Reviews for Camp Cherry Blossom
Lollipop Mimilove chapter 5 . 2/22/2003
It's going great so far. Heh, my character finally showed up. :D
Silex chapter 5 . 12/4/2002
Good chapter, but I wasn't in it! *pout* I hope I'll see myself a bit more than that in the next chapters.
Animefreak242 chapter 5 . 11/24/2002
Great chappy! I love your story so far. Your chapters are really... long. Hehehe! ) Well, the prank went well (Hehehehe! Zet diserved what he got!). But Misty is missing, Tomoyo is off to kill Eriol for being 'flirtatious' with all the females in camp, and Chris - who was illedgedly missing - has turned up, at the lake, singing.

Again, I loved the fic so far. So please update SOON. Oh, and can you e-mail me when you update? E-mail addy's up there. *points to e-mail box* I'd appreciate it. Thanx! Wellz, til next review... JA NE! *wavies* D

~Animefreak242 )


Kawaii Girl _
St chapter 4 . 10/19/2002
Pretty cool! And the fact that she beat me in the chess tournament doesn't bother me... as long as I beat her someday! And in fact I would have reacted this way if I was in this situation. So continue, I love being a fanfic character! Write the next chapter as soon as possible!
PDM chapter 4 . 10/1/2002
What do you mean, our dots are different? And nice changes... thanks loads! I appreciate it! Maybe we should work together from now on?
Star Dreamer chapter 4 . 9/30/2002
Hey I like this story. Also I like the way you potray my sister's characters (my sister is The Princess of Light). I can't wait for the next chapter. I wish i had seen this when you were accepting characters i would have submitted one. Once again great job.
Hikari no Purinsesu chapter 4 . 9/29/2002
Yay, this finally came out! I love you, PDM (not litterally, of coarse!). Anyway, if ya don't mind, thank him on behalf of me, especially since he gave my charies some spotlight. Onegai and arigato!
kitty demon chapter 4 . 9/28/2002
HI! i know quite a bit about the inner and the 4 outer scouts any questions about people from beyond the heart snatcher series and i can't help if u have questions post them on the begining of teh story and i'll answer or actually someone else probably will before me great jpb Ja Ne _
Thorn chapter 4 . 9/27/2002
ooooooo... Fun-zies...*Eriol-esque grin*
mystlady chapter 4 . 9/27/2002
Oh hell! I love this fic _ Creatively twisted and funny.. Seriously, you should continue this... Heheh

Do you do pairs request? Let say Brock x Minako?
Silex chapter 3 . 5/31/2002
I'm a fanfic character! It's cool!
Hikari no Purinsesu chapter 3 . 5/11/2002
Ooh, good job! I especailly liked the part with Syaoran and Melenie and not just because she's my character. Heeheehee, Rei-chan called Brock a pervert.
The Princess of Light chapter 1 . 5/8/2002
Acourse it's okay to keep Melenie at 10. I don't mind.
Lollipop Mimilove chapter 2 . 5/7/2002
Very nice! Can't wait for the next chapter. BTW I'm doing a CCS interactive fic so feel free to check it out if you wanna!
The Princess of Light chapter 2 . 5/6/2002
Oh, btw, I'm doin another interactive fic. I'm telling you first cause it'll be kinda like yours. Hope ya sign up when I get the form up.
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