Reviews for Of Presents and Practicality
Kiyami Tha-san chapter 1 . 11/1/2015
Asdffghnmklllfhlhll... OMG! So cuuuuuteeee! KYAAAAHH!
CreativeChilde chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
would it be terrible of me to ask for more of this? because a semi-awkward itachi going to fly out and visit Shisui at his undoubtedly messy dorm would be absolutely adorable and cute and silly.

so cute seriously

i just keep adding your stuff to my faves xD
EuterpeDream chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
I love your idea of Shisui. He's so fun and childish :) very cute
shisui-kun chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
Itachi and Shisui playing ninja? Genius! I loved the hint of SasuNaru! I'm glad that Itachi got a present that he could actually use. Good story, great job!
Shuriken-chan chapter 1 . 1/17/2011
Awwwh! So cute!

Itachi and Shisui playing Ninja? EPICNESS!

Shisui will always dominate in the pancake competition. Duh. 'Cuz he's just that awesome.

X3 So cute, loved it alot! :D
QuietInsomniac chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Hahahaha! This is sweet and cool and since I usually don't read Modern Day stuff this is really good! Also, NINAJ! I learned about that game last summer and I LOVE IT! Good job!
Aergiia chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
This was so cute... I LOVE how Itachi was all flushed over how Shisui was on top of him. Oh and the SasuNaru references were made of LOL

The Uchiha lineage is doomed, but sweetly so! xDDD

- Wingless Fallen Angel
Nanaki Lioness chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
Aww! I love this, it's so cute! I'm smiling so hard right now :)
devotedtodreams chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
Awww, this was so SWEET! Not sweet as in, teeming with fluff, but sweet in a different way. But still very sweet

Haha, that Ninja game sounds like a lot of fun! Pity I'll never be able to play it, though (unless I'd go to an anime con, perhaps) - I think my friends would try to put me in a straitjacket if I'd suddenly suggest playing that -.-;

"An energetic spaghetti noodle"... that really cracked me up! It really reminds me of one of my brother's friends, who's just like that too :)

Teehee, looks like you're never too old for using the good ol' puppy-eyes, huh? Pity it doesn't work so well in real life, though - at least, it doesn't for me. Mom says I look weird when I try to use those eyes on her. However, I haven't given up practicing quite yet...

A scene I'd love to see a drawing about it would have to be Shisui trying to flick peas at Fugaku: That. Was. Priceless! Shisui, you've got balls, man. *whistles* I'd be willing to guess that few people have ever tried doing that and lived to tell the tale.

A "stick-in-the-mud seal of approval" - ingenious! It's almost a shame that I'm not a stick-in-the-mud, otherwise I'd totally ask you if it would be alright for me to somehow use that in my everyday life. ... *pauses and thinks* ...At least, I don't THINK I am a stick-in-the-mud. My bro might beg to differ, but he doesn't count ;p

So Itachi finally got a birthday present he would definitely use. Yeah, you had better go see him again soon, Itachi - and no, Shisui, you're not a lousy friend. For some reason, I really can imagine him saying something like that, even though he's clearly the exact opposite XD

Birthday traditions are a funny thing, ne? The only tradition we have is that the birthday... er... adult gets to choose what we'll be having for dinner that day (I usually want a Chinese dish; beef, carrots and celery with rice). We don't even have a cake on every birthday anymore! D: I blame my Dad... I seriously don't know how he survives while having so little sweet stuff to eat in his life.

You've written a lovely birthday fic here, SS! The ShiIta part may not have been as apparent (until the ending, at least) as it was in other fics of yours, but trust me when I say that it had no influence on the delight of reading this. You've got tons of talent, girl... and wow, you've nearly written 100 stories! I hope that when that time is here, I'll be able to write something decent for you! _
Ceri Moriarty chapter 1 . 6/12/2010
Aw, how cute!
Jess chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
CUTE! Absolutely adorable.
coinc chapter 1 . 6/9/2010

My favorite sentence, horrifyingly, had nothing to do with Ita/Shi:

...the only criteria, he suspected, was that Sasuke himself be incapable of reading it (whether that was due to the volume of the book, its content or the language it was written in)...


It was hilariously well-written, though, the humor was clever and the awkward moments made me so happy I don't even know what to do with myself. AND THE PLANE TICKET :D I obviously need to read more Ita/Shi happy stories, because we don't get to see them nearly often enough and they're SO CUTE

The ending line was perfect.


(and YOU. Go WRITE about the scandalous weekend with the cousin forever. So cute. Ohmigod.)
Dustland-Fairytales chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
Ohh, this was so cute!

You know, I'm usually not that much of a yaoi-fan, but you and Quillslinger always manage to get me sucked into your stories and I absolutely adore them - and it's the same with this oneshot.

What I love most about your stories is the humor in it, like, I don't know, "Shisui had been like a particularly energetic spaghetti noodle" (I mean, how funny is that? *lol*). I'd like to quote all the great parts of this oneshot, but I fear I would just end up copying four fifth of it and then this review would become way to massive

So, everything I can say is keep it up, you are always doing a great job! *thumbs up*

Bye, Dustland-Fairytales