Reviews for Crown Games
cmtaylor531 chapter 31 . 5/30/2016
Wow. I was addicted to this. I hope you finish it one day.
MysterySan chapter 31 . 5/1/2016
You know I hate it when authors promise that they would complete the story and then back out from their commitment. I can't concentrate on anything because I don't know what happened further in the story. I was engrossed in this story completely. I really loved Edward and sometimes felt like smacking Bella in the head. I mean who takes this much time to realize that they are in love. I hated the way Jasper turned out. He was a douche who needed a nice kick. I would really love it if you complete this story dear. Please consider completing it.
TwiMommyof3 chapter 20 . 3/5/2016
Loving this story so far
telaviv chapter 31 . 10/22/2015
Loved loved loved it!
It's been a long time since I enjoyed reading a fic so much... Please update soon... .
Kreitlow chapter 31 . 9/16/2015
I hope you continue this story. I am really enjoying it. I really hope that Bella can save Edward the darkness he has found his self in. Is Edward and Alice the lost Cullen twins or is it Edward and Tanya?
azilized chapter 31 . 9/13/2015
What a surprise ! I was going to store this story in the "unachieved" box... But you've just updated ! This is so cool that you want to finish your story, so I'll wait and read it. I'm very excited !
hawkeye1958 chapter 31 . 8/23/2015
Keep on writing
eli-rose chapter 31 . 8/21/2015
It was such a pleasant surprise to see an update for this story in my inbox!I'm so glad you're not giving up on this story!
MelkiSihou chapter 31 . 8/21/2015
That was amazing... Not surprised. He he. I'm so intrigued in this story that if you don't finish this story... I'll have to hunt you done, he he. I look forward to pestering you for the next chapter!
DutchGirl01 chapter 31 . 8/20/2015
Another wonderful chapter, absolutely loved it. Can't wait for them to be reunited.
fallingsnow87 chapter 31 . 8/20/2015
I could not believe my eyes when this update came in my email! I am so glad to see though that you did update!
Silly question.. do you have any idea how many more chapters.. it's still a bit confusing as to what exactly Edward is.. but I'm very excited to see more details about him.. Thank you! xxo
Jibson01 chapter 31 . 8/20/2015
Wow u updated, thats incredible.
This is a really fascinating story, but I must admit, this chapter has just raised more questions and has left me feeling more confused than the last.
debslmac chapter 31 . 8/20/2015
breakingdawn57 chapter 31 . 8/20/2015
Thanks for the update. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to continue this fascinating story!
2muchtrouble chapter 31 . 8/20/2015
It is still a fascinating story but I am quite confused at this time. Eager to learn more.
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