Reviews for Quagmire
Jonathan Ryan chapter 36 . 4/13
Ok, overall an insanely good fanfiction.

The epilogue felt a tad rushed to tease part 2, sadly apparently you haven't posted in near a decade now which leaves me very unsatisfied with the epilogue. I kinda would have preferred an ending than the classic series ending on to be continued, like a great tv show trying to stay on the air but failing.

I'm kinda figuring Mara fleed to Talon Karrde as you teased that many chapters ago and you did this to work your fanfiction into the Thrawn trilogy. Which I feel would be a monumental undertaking, so no wonder why you stopped as each one of those books would easily be a 3 hour movie even annotated... way longer than Return of the Jedi. Plus then you run into the difficulty of Mara now being a known traitor to the New Republic
which really throws a wrench into those books as really depend on no one knowing who she is. So I'm Just gonna throw this out there, If you want to take an easier path and retcon the last two chapters a tad by making TIE damage blasting out the power to Lumiya's doors and have Mara stay you could always just replace Mara with Shada D'ukal and have Lumiya have mislead the Mistryl that it was the Jedi who ignored Emberlene's situation to explain thus explaining her hatred of Luke as a plot device to keep her role near the same as Mara's while allowing Mara and Luke to develop closer to how they're were at the end of the Thrawn Duology or Survivors Quest. You of course could change other things too, my comment was merely food for thought. (Really kinda hoping you read this one day and it motivates you to continue this, after the Sequels I need more Luke and Mara to wash the bad taste the Sequels left away)

I could of course be utterly wrong on why you haven't posted in all these years. I do hope you're not in a bad situation or worse as to your absence. However if I'm right, there's no shame in needing a minor retcon. I'm personally very willing to have a minor plot rewrite if it means getting more of this amazing story.

Personally I think you did a way better job with Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker than most. I personally loved how you had Mara react to Palpatine's lies. Most treat Mara Jade just as either a quip machine or Black Widow, both of which are parts of her character but she's also a very damaged woman trying to figure things out also. Most miss her nuance, you mostly got it. Also great choice to tease him naming her and her having an apparent line she came from, it really made me want to get more. You also did a great job with Lumiya and how you played her very much ignored/forgotten backstory from some very cheesy old Marvel Star Wars comics and really fleshed it out with a few changes. It kinda reminded me of the Darth Bane books taking very cheesy comic ideas but really reworking them to far greater potential.
AMLJ144 chapter 1 . 3/27
Excellent work :)
White Magic17 chapter 36 . 2/1
Great Pic loved it!
nekochan1994 chapter 4 . 9/19/2018
Lol the Force is a great matchmaker
nekochan1994 chapter 3 . 9/19/2018
Brilliantly done Luke
nekochan1994 chapter 1 . 9/19/2018
So is Mara on a mission or does she actually like Luke?
Kallie49 chapter 36 . 1/30/2018
Incredible novel. You did an amazing job - thanks for sharing! Wish part 2 was out there - I would love to read your version of Mara joining up with Karrde, coming back to the Alliance somehow, maybe even Thrawn - but this was just wonderful. I especially love your Rogue Squadron :)
Kallie49 chapter 34 . 1/30/2018
Amazing chapter. Luke's strength of character and strength in the Force is incredible. And you manage to make the reader feel compassion for Mara, just like Luke does, even in the face of all her hatred. Wow.
Kallie49 chapter 17 . 1/29/2018
For some reason I forgot Shira Brie was one of Lumiya's names - yikes. Hope Luke wises up to her soon. It's also disconcerting to have Mara still be the enemy here when I'm used to liking her. I hope the seeds of discontent planted with Palpatine's lie will lead her to choosing the light side. Great story.
Kallie49 chapter 2 . 1/28/2018
I've read stories between the movies before but never such a compelling look at Luke and Leia during this time. Amazing so far. Will probably take some time to finish but just wanted to say how much I'm loving it so far!
Anonymous Rex chapter 8 . 12/20/2017
I'll be honest, I was expecting Shira to be Mara. Not sure if I should be disappointed or not.
jlluh chapter 36 . 11/25/2017
Excellent fic. I usually don't enjoy long fics that don't change the plot significantly, but I really enjoyed this one.
SarahBeth chapter 36 . 11/1/2017
I loved, loved, loved this fic, and am still stopping by occasionally to see if part 2 has surfaced. I'm still hoping that you'll write it. This is an awesome story, and it deserves to continue!
Emerald Stag chapter 36 . 5/12/2017
Great story! I had a lot of fun reading through and seeing Mara's journey undercover and how the experience with Luke and his friends slowly changed her for the better. I really came to like Deena, Wedge and Lando as side characters in embracing Mara. Nice job! :)
Guest chapter 12 . 4/7/2017
Burn Jedi Burn
Yeap, that's indeed how you portrayed this Deena.
*chuckles* that was funny.
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