Reviews for Melancholia
Mirria1 chapter 8 . 5/28
I really liked this chapter about Joachim’s father, sad and tragic but also very interesting. I wonder how Walter got to him and why he went after him now of all times.
I assume Joachim’s father died and did not turn...? Did something the priest say prevent him from becoming a vampire? (Also wondering if they buried him as is or burned the body just in case he did rise. Just curious.)
ninja of fallen Sakura chapter 12 . 12/11/2016
Wow this was deep I truly enjoyed this chapter.
ninja of fallen Sakura chapter 37 . 11/19/2016
Best story ever!
orangelover24 chapter 31 . 10/16/2016
I hope i'm not the only one but...for some reason I ship Sara and Walter together...I just like how their total opposites. She's caring, sweet, loving, independent, brave, selfless. While Walter is dark, twisted, cunning, ruthless, sadistic, malevolent, vicious, EVIL. I ship them so badly honesty :) .But anyways, a beautiful story and really well-written. The best Castlevania story I have ever read. The amount of information you put on the characters and the setting makes this story come to life. Every character was unique in their own ways. I really LOVED THIS STORY. AMAZING :)
Kelly Rajczak chapter 37 . 3/26/2015
To the writer of an amazing story, I wish to say this was an incredible experience and I hope that you continue to write. This was a wonderful story, it's was well written, portrayed and just a stunning display of affection for the genre of the game. You are a true Castlevania fan. I would like to know about any other fics that you have done. You are truly talented, the entire story for me was totally believable of being a part of the Castlevania universe. I will even admit that I cried a little at the end. Keep doing what you're doing. I truly thank you for the experience and good luck in the future and in life. Sincerely, from a true Castlevania fan.
BiancaBernhard chapter 37 . 2/24/2015
Well I have to be honest. I enjoyed the story until Sara was added. Then it become to much of a fanfic. I can't understand what encouraged you to say Sara loved Joachim. I found that very stupid and you put too much effort into trying to make Joachim seem innocent even though what I read was a bloodthirsty monster. I truly believe he should have just died in the waterways and not come back. I'm sorry but I hated it since the point of Sara's apperance
BiancaBernhard chapter 23 . 2/20/2015
I must say. Even though I don't care for Joachim. Your story is well written. My favourite chapters being the ones with Mathias. I ship him madly with Walter.

But that aside. This story is great. I knew as soon as it was first shown why Walter was interested in Joachim. Your oc's are pretty cool too. I rarely like Oc's but Catherine was a nice addition to the story
MariBeau chapter 1 . 7/26/2014
Re-reading because this is the best Castlevania fanfic out there! :3

Not to mention, you are the best at this. You give me such inspiration! And of course, you make Walter more sexy than he already is. I love your detailed descriptions. Love you LadyArmster!

(And there's no other great fanfics involving Walter. You should do one shots! People would love those! Especially me!)
Dana-Lith chapter 11 . 8/9/2013
Heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking. I congratulate you on your skill, madame.
RhodesWesterfeld chapter 37 . 7/20/2013
Omg, I can't believe this has come to an end. I'm crying. You've wrote something that can't be described in words. Joachim, my heart bleeds so much for him. Thank you.
SirenaLoreley chapter 37 . 7/20/2013
It was such a long, beautiful, sad and romantic story... your brilliant writing style made me feel each and every emotion that the characters had... especially Joachim...
I'm fell happy that you could finish this amazing story; though I feel sad... Joachim couldn't have the happiest of endings, but at least he is in peace...
Thanks again, thank you so much.
haruharu chapter 37 . 7/20/2013
Ahhh! U physically made me cry! This is by far the best Loi fanfic ever! I was screaming at the pages hoping u wouldn't put poor Joachim to sleep for eternity! ;_;

And Leon! So noble up to the very last moment. I also appreciate u slipping in Sonia there. I always loved her character being like the ONLY female Belmont and I'm glad u set up the Belmont linage with her. One question though, she does ultimately sleep with Alucard and give birth to Trever... Or was it Simon? Anyway what does that mean for Leon? Did he adventually leave her or die in battle? It's kind of a mystery when u think about it. I personally always thought that Leon protected the light from the dark for as long as he lived so a noble death wasn't so impossible to me. However much I love his blonde-haired self :)
MariBeau chapter 37 . 7/20/2013
Oh my...your story was flawless and beautiful! Just perfect! I just wish it did not have to end. added that part about Walter just for me?! Oh dear, I loved it and thank you! I'll shall remain Walter's greatest fan forever. The way you described each character was just sublime. I could never be that good at writing yet still I think you should consider becoming a writer! :) oh and of course, the way you captivated Walter and just brought him to life...through words I am speechless and...was quite aroused by him throughout. lol I hope you write other fics in the future. Thank you for such a wonderful story!
Anonymous chapter 10 . 6/15/2013
This is an excellent story! I really have been enjoying this & it is useful for me (because I adore Castlevania & it's characters) because I really wanted to have an idea of Joachim's life as a human. Since the game doesn't really tell you much at all. I'm not finished with all the chapters yet, but I'm liking this so much I simply HAD to tell you! The scene between Joachim & Catherine was skillfully done! Really graphic stuff kinda makes me a bit too uncomfortable, but the scene between them was not too graphic, & it was very romantic & clear. Thank you for writing! :)
Thomas chapter 35 . 6/13/2013
Awesome I had wondered what became of Leon and Rinaldo after the end of LoI as the game was not very specific, and of course I was curious as to who Leon remarried given it was obvious he had.
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