Reviews for 75 Reasons to Ship Lit
Celestialite chapter 1 . 12/17/2016
I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! My sister likes Dean better, but I lost all respect for him the first time he broke up with her. I mean, he knows he's her first boyfriend and she's shy around him, yet he broke up with her because she was unsure about saying "I love you" back. That is not a reason to break up. You can get upset. You can storm off. NOT RUIN YOUR ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
I loved all your reasons, you are so right. Anyone who cant see how perfect they are for eachother is crazy
Heart.Or.Head chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Believe it or not this is hands down my fav Jess Rory fanfiction. I loved them together and when the series ended I cried, not because of the fact it ended, but because she and Jess didn't end up together. I also was so upset when his spin off was cancelled, Jess was my favourite character by far and it makes me so annoyed that they gave it up. (Sorry I'm going on and on) anyway thank you so much for writing this, all of it is so true.
Francesca Katherine chapter 1 . 12/4/2012
You have some very valid points but let me just point some things out as well. First of all Alexis and Milo were dating the majority of the series's run. So in my opinion the romance stuff was easier and second I don't think Rory could ever truly be with some one that her mother didn't like. These are just my opinions and truth be told I am a fan of most pairings of Rory's except for her and Dean. I just wanted to share my opinion. I think its a kool list.

Peace, Love, and Randomness,
Sudoku.Music.Banana chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
Like :)
xXEstelleXx chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
I love this list, I really really do! It's just so true!
And you're right, Jess is a very classy guy, and even though I know it myself, I'd love to hear more of your examples :)
Musical Redhead chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
You already know this doesn't belong here. But since you've kept it up, I'll share my thoughts.

This is all inconsequential, and probably requires special strength glasses to be able to see (read: believe to see). The accuracy is questionable, especially on the things we never saw. Lits do not have special knowledge the rest of us missed out on.

The convoluted, over-analyzed explanations of Jess do not accomplish what you hope. There are ways to convert people, but this is not how. It annoys people and drives them away. They take a closer look at the show and dislike Jess, where they previously may not have had strong feelings about him.

Offending people will never win them over. It's sad the way Lits resort to putting down the other ships. But I guess you have to do whatever it takes to feel superior.
christinedestler chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
I took you up on your dare to see if this changed my hatred for Lit. It didn't. Die hard Narco here, shipping since 2000. On the plus side, your list did give me a laugh, so thanks!
musicprincess1990 chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
I love and agree with every single one of these reasons. A few specific comments: In reference to #28, I would like to add that Dean also cheated on his wife with Rory because he was stupid enough to get married when he wasn’t over her yet. And even though it’s never verbally confirmed, you can tell in episode 5.8, when she asks if he read her article on the Life and Death Brigade, he totally DIDN’T. It’s so obvious. He clearly doesn’t love her enough to show genuine interest in her passion, and ultimately her career. So yeah, there’s my two cents. Actually, it’s more like a dime. But still. Also, I had to laugh hysterically at #29 and #35. SO FUNNY! And hello, #44! OMG! Okay, I’m done :) But seriously, this is awesome!
Goomba chapter 1 . 9/27/2011
So I think my most favorite thing about this list is that it is soo after-the-fact and that soo many people were craving it! Like me, we all needed a little confidence boost to believe that maybe, somewhere, somehow it ended up okay (because even if it is entirely fictional we still want to be happy for those we've become attached to as if they aren't real *sigh*.) I just adored everything about this and I thank you so much for compiling the list as well as sharing the list.

Cheers, and graces Jen
LukeAndLorelai Brucas Fan chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
You had me with number 1. Well, no, they had me years ago, long before I knew of the existence of this list. but 1, so true (although, if you count number 5 in there, then technically, when she was with Jess... no, 5 is true, but 1 sounds better.

Oh, I also loved 71 and am still waiting for that book to materialize in my room. Lane is so wise... Oh, I lovelovelove their song! It's the best.
AllisonSwan chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Loved it!
BregoBeauty chapter 1 . 5/6/2011
So true! Jess and Rory forever! :)
alwaysgilmore chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
I freaking love you for this! This is great. You nailed it, hit all the right points. They are all so true. They were meant to be together. I'm so glad you made this though. I just sat here reading through it laughing to myself and smiling. It's just all so true. Fantastic job. That had to have been hard to do, compiling all those reasons. It probably would have taken me years. Again, thank youuu for making this! It's amazing. Long Live Lit
Iscah McKrae chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
And, for me, always top of the list:


This is Rory Gilmore we're talking about here. That's got to beat a car or a rocket every day of the week, because this is Rory Gilmore we're talking about here! For her, that should have been the ultimate grand gesture.

2. She was his guiding star. She made him believe that he could be something...make something of himself - so he did. He proved everyone wrong - because she knew he could.

3. He knew her better than anyone. (notice she didn't argue that point)

4. He was the catalyst to her reconciling and reuniting with Lorelai! (a point which Lorelai really should have been told - don't think she could have ever hate the "hoodlum" after that)

5. Even after she impaled him...he still wanted to help her...even if it was in a way that could only damage himself further - "Hey…uh, if it makes you feel better…you could tell him that we did…something."

6. Only Jess loved Rory the way only Luke loved Lorelai - gave his heart and never looked back.
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