Oh, I can't believe Strauss wrote them up for seeing each other! If they are doing their work, surely it should be alright. But she was anyway a troublemaker. My dad couldn't understand why she made Hotch temporary resign in S5.
shad75 chapter 3 . 12/28/2011
Good chapter.

Your writing style is amazing as always of course and the plot is nice too but for some reason, I can't connect to the characters in this story (I mean the guest ones) like I did in 'who we are'. But I guess thats natural right? Even among our favorite authors we have favorite stories right? For e.g. I love all Sophie Kinsella's books but Undomestic Goddess is my favorite and after that I like the shopaholic series but I don't like this book 'remember me?' as much as her other ones even though it was good. Of course I'll be continuing to read this because I love Emily and Derek so much and so long as they and the team are in every chapter, I am happy. And of course, your writing style is always superb.
shad75 chapter 2 . 12/23/2011
Good chapter. I love the team spirit and adored the nice little chat between Derek and Garcia (about Emily). I wonder what happened to the 'chat' between Derek and Strauss. So she said they can't even hold hands - how sad! Its also interesting that JJ doesn't know yet about their relationship cos she and Em are best friends.

I guess I did wonder at first why Emily didn't fight more for her daughter but now I see the judge being a family member etc. In SL, there are so many people related to each other in positions of power that they pull favors like that all the time. Oh and in this show Body of Proof, the main character's daughter lives with her ex. I couldn't get into this show much even though I liked the main character and of course it had Jeri Ryan from Voyager who I love but I just couldn't get into the plots.

I just watched 'Bloodline'. Absolutely superb. I love Em doing the cognitive interview and her good cop bad cop routine with Hotch. That was new. And for some reason, I just read your profile only now! I see you like Charmed (one of my top 10 favorite shows) and 'The practice' (one of my top 20 shows). I loved the practice until the last season when it started going downhill. I didn't ship any couples as such. Did you notice that the unsub in Hanley Waters is the one who plays Lindsay in the Practice? I just noticed it on my rewatch although the 1st time I watched, I thought she looked familiar.

Hey, I was a bit upset today cos I read on some site that Paget only signed a 1 year contract when she rejoined CM. I thought everyone had signed 2 year contracts cos a while back, I read that A.J. signed a 2 year one. How awful will it be if she leaves at the end of this year again.
shad75 chapter 1 . 12/20/2011
Wow, this is different.

Its very well written by you as always and very interesting but I am still not sure if I like the idea of Emily not visiting her daughter for the past 6 years. I am sure she had a good reason which I'll find out in later chapters.

I really enjoyed the start of the chapter, the Derek- Emily moments and that they were keeping the romance from Hotch and also the Star Trek conversation between Reid and Emily. I always found Q to be a bit annoying in Voyager! Whenever he came, he created havoc and once his son came and created even more havoc! By the way, which show are Zan and Jayna from? I watched a old sci fi which I loved those days called Space 1999 which there was a shape shifter. But the show didn't last very long.

Gosh, what a shock it must have been for Derek to find out Em had a daughter and Hotch not liking either option (Derek and Em sleeping together or Derek covering for Em) is rather funny!

It would be nice to read a fic sometime where Em and Derek were dating without either of them admitting it to Hotch (I see why Derek had to admit it to Hotch here, because Em was about to be arrested for kidnapping) and see how long it takes for Hotch and the team to figure it out. I am still trying to figure out how the team knew that JJ was dating Will (in season 3) even tho Will did not live in the same state. They are far too good at their job. Lol.

I just watched 'JJ' again. When I first watched this ep, I liked the character and was sorry to see her leave but I wasn't attached to the show like I am now and I actually found it sadder to watch that episode this time. It was very well done and if you listen closely, I think that some of the words spoken by JJ in that episode reflect the thoughts of the actress at that time (the writers probably wrote those lines in deliberately). I don't think I would have been able to watch it had she not come back, just like I probably won't be able to watch 'Lauren' or even the show again if Emily hadn't come back
lizzabet chapter 15 . 12/12/2011
I loved this story! There were so many surprising twists and turns. And it was cute to with Kacey and Emily. And I got goosebumps at the last sentence! Thank you for giving me such a good reading
radioactive460 chapter 15 . 11/26/2011
I just finished reading this entire story, and I just wanted to tell you how amazing I thought it was! You write Derek and Emily so well and the addition of Kacey was brilliant; a pint sized Prentiss. The angst and suspense kept me up well past my bedtime, bet the emotional scenes and the chemistry between Emily and Derek are what made me fall in love with this story.

You wrote their journey well, from their scared and unsure beginnings, to becoming confident and loving parents to Kacey and eventually LuLu. Derek's love for his girls was heartwarming and brought a smile to my face.
PaceyW'sgirl chapter 15 . 11/7/2011
great story, glad they got a happy ending!
Hailey9989 chapter 15 . 9/2/2011
I absolutely loved this story. It had the perfect mix of angst and romance and Kacey was the sweetest little girl and so much like Emily. And I really like the way you spelled her name.
riverlover chapter 15 . 7/9/2011
This was a really, really great story that kept me riveted. I just couldn't stop reading. This is the first Emily/Derek story I've read but it definitely enjoyed it. It was really well written and very believable. Thanks for sharing the story.
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