Reviews for Forever Until Now
Citylights at Midnight chapter 33 . 1/4/2013
This is one of the best stories I have read, it's so interesting and so. Perfect! With really good timing and twists and turns! I really enjoyed it.
ArikuYamasuli chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
My goodness, I just spent the last 4-5 hours reading this and I must say I love it! The drama, the suspense, and of course the ~romance~ This is an AMAZING fan fiction and it is certainly well written. Great job and I'm happy to have come across something this wonderful. chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
hey! i just realized youre from nz too! nz buddies! :) maybe i know you in real life lol... anyway if i reviewed every chappie would you reply to all of them? i already read this but its sooo amazing! i think youve converted me to vickymac lol
Lady Sorciere chapter 33 . 11/24/2010
Awwwwww . . . that was really sweet! (I never thought I would use that word in conjunction with Macavity.) I'm really glad that you finished it off fairly happily for everyone, especially Misto and Electra. That was great. I vote for a sequel because I want to know what comes of the Alonzo-Jemima-Pouncival love triangle!
Guest chapter 33 . 10/25/2010
Ok, I'm confused on who Jemima is with. IF she's with Alonzo then that sucks, but if she's with Pouncival then I'm good. There is to much Alonzo and Jemima crap in stories! Either way, this story was good and intense. chapter 33 . 10/25/2010
right first off ima gunna paste all ma fave bits but you can skip that if you want ;)

"I must resign from my position as Jellicle Protector,"

"No way," Tugger said. "I'm not doing it! No way. You think Munkustrap being Protector is a threat to the tribe? I'm pretty much certain death to you all!"

"I wonder," she said, turning to Misto devilishly, "What would happen if I zapped another cat?"

"Stop looking at me like that!" he said indignantly. "I'm not going to be your test subject!"

"I think we've reverted to kittenhood," he groaned, not bothering to struggle.

"A… A… Al…" Jemima struggled with the name.

"Alonzo," he reminded gently.

"Yes," Jemima said. "That's it." Her eyes flickered past him to Pouncival. "P… Pounc…"

"Pouncival. It's me, Pouncival," Pouncival said, tone agonized.

"Yeah." She smiled sweetly at them both. "I think… I like you guys."

Pouncival almost cried.

"How much do you remember?" Alonzo asked quietly. "What's your name?"

"Je… Jemima," she said, sounding a little doubtful.

"That's right. What tribe do you belong to?"

"Jel… Jellicles…"

"The names of your friends?"

"Mistoffelees… Etcetera… Electra… Plato… they're my friends."

Alonzo frowned. "What about the white one?"

Jemima just blinked dazedly. "What?"


"Oh… yeah." Jemima screwed her face up in concentration. "I think… she's sad," she said finally.

"Yes, a lot of us think that too."

"And I…" Jemima appeared not to have listened to Alonzo. "I'm happy," she said.

"Why's that?"

"Because… I like you both… a lot," she said, once again smiling innocently.

That time, Pouncival really did cry. He sniffled and wiped his arm across his eyes. Alonzo bit down hard on his tongue.

Jemima would be alright, as long as she was surrounded by the cats she loved.

Even if they weren't always together, they would last forever – forever until every single now that they would be lucky enough to experience.


SnapKitty chapter 33 . 10/25/2010
Looove it 3 Ahhh Macavity's such a philosopher, move over Plato XD

Great way to finish a story!
SnapKitty chapter 31 . 10/25/2010
I was meant to put this much earlier but forgot. These lines spring to mind:

Nature's first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

Sort of relevant? Ah, I tried .
The Shrapnel chapter 33 . 10/25/2010

Yeah I can't think straight right now. But there. Right THERE. You fix everything up perfectly. LOVED the bit of Plato actually being Old D's son. He is the smex.

"Let's just be happy". And a great line to tie up their end of the story.

YEAH, AND ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS - ELECTRA GETTING HER MAGIC BACK. That was so sweet. So sweet I could explode. Misto kissing her was pure reading-candy. So was Chantelle, for being so awesome.

Might I mention that the end of Jemima's subplot was really, really well-done? "Because... I like you both... a lot." Wonderful, open-ended way to end it.

AND AAAAGHHH HERE COMES THE LAST SCENE. GONNA EXPLODE FROM SADNESS THAT THIS IS THE END. Vic/Mac is probably going to be one of my favorite unusual pairings now. We have to name it. Vicavity. Mactoria. Victority. VICTORY. HOLY CRAP.

Mindlessness aside, that was really beautiful. Jolly good show, chap! And I'm so glad to have read it. 8D 8D Here's to a million more fics by you (sequel? smequel? shmequel? ;D) and may you keep on writing...

...forever until every single now we would be lucky enough to experience. 8D *shot in face*
stiffkittens101 chapter 33 . 10/24/2010
I can't believe it's over. I'm happy to say that I'm very satisfied with the outcome.I did not expect Plato to be Deuteronomy's son but that was an interesting twist. I'm glad that he finally told Etcetera that he loved her. I thought it was also sweet of Alyana and Chantelle to give Electra her magic back and that Misto finally kissed her. And I liked what you did with the whole Lonz/Jem/Pounce love triangle. And finally, Victoria and Macavity. What a strange, strange couple. They just complete each other don't they?

Overall, well done, my friend. :)
ParallelWonderland chapter 33 . 10/24/2010
Noooo! I don't want it to be over DX It's so sad that this wonderful story is ending.. DX

You're a great writer so you better write some more stories! Vicki/Macavity would be my preference :P
cutelittlerosie131 chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
Cried, Yelled, freaked out, read it over again and again so far (even in class), loved it then, love it now, love this story always :)
The Shrapnel chapter 32 . 10/18/2010
Aah, there's nothin' like the Jellicle Ball, aintit. 8D

"I'm really, really not looking forward to this," Victoria mumbled to her reflection as soon as he was gone. "Really."

Just saying that that was a nice line, with Vic talking to her reflection and all. Heh.

And Victoria sang because she loved him.

Also this line. Very very nice end to that scene. :D :D :D

"Get out of the way," Macavity's voice warned within her head. "There's going to be one hell of a fire blazing in the Junkyard."


Also, lovely touch with Griz being a magic cat, too. Really ties everything together, and connects the Ball to the plot. K sorry for not reviewing as soon as it came up... I typed up this entire blocky thing and my internet conked out on me... my life is in shambles~

ANYWAY! So sad to this end, it's such a lovely part of my week D: But we'll just see how that final... finale goes, yuss yuss? ;D
Malurina chapter 32 . 10/18/2010
hm I think Tugger is with jenny during the mating dance, maybe it cause he has a thing to be with every queen in the yard, and I think I like the idea of a sequal and a epiluge :D :D :D :D hehe
elisabetrouge chapter 32 . 10/18/2010
Very well done. I love this story. It's awesome! Please update soon and a sequel would be awesome too! You are a fantastic author and I want more of this epic.
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