Reviews for The Pounding Rain
mamaii chapter 7 . 9/29/2007

it's very good..

but you killed her!

why oh why?
Talah chapter 7 . 7/21/2005
Wow. That was totaly unexpected, at least for me. Man, I hate sad endings. I havn't read a fic with one in a long time. It was a good story, although the plot develepment in "waiting" seemed very rushed and sudden. Thats the best I can explain it. Anyway, you are a really great writing. You have skill. Good story.
deews chapter 7 . 10/27/2004 killed her.

You KILLED her!



hmm. two reviews that are from people whose names' are sentances. coincidence i think not chapter 7 . 7/5/2004
I'm not going to pretend i just reread the whole story tonight, but i did reread the ending.

very philisophical. should your writing career ever take a down turn (not likely!), you should go into phicology. Meanwhile, i be taking spelling lessons.

adios, adu, and hasta la vista.
dkjbg chapter 7 . 7/10/2003
ahh! whyy?
The Marauder's Map chapter 7 . 4/23/2003
OMG! That made me cry! It was so sad, Ginny deserved to be with Harry and now they'll never have that chance. Brilliantly written, but way to sad. Poor Harry, will he ever get to have real love and keep it.
Rose chapter 7 . 2/24/2003
I just read through your whole fic, and I must say that I truely enjoyed it. The ending threw me off, but I think the end just makes the fic more unique and better. I usually don't read fics with sad endings, but I must say that I'm glad I did for this one. I love your writing syle, and I hope you would change your mind of writing a sequel. An ending like that would be an ideal place to stop, but there's a part of me that finds that it just leaves to much hanging in the air. Questions like 'how was Voldemort temporarily defeated?' or 'Where is he now?' or 'What happened to Cho?' or 'What's going to happen to Harry?'. Anyway, I love how you write, the chracters felt real. Ginny's thoughts, Harry's reactions. Excellent! Keep up the great work!
Kagome chapter 7 . 2/23/2003
Hey, _ guess who? Well, all I can say is that you better start preparing a whole lot of shielding charms to protect yourself from the I personally think that it's a brilliantly written story, I know that my fellow readers don't appreciate the true greatness of the fic, being too blinded by the fact that the main heroine died. ::sniff sniff:: But it was so sad! Again, you know how I feel about your wonderful writing, so I'm not going to annoy you with troublesome words about how well you write, because I'm sure you already know. The Dracula thing was an interesting twist in the plot, btw. I'd recommend a you know, that's just me. Didya check out my fic at ? It's called: "The Course of True Love Ne'er Did Run Smooth." Well, anyway, I gotta go! Keep writing, ya hear? I'll see ya later! Ja ne!
Lourdes chapter 7 . 1/17/2003
I usually do not read fanfics that ends with Ginny dying. I am hoping that JKR will not kill her off. But, this story is so poignant and well written. Love... what a word, eh?
maija chapter 7 . 1/7/2003
stupid end! :(
Riley Hall chapter 7 . 1/5/2003
That was amazing. I just read the entire story and it's. . . wow. You're a great writer.
Suki37 chapter 7 . 1/5/2003
Please don't mess with us, is this really THE END?

No, that is not possible! That cannot be Ginny's fate, lying in the dirt and having her corpse riot at such a young age! That cannot be her furture, or her destiny...can it? :(

Anyway, great story you have here. You've successfully made me cry like a madwoman, but still, excellent story.

Now, you gonna resurrect Ginny or something in a sequel? (j/k)
Harry's Girl chapter 7 . 1/4/2003
Hey...She can't be dead...can she? she not really dead right? I...its too sad, can't speak, can't see my tears blind me...
Temporary Insanity chapter 7 . 1/4/2003
Oh. She's dead.
Halo chapter 7 . 1/4/2003
oh shit...damn your story is hella tyte, damn Ginny died...oh shit i still cant get over da fact that it was like...damn i onno wat ta say haha but shit ur a hella good writer...damn its like it wasnt written by sum kid but like an author n not one o does borin ones, i couldnt stop readin i was lyke nooooooo last chapter haha but damn it is tyte...hehe well jush wanted to make yah feel apreciated aite late
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