Reviews for Getting Over It
pieceoflove chapter 44 . 8/24/2019
This was perfect. Absolutely perfect
possibledaydreams chapter 1 . 6/26/2019
i’ve reread this at least three times and everytime it makes me ! also i was listening to “if i can’t have you” by shawn mendes and it fits with this story so well! you should give it a listen 3
Guest chapter 44 . 8/28/2018
OOOOHHHH how I want moooore!
kittenclaws chapter 44 . 5/16/2018
I have never laughed so hard. It was rouching, sad and die. right hilarious I laughed until.I cried.
Cangel chapter 19 . 10/30/2017
The story is cute but why did you tagged it *M* if you did not write a real sex scene?
Guest chapter 44 . 7/28/2017
I have read this story countless times before and have just finished reading it once again. So, thank you for a fab read every time. I never get bored and love it just as much every time as I do with so many of your stories. Well done on being such a fabulous author!
Pentastic chapter 44 . 8/12/2016
This story was cute and kept me entertained through my Friday night. I love this pairing and you write them well. I hope to read more stories from you in the future.
SinCos chapter 44 . 4/6/2015
I so enjoyed this :)
Luckystarz910 chapter 44 . 1/19/2015
Loved it! I finally finished!
Luckystarz910 chapter 43 . 1/19/2015
Perfect ending! :-)
Luckystarz910 chapter 42 . 1/19/2015
Nope still don't like Chloe...moving on.
Luckystarz910 chapter 41 . 1/19/2015
Whatttt could that bitch Chloe possibly want?
Luckystarz910 chapter 39 . 1/19/2015
Hotttttt performance Casey! Sounds life Derek is ready to get her to bed! ;-)
Luckystarz910 chapter 36 . 1/18/2015
Holy slghbsrhbsthdgthbsrthgr! :-D
Luckystarz910 chapter 35 . 1/18/2015
I really hate how bitchy Kendra is. Get over yourself. I hate Chloe and I'm happy that Derek and Casey are hopefully going to work things out.
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