Reviews for The Road Trip
Jaymes chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
Loved it Beautiful had my sole attention the whole time I was reading it.
a chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
gosh this is great. It was a bit confusing, but your explanation in the end cleared it up. SO GOOD BUT SO SAD... I want to read more about the times when Evie was alive and her love-hate relationship with Gokudera
SuperHiatus chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
T,T poor Gokudera and Evie, they have to be seperated from each other...It's a beautiful fic... but the cover is kinda disturbing...
Lindz-27 chapter 1 . 6/7/2013

This shot is heart breaking...
ideal fairytale chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
I thought I'd review for this since I told you about how I read it and I would feel guilty if I didn't. Anyway, I enjoyed how you used repetition at the beginning and end of the story. I thought it was a small nice touch. It wasn't really angsty until the end when I realized she was dead. I thought the mood was pretty chill and maybe even... boring? If they had kept talking like that, I believe it would have been uneventful. But when I started going to the end, I was like, 'Oh this isn't boring anymore'.

I'm sort of hoping you get Evie and Gokudera together in Cosmo Girl. Even just a passing sentence saying those two are together would be great. I find it wonderful when an authoress connects two of her stories like that, even if it's just maybe one sentence. :) I have no idea what you have planned for Cosmo Girl so I think that if you don't plan to introduce Gokudera in that story that you should ignore this suggestion completely. I wouldn't want to forcibly suggest you to make them go together, especially if you don't plan for him to be in the story.

Anyway, good job on this. Put it in the community when the time comes!
phobia97 chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
Awesome fic! I did have to re-read a few parts but inthinknqhat you tried to do was pretty clear! :)Excellent story if not a tad bit depressing.
Hafous chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
this was so sad and heart breaking. I guessed she was already dead half way through the story, ur writing style is so lovely. Keep it up!
ev chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
omg that was an amaaaazing one shot. it was definitely different than anything that i've read before, although i was a bit confused at first. and slightly disturbed too since my name is evie ;u;


A-Prayer-4-da-Damned chapter 1 . 10/31/2010

waaaaaaa so sad TT it kinds of remind of emily rose? w8 i think its a rose for emily? umm i hope im right

anywayzzzzzzzzz... i really like the story! keep it up XD
Melodra Solo chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
i liked the story, but sooo ssssaaaaaaddddd! :'( that was so depressing! ohmygod!
ThePaperKnot chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
i liked it :3
icebluehost chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
Ah, now I understand what you meant by it being angst. I like your use of misdirection. And you'll be happy to know that I figured it all out when I read the part where he threw her into the pit. You're good. 3 As I mentioned to you before, the only thing I'll probably hate about this fic is the fact that it's a oneshot. And I'm also a bit sad that you made it end that way. *sniff* But it was really good nonetheless. Hope to read more from you.
Angel Descendant chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
Waahh! Truly different from the story you usually like but it's beautifully written, and though, not funny, it was very emotional and... umm... er... it's just beautiful.

Wah! I really can't believe the twist, and if you have the time, more backstory regarding this fic. Anyway, love, love it!

And despite its short length, Gokudera is well-fleshed out. As well as the OC, though I wish there was more moments.

Continue writing more :D
Miyako385 chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
well after you explained the story plot abit, i've decided that i like this short thing. Though kinda dark and a bit sad, but still rather touching. Nice job you did here )
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