Reviews for If Tifa Had The Stigma
Sailor Star Dust 1 chapter 6 . 12/23/2019
I ended up here due to your Youtube account (these days, I'm on Ao3 rather than FF Net as SailorStarDust1) but I'm glad I found the time to read this! It was an absolutely perfect "what if?" edition to AC! Almost heartbreaking in a few moments, too, because that "what if?" part definitely made me worry that Tifa wouldn't make it. But, I'm glad that these two can go on living together with their family, now with GeoStigma behind him.

Thanks so much for this beautiful CloTi fic!
heheyyho chapter 6 . 1/30/2017
I started reading it last night and continued reading it this morning and it was ;A; I thought Tifa was gonna die but she lived in I'm so happy. Sorry XD I must sound very stupid right now :') But this was a beautiful read. I love the way you illustrated Tifa's struggles, it was just so believable ;A; Thank you for writing this!
Boohbear19 chapter 6 . 6/4/2013
Yay! Tifas alive and her and Denzel are healed! Great story! I really enjoyed it! :)
Boohbear19 chapter 5 . 6/4/2013
Awe so sad! :( when we she be healed with the planets life steam?
Boohbear19 chapter 4 . 6/4/2013
Oh no! :o
Boohbear19 chapter 3 . 6/4/2013
Sorry for the last review! I meant to say you do a great job discribeing the symptoms of thd Geostigma! But I accidentally posted the review without finishing the sentence XD
Boohbear19 chapter 2 . 6/4/2013
Awe! So sad :"( u discribe the effects
Boohbear19 chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
Oh poor Tifa! :"( this is really good so far!
pierce through the heart chapter 6 . 1/18/2013
Happy ending! Yay! I loved this! The way you described the feelings, emotions of the characters was amazing! I cried. This was awesome! I love your writing style! Great job! :)
J Luc Pitard chapter 6 . 10/8/2012
Yeah! This had a bit of a soap opera feel (esp. with Cloud also contracting the disease at the end) but was uplifting and even realistic, in the way Tifa tries to keep hiding her affliction. So, a bit over the top, but a fun ride all the way to the end.
Erilin-chan chapter 6 . 8/21/2011
Nice story, obviously sad but that's the point! The ending was a little rushed, I know you had to get through the whole movie but it was just a little to quick I felt. Still sweet story!
Erilin-chan chapter 2 . 8/21/2011
Like the story, I've not read a 'swtich-geostigma-round' before but I like it. Tifa feels very real, very her. Always fighting until the last and never telling anyone.
JC-zala chapter 6 . 8/16/2011
That was very beautiful and heartwarming. I was quite nervous that Tifa might die, but I'm really glad she didn't. Cloud was able to save her. It was very touching. I love this.
JC-zala chapter 4 . 8/16/2011
The intro had questions that pertains to every patient with diseases. Often they would ask themselves why the disease chose them, why do they have to suffer, and so forth. I find it very realistic here, and it brings out emotions in me that makes me feel more for Tifa. You definitely know how to portray each character here. I'm very much enticed with this story.
JC-zala chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
"What if?" situations do intrigue me and I'm more than impressed with the way this story started. I feel like this is gonna be one big emotional roller coaster ride.
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