Reviews for Hidden Faces
Guest chapter 4 . 4/4/2015
Simply amazing. I could never have predicted the end, and for it to be your first fic it is and outstanding achievement. You really are a dedicated writer and I admire you for all of that.
Keep on writing!
Yukino-chan chapter 4 . 4/18/2013
the front was great... but towards the end was not so great... still, a good read, I guess...
legalizehumanity chapter 4 . 3/9/2013
This was amazing
Though when Matauda pulled off his face it irked me a little
But it was really good
IAmAnLGal chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
That was WICKED!I love the thought of evil Matsuda and Intellegent Matsuda!Can you make one where something happened in his childhood to make him hide his IQ?Maybe 180 IQ?Yeah!That was awesome!
Akela Victoire chapter 4 . 6/7/2012
Whoa... Matsuda... You turned him into one hella creepy Kira here... And I like it!

Great work on this!
HallowsHeretic chapter 4 . 6/2/2012
YAY! dark matsu! This had such a wicked plot, something light would think of. :D You ended it perfectly too, gosh, so much awesomeness in only 4 chapters! you are a great writer!
xXxShiniXKazexXx chapter 4 . 5/27/2011
Very good~ D
Shiori chapter 2 . 7/13/2010
Wow... I've never seen Matsuda's character taken quite this way! It's certainly interesting...
shiai10 chapter 4 . 6/29/2010
Hooray I was right! While I was reading the story I was wondering about the Latin that you put but when I was reading it I realized tat it sounded familar and I figured it was the Death Note Theme and Kyrie from Death Note OST I.

I really liked this story a lot. I was wondering though in the previous chapter there was that flashback Matsuda was having seeing L die in his arms even though it was Light, that kind of surprised me I almost thought that Kira's memories were transferred to Matsuda. Is that what happened or was it something else?

Oh on a side note I was very happy the way Near died since I thought he was an real douche bag and I am glad he was killed by Matsuda, who was hiding his eveilness :) (luv da good kid gone bad) Anyway great job, This is going on my favs!
sunniday chapter 4 . 6/24/2010
wow...just WOW. That was a great read! You definitely gave a new perspective to Matsuda, a brilliant one at that.
The Carnivorous Muffin chapter 4 . 6/13/2010
YES! I completely saw the revenge coming! Nice job, the fact that I almost felt bad for Near was... surprising, amusing, frightening? I am impressed though, I love Matsuda's creepy dreams and the use of Dies Irae, wonderful. Anyway it was a good run, wonderful story, keep up the good work in other fics.
TwilightWindWaker chapter 4 . 6/11/2010
:O As much as I hate that L-wannabe, Near, I felt really sorry for him when he was being tortured.

*Sniff* I'll never look at Matsuda the same way again! *cries in the corner*

Nah, I would never look at him like that.
Miss Bright chapter 4 . 6/11/2010
Regarding my previous review, I apologize. Anime January 26, 2013. Manga January 26, 2010.


Uh. Let me be honest. I'll have to reread this over and over again to get it, especially about the part his lifespan and name disappearing randomly, and the forfeiting of the ownership.

Matsuda was wearing a mask this whole time, huh? Interesting. Pretty creative, I totally did not expect that.

Good job on your first story, look forward to more in the future :)
Miss Bright chapter 3 . 6/11/2010
I don't want Matsuda coming after me! *time to review*

You're right, regarding your reply to my previous review. In 'How to Read', April 28, 2010 is indeed recorded as Light's death-date.

However, this is a widely known mistake. In the manga as well as the anime, the Yellow Box Warehouse incident takes place 2 days after Mello kidnaps Takada, January 26, 2010. Mello and Matt and Takada all die on the same day.

After the deaths of Mello, Matt and Takada, Near confirms with Light that their meeting should go on as planned. They do not wait three months till April to meet, they meet two days later. That's why Gevanni had to make the entire fake notebook "overnight" after Mikami exposed the secret.

But, overlooking this understandable error, the story itself is just really amazing. You made Matsuda such a compelling character. The Requiem song was a nice touch as well. I'm adding this to my Favourites.

Time to read the...last chapter? I'm dreading the end. I really do like Near, and this story makes me hate Matsuda's guts. Which is a sign of good characterization, though!
Jennifer Wilson chapter 2 . 6/10/2010
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