Reviews for The Beauty of Freedom
SiriuslyPotty chapter 1 . 3/29
Really enjoying the story so far. c
Can't wait to see what you do with it. Really like your writing style.
DarcyHanningSuck chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
Ugh, I'm so mad honestly. I thought this chapter would develop Darcy into a less hyper-competent character, but it didn't. Your writing is great, and I think it's really brilliant how a tribute was able to survive even though they didn't pass their Fatal Flaw Trial. It's like the inverse of Hollie, who passed her Fatal Flaw Trial but died anyways.

I'm just so annoyed at how hyper-competent Darcy is. I get really frustrated when characters are hyper-competent, whether it's when they never face the consequences of their flaws or they always make the right choices or they're otherwise not believable. In Darcy's case, she failed her Fatal Flaw Trial and should've died, which would've shown that she isn't invincible, but she somehow managed to live anyways through her sheer competence and force of will. I'm not saying that Darcy is a Mary Sue because she does have flaws and does go through struggles. She's not a Mary Sue; she's just frustrating to read. It's frustrating to see her never facing any real consequences of her flaws and struggles.

(Side note: One can make a case for the other two finalists being hyper-competent as well, but I feel that with Arwyn and James their more likable personalities and lack of kills make up for potential hyper-competence.)

Annoyingly enough, Darcy is definitely the shoo-in for Victor, because there's no way Arwyn and/or James can beat her in a fair fight. I'm sadly expecting Arwyn to fail her Fatal Flaw trial and die, because it's clear that she's affected heavily by many things. Besides, then we'd have the full set - Hollie's combo was Pass/Die, James's combo was Pass/Live, Darcy's combo was Fail/Live, and Arwyn's combo would likely be Fail/Die (the first variable is Pass/Fail, and the second variable is Live/Die). So Darcy and James would be the final two, and Darcy would easily win against James.

But maybe you can surprise us. Maybe Arwyn can survive her Fatal Flaw trial, breaking the full set. XD It kind of goes against my liking of full sets and patterns, but I'd be overjoyed if Arwyn lived. If that's the case, maybe Arwyn and James don't have to fight fairly against Darcy. Maybe James and Arwyn can team up and take out Darcy. Even if Arwyn dies, maybe there can be a way for James to beat Darcy.

Lirrius could have kicked Darcy's Ass. Arwyn could have kicked Darcy's Ass. Everyone could have kicked Darcy's ass if Darcy wasn't a mary sue.

Still a great chapter though. Formal review will come later, when I've calmed down a little. Keep up the awesome work.
Cloverfieldsssss chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
I've read all of you hunger games story's and I'm re reading this one. Now I know who Vikus's pet is! CATO
dysphere chapter 19 . 7/7/2017
I really liked how nightmarish the arena was.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/25/2016
SuperSilverKitten chapter 1 . 11/22/2016
I think that your fan fictions are amazing and you should keep writing 10 billion more, I am serious. The characters are themselves, and everything I would think of them to be. Your fan fictions are absolutely perfect, especially the one "Love is a Battlefield." Keep writing!

electric gurrl chapter 19 . 10/11/2016
This was awesome. It was intense and beautiful and you gave Cashmere so much depth.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/12/2016
One of the best 'book' I've read! Thank you for this amazing story!
cindylili chapter 3 . 2/4/2015
I love how you make her prep team actual people, instead of the stereotypical Capitolian ;)
cindylili chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
I honestly thought that Cashmere could've been Glimmer, but for some reason they're different...
I really like your take on District One :)
Guest chapter 15 . 12/29/2014
Damn I really like Corvinus, too bad he had to die for Cashmere to win.
Hayley chapter 19 . 11/22/2014
Fabulous! You make me really like Cashmere. Make her a person - something I wouldn't have expected after reading the Hunger games trilogy.
Hayley chapter 14 . 11/21/2014
I was a bit surprised that Cashmere is quite weak - unable to pull herself up on the staircase - for someone who has trained most of their life for this "opportunity" I expected her to train not just with a sword but also strength and stamina - now it seems she hasn't and I am a little disappointed. Not so clever as she seemed to have not worked on that. Locked cage with mutts and forced to work together was a nice touch. And 4 leaving. Can't wait to read the next chapter
Hayley chapter 11 . 11/20/2014
Phew - great arena - not sure how it would play on the capital cameras though all dark and dank and shadowy. Interesting twists and characters. Really enjoying the read.
Hayley chapter 2 . 11/19/2014
Wow - so nice to have a back story for Cashmere. Gives an insight into other districts and that all of them were slaves whether wealthy or poor. And having read mocking Jay, sad to see what she thinks will be an escape is just a different nightmare. Really enjoying this story.
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