Reviews for The red canary
Guest chapter 9 . 4/10/2019
to be continued
Crystalyna du Starrvan chapter 9 . 4/10/2019
great story!
Around.Emily chapter 9 . 1/19/2019
I read it all in one day, the reading was going, it was going ...
A fanfiction that was making me very sad throughout the reading, but even then I wanted to write a review. Whenever I choose to write feedback it is because the story was well written and coherent with itself, I liked the intensity of your text. At the end of some chapter you mentioned that perhaps you would abandon writing, and that you could not get back to a certain "atmosphere" of the previous chapters: I liked the word you used, this is true for anyone who decides to produce something of medium or long length, at least. At some point what we are producing seems to gain a life of its own, and it is leading in a certain way that the author can not control much - but know that despite this feeling, I thought you finished the story very well.

This fanfic is one that has a bitter taste - very bitter. Seeing Claire following a continuous downfall was tricky (and sad). I thought for a moment that, because Chris died early on, the rest of the fanfic could came with a relief, but no, both Claire and Wesker go down a wicked and bleak path until the end. Reading about a character that I like by taking such passive attitudes and being controlled by his desires and fears was something that bothered me - I kept reading until the end in the hope that that would change. Of course we're just talking about a fanfiction, but I always try to make a comparison with some things I see and learn. Claire also in a kidnapping and in your story she is losing her discernment, which is giving way to a deep loneliness - since she is without freedom and can not have much human contact, which is somehow true, since we depend on human contact to know that we exist. Also, Claire's thoughts are in the first person, that is, by definition, a narrative with an unreliable narrator. So she could not even know how vulnerable and apart she was.
And to see that she was beginning to fall in love with a person(W) who did not treat her well (and that does not change the attitudes until the end), was to read something very different from what most people write. Painful, but not delivering the obvious to the reader and following a torturous path requires breaking paradigms. An observation: those who are incapable of change are the real sick one's.

I do not deny that I would like to see Claire more daring, independent and brave (the 3 main characteristics of Claire), seeing her in a constant and continuous emotional wreck was not easy. I would have loved that she had been more resolute with her principles once again. But, I had an immersion in this story and moved on. One thing I liked about the story was the sense of imprisonment that Wesker transmits: he may even have left the door open for her to escape, but the character makes it clear that she will not escape anywhere in the world she decide to run. Is there anything more terrifying than a situation that seems to have no way out? Rarely.
Claire is a fighter until the end, one of the things she kept, what a shame she decided - at the same time that was being dredged for it - for a dark life. Still, good work.
(my english is beginner, any doubt just ask)
Guest chapter 9 . 5/22/2018
continua amei
Mirielly578 chapter 9 . 7/9/2017
continua continua
SniperPrincess767 chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Wow can't wait for the next chapter!
donegoneleft chapter 9 . 7/18/2016
Piece of shi- Ha ha nice story, 8 out of 10 ign "could use more jill sandwiches".
Guest chapter 9 . 7/16/2016
Please update can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/26/2016
Bruh I re read your story and even though you say your writing went bad, bro that sexy scene was good, idc what you say it was good xD, I look forward to getting to the last chapter, even though it makes me soooo sad to see this story end :(.
Pansy25 chapter 9 . 6/20/2016
Wow! That's sad but I totally under stand where Claire is coming from. To be hated by Jill like that. There was really no coming back. Good job.
Tvrs01001 chapter 9 . 6/20/2016
Oh my god! I was excited to see a new chapter up! I cant believe claires pregnant :O! This chapter was really good! Poor jill she doesn't see claires pain the way leon seems to understand it;-;
Frozenheart7 chapter 9 . 6/19/2016
OMG! OMG! OMG! What a transformation on Claire. She is pregnant and on Wesker's side? Sure Albert would be pleased. It is a pitty that the story ended but I hope you continue with "Midnight encounter".
Tvrs01001 chapter 8 . 5/8/2016
It was still really well written! If you need help you can always reread your own work if you're struggling, but I enjoyed this chapter xD!
Sigrid Martell chapter 8 . 5/7/2016
so not true, u write the best Dark Claire x Wesker fic EVER! Are u planning to write more of Claire x Wesker fic?
Frozenheart7 chapter 8 . 5/6/2016
OMG! Claire accepted the virus! When Wesker "killed" her I almost have a heartattack. I love all your Weskerfield projects, I was a reader of The cage of mystery, midnight encounter, blind espectator... I'm so happy you updated, that only happens once in a month. Thanks for writting this, I will wait for the epilogue.
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