Reviews for and how important is love, really?
Schermionie chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
Oooh, I adore the ending - it's very powerful, and, like the whole fic, gloriously bitter. I find this pairing very difficult to imagine, but it was still interesting, and I think you portrayed Charlie's guilt very well. In his attempts to understand what he was doing, he was also torturing /himself/ with the thoughts of why he shouldn't be doing it.

Nitpicks: "And considering you're a Weasley, that's quite statement in itself." - 'quite statement' should be 'quite a statement'.

"She was the reason why you were writing on the floor in pain." - Ahahaha. Sorry, but... *giggles* 'writing' should be 'writhing'.

"Damn her and her Crucio curses." - 'Crucio' should be 'Cruciatus'.

""I don't take prisoners, Weasley," she hissed as she cackled, waving her wand in the air like a trophy." - It's possibly a difference of opinion, but my mind boggles at trying to imagine someone hissing and cackling at the same time. I suppose if anyone could do that, it would be Bella, but I would suggest something like:

""I don't take prisoners, Weasley," she hissed; and then, cackling, she waved her wand in the air like a trophy. "You are going to die.""

"And she lies in her grave now, because when your mother flung that killing curse, she didn't just take the witch's life – because dear Bellatrix took your heart with her, and now where is it?" - I suppose you could have 'the witch's' if you wanted, but to me, it sounds weird. How about 'the other witch's'?

There is something weird and a little distracting about the way you change tenses in this fic. Also, at times the tone seems almost too /light/ for what the story is, but I did get used to that. I think the second person and the unidentified first person narrator were actually points in the fic's favour. Somehow, it worked so well. Charlie was attempting to ridicule his obsession, to distance himself from it, and the tone was appropriate to that. At times, the narrator sounds really cruel, almost as though it's the hateful voice inside him.

All in all, I would have liked some more development on the pairing, but I think you definitely achieved all you needed to with this fic. I enjoyed reading my first Charlie/Bellatrix. :)
SilverWolf77 chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
This is prehaps, the strangest pairing I've ever read about.

Yet, it's perfect. And totally believable.

Poor Charlie.

It does explain why he never got married, though. xD


MollyWeasleyObsessed chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
Wow that was so good!
Morghen chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
This is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!


I really love how you work with this pairing! You really, really show Charlie's attraction to Bellatrix so well! I love how when she died she took his heart as prisoner!

"You lost, Charlie. Oh, you know it. She's gone. She left you, and she took a part of you with her."

I love that part because it is kinda taunting towards Charlie - does that make sense? Haha.

Great, great job!


sonea91 chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
Ah, very sad, poor Charlie. YOu really did a beautiful job at capturing Charlie's inner turmoil, great work)
Anon chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
It was a really different pairing, but the way you wrote the fic made it work. Well done!