Reviews for Guidelines for living with Robots! part 2
Guest chapter 33 . 2/26
You should include a Persona 5 is banned rule
Metalocelot98 chapter 33 . 7/26/2019
I'm surprised there wasn't a rule about the old cartoon "The Skeleton Dance"
Paradox Seekeress chapter 33 . 9/9/2018
That was amazing XD I love it! Hilarious.
lady dragon chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
if you want to know more of this just watch the show or read wiki max steel 2013
and if wand more here's my email:
forget stupid brains.
lady dragon chapter 33 . 3/13/2018
Sorry if my English is poorly bad!
Love the rules, love the humans, love the autobots and love the shenanigans.
You make me LOL everytime I read tose rules tai. you can give yourself the title of princess/queen of the shenanigans.
I’m a huge fan of the transformers. And max steel of and other shenanigan tings of course.
I read in your chapters that you a losing idea’s, so I thought of an sugestion to mix everything with the show of max steel.
Having Maxwell McGrath( or max) a human/takion hybrid an alien ultralink N'Baro Atksteel X377 ( or steel) wicked sense of humor to LOL.
Max is as funny and as crazy as tatyana witwicky and would be the male version of tai. Bot are half alien/ half human lake to make pranks and joke’s. lake his father he generates turbo energy. Ps he’s very protective over steel.(do you here that bot set of twins and other pranksters)
Steel is an alien ultralink programed with a humoristic chip inside his head, talking to electronic objects that will question his sanity time by time, flirting with all the femme bots and electric objecs will make me laugh all the time. (Steel you never fail me for that)(he has a robot do name furbo… and a hundred of furbo clones)
Molly ferris McGrath a.k.a max mom is a female warrior who is as dangerous as judy witwicky, don’t u mess with momma bear, megatron. Also one of N-Tek's co-founders, a secret organization.
(She’s the reason way max has a wicked sense of humor)
Ja'em Mk'rah, also known as Jim McGrath or James McGrath is Max's father, an alien warrior from the planet takion who generate turbo energy( all people on takion generates turbo energy it there anatomy) . A Co-founder of N-Tek and the former partner of steel. Commander on takion and co-head scientists of n-tek. Warning Do now he’s a walking supernova, don’t tough his spaceship.( both set of twins, red alert, prolw, wheeljack. I’m talking to you) (he loves that ship as much as he loves his family)

Commander Forge Ferrus: Max's uncle and Molly's big brother.
Commander and co-founder of N-Tek.
He can be brother in arms with Seymour Simmons and willian lennox.
do not underestimate the overprotection of max and steel.
Or he kills you in one second. Pease of advice, do not quote his favorite line
“Mother of Mars!”
Just please don’t do it (all the humans and bots on the n.e.s.t. base.)
(Max already says “Mother of Monkey’s!”)

I present to you Roberto and Rayne Martinez, may fellas: bot spanishe
Berto co-head scientists of N-Tek and brothers in arm with max, steel and ven-ghan
Creator of the C.Y.T.R.O. bots an T.J. he graduated at twelve. Serious at the age of twelve. WOW.
(wheeljack would be trilled to meet his new partner)(kaboom)(“wheeljack”)
Rayne is berto’s little sister , youngest of the famely an d wanting to stand out of her five older brothers she has a pare of lungs yould be deaf for five weeks.
(still can’t hear on one side of my ears)
Surviving tip: do not ever call her little thunther! (she go nuts)

I am Ven-Ghan, the Ultralink Hunter.
You heard him, a hunter.
Not lot of humor, but dang he can give kick-ass? Not even ironhide can beet him. (all you decepticons and evil ultralink out thare you better whatch cuz ven will catch you.( lockdown your got kick in the aft by ven-ghan,baby)(he’s also brother in arms with max, steel and berto)
Jefferson Smith and Katherine Ryan
Bot jump jet pilots and skilled soldiers and close frieds to max and steel
Everybody at N-Tek know you two are secretly in love with each other. Don’t hide it.
(for all the humons of N.E.S.T. do not challenge jeff in a food competition, you will loose, his stomach is like a bottomless pit.
just ask kat)

Sydney gardner, Kirby Kowalski and Bartholomew, better known as Butch
Are max friends of school, they don’t know first of N-Tek or that max is a superhero named max steel.
Syd is tha girl you like hang around with, she is max girlfriend and are dating and is the first person discover max secret. She’s the girl that can replace Mikaela Banes.
Kirby is a free spirit, can be friends with everybody, he has an inspired mind and love some pranks allong the way.(sometime’s I really wonder what kind of simple mind he has) WARNING rathet will be question his sanity Over and over and over again.
Butch is the last friend to joine’s the group, he was a bully at first but became later friends with max.
BEWARE: butch is tha KING OF DANCING! (Starscream you goth kick off of your throne, bang butch is nimber one yo!)
Dr. Thornhill is max school teacher and hese the coolest one ever.
Even he can ground the megchs.
There’s also N-Tek
N-Tek was a secret organization whose main base was located on Copper Canyon. N-Tek's mission is to protect the world, but the true and main mission since its creation was to prevent and stop once for all the invasion of Makino and his Ultralink armada.
(its like N.E.S.T. base at diego garcia! Only greener but in the middle of a desert?)(yaaaa, you can start question my sanity now)
(makino eat planets! Eat it, just like unicron! tel be good friends or not)
HOLY MONKEY’S don’t forget the Copper Squatch, max house pet
(momy, dady he’d followd me home, can I keep him! Can I, can I,can I,can i?
People of NEST, do not fear the copper squatch(sqauty) he in not the brother or the cousin of king kong nor king kong himself.
So stop predending he is.
And don’t let hem watch the movie’s of king kong, Or every other movie witch a gaint monkey’s in it, he already starts to believe he’s a monkey.
And max does not like that at al.

If NEST and N-Tek have to start to work togetter? Hell will paradise and unicron will be an angel. Primus have mercy to us all!
TransformersMangaFangirl chapter 27 . 10/25/2017
Hey there! I just come to say that I love yours fanfics! They made me laugh, no matter what!

Also, there is a thing about the movie "Madagascar", that I think you will find hilarious!
Here, in Brazil, the same voice actor that made the voice of Optimus Prime, is the same guy, that made the voice of King Julien!
So, in a way, Optimus is singing the song "I like to move it, move it"!
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 33 . 8/9/2016
I love these rules, they are AWESOME!
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 28 . 8/9/2016
Turkeys in Bikinis? WTF? 0.o
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 25 . 8/8/2016
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 23 . 8/8/2016
I haven't watched Whose Line Is It Anyway in years! XD
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 19 . 8/8/2016
"You can't Tig on a Tog! And you can't Tog on a Tig!" LMFAO!
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 18 . 8/8/2016
The Cake has always been a lie! *shoves a cookie in her mouth* The cookie is the truth!
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 15 . 8/8/2016
Dafuq kind of song is this? xD
gjgjjfjdkkgkg chapter 19 . 5/17/2016
I have an awsome quote "When life gives you lemons...throw them at Decepticons and run"-Unknown
Ro2a1yn chapter 33 . 9/20/2015
Rule# 224:Do not set off the Pink Fluffy Unicorn song.
(Nobot could get that out of their processer!)
(Prowl would nearly go into stais lock if he hear it)
('Now describe it in one word of the texture of their magical fur' '...smiles!' 'Yay!') (He would glitch even he hears one sentence!) (Sides)

Mwhahah...I hope you have fun with this rule,also,long like Ratchet the Hatchet!
*a wench nearly hits me*
Oh Frag! Gotta go! *runs away into the distance with Ratchet on her tail*
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