Reviews for Mariposa
toboldlyfangirl chapter 23 . 6/24/2016
AGH! I wish so much that you would continue this story. It has earned a very special place in my heart. So creative, unique, and different. I would still read it avidly even if it weren't about Bleach characters. I swear that I always end up coming back to it, no matter how long it's been. Brilliant writing. I hope that you can maybe consider its continuation, even after all of this time!
CthuluHydra chapter 23 . 2/16/2015
Wow, this fic is amazingly well written I truly hope you haven't abandoned it.
toboldlyfangirl chapter 22 . 7/21/2014
I AM EXTREMELY EXCITED THAT YOU UPDATED! Fuck, this story is incredible. It's been a little while again since you updated (not that I'm complaining, I slack off with my fics all the time xD), but I must beg for you to continue this, in case you may have stopped writing again (sorry to draw random conclusions but this thought makes me worried as hell)! I'll confess I've read this story 3 times now... It's so well written and planned, it's creative and stunning and never fails to bring vivid images to my mind and painful feelings to my heart! I'm in love with all your work to be honest, and this one especially! I love this SO MUCH and hope to gosh it continues! :D (I hope Nnoitra finds Szayel, arrrgh! I definitely miss them being together. ;-;)
meganechan07 chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
When are you going to update this one?
coraz chapter 16 . 1/2/2014
Your story is amazing!
I am not finished reading it but I hope you still intend to update more chapters. Really I don't want the dream to end... :)

Best, Coraz.
AizensPlan98 chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
This is amazing! -w-
I cant read it all right now but i plan to read more!
Anon chapter 23 . 9/16/2013
This fic is amazing! I was so surprised and thrilled to find it again after almost two years and discover it's been updated!
goldfishie chapter 23 . 9/2/2013
I started this story and just kept reading until around 4 in the morning and had to force my laptop closed to get some sleep. The first thing I did the next day was to read the rest. I don't know why I found it so captivating but for me personally I was completely hooked. I love all the characterisation, the setting, the events, just everything in this story was just so wonderful to read. Instant favourite and I will certainly keep a sharp eye out for any updates in the future, this is just far too good. Thank you for such lovely writing and such engaging characters. I can't stress enough that this has got to be one of my favourite pieces of writing on here.
CanarySong chapter 23 . 7/22/2013
We haven't seen Nnoitra for 5 whole chapters. I really really loved this story when it was about the dynamic between the two of them, but now every time there's an update it just seems to be Szayel vs. Evil Mad Scientist. I have to be honest in saying that I've rather lost interest in that. Not that you're a bad writer - you're actually very good. I just kind of feel like the whole point of the story has shifted into a less interesting place for me. I'll continue to read if there is an update, and of course you're at perfect liberty to do whatever you wish with your own story, but I thought you might like to hear my thoughts on it.
guest chapter 23 . 7/10/2013
I love this story it is one of the most well written ones I've read so thank you for continuing writting it. I really like szayels personality so hopefully he'll be able to talk soon I bet he will have a lot things he'll get off his chest lol
midnight41 chapter 23 . 7/10/2013
Thank you for not giving up on this story! I've been waiting so long to get an update :D
Ayasamachan chapter 23 . 7/10/2013
new chapters! TWO of them*_*
I love you xD

ok, the discription of the dreamworld and the discussions in there are a little bit long in my opinion, but I liked the end in the last one XD die, mayuri, die!òó

I'm very excited how this will go on and if nnoitra will come to rescue szayel like a disney-prince xD

Thanks for not givin up your writing QQ (as so many other writers doT_T)
Wilwy Waylan chapter 23 . 7/8/2013
Oh my Szayel turning the tables on Mayuri, that was SO cool ! I like pretentious snark-banter too, especially when Mayuri is losing. I... like him, but it's so cool to see him beaten. I want more ! : D
Thank you for these chapters !
Wilwy Waylan chapter 22 . 7/8/2013
Oh my... Mayuri is really really really awful, it makes me sick T.T I want Nnoitora to come and save him... TO THE NEXT CHAPTER !
Lazy Gaga chapter 22 . 7/5/2013
OMG YES! An update! Thank youuuu! It has been a year, but surprisingly enough, I can't seem to care about that as much as I should. XD.

Anyways, thanks for updating and the dedication it takes to do it, even after a year. You're tons better than I am at continuing to write. When I burn out with a fandom, I just burn out. I just say "screw it, if I finish it, that's great. If I don't, well damn." Because I'm selfish like that. So, thank you for not being terribly selfish like me!
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